

jquery.lazyload.js会触发叫"appear"的显示效果,利用jQuery trigger()方法影响图片元素

2.jquery.lazyload.js 替换appear为其他名字

jquery.lazyload.js triggers an event called “appear” to show the effect and because of the way the jQuery trigger() method is written it will try and trigger a method on the element as well as trigger the event. The Effects methods in Scriptaculous add an appear() method to the Element prototype. The Scriptaculous appear() is firing as well as the lazyload fadeIn() and thats were you get a flicker when 2 methods are trying to change the opacity of the element at the same time.

How to fix it:
First Method
In your copy of effects.js the last line is


If you remove that line it will remove the Scriptaculous Effects methods from the Element prototype and should fix the immediate problem. However if any other plugins are depending on the Effects methods on the Element prototype they will start failing. But if you are using those methods you can change them over to use the anonymous methods. ie

// changes to

Second method, i think this the easiest and secure way to remove the conflict and this method also not effect any existing effects.
In your copy of jquery.lazyload.js just replace the “appear” key word with appear1 or any other word, save file and enjoy the lazy load plugin.//成功解决


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