


to start

docker run -d --privileged --restart=always \
-v /tmp:/nfs \
-e NFS_EXPORT_DIR_1=/nfs \
-e NFS_EXPORT_OPTIONS_1=ro,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,fsid=1 \
-p 111:111 -p 111:111/udp \
-p 2049:2049 -p 2049:2049/udp \
-p 32765:32765 -p 32765:32765/udp \
-p 32766:32766 -p 32766:32766/udp \
-p 32767:32767 -p 32767:32767/udp \


You will need to provide the container with the volume(s) that you want to expose via nfs

-v <local path>:<path in container>

environment variables

You will need to provide at the following 3 environment variables to configure the nfs exports:


When the container is started, the environment variables are parsed and the following output is created in /etc/exports file:


for the example given the following line in /etc/exports would be created:

/nfs *(ro,insecure,no_subtree_check, no_root_squash, fsid=1)

To define multiple exports, just increment the index on the environment variables

build command

docker build -t fuzzle/docker-nfs-server:v1 .

inspect running container

docker exec -ti CONTAINER bash

mounting the nfs share from another host

mount -v -t nfs -o ro,nfsvers=3,nolock,proto=udp,port=2049 <ip_address_docker_host>:/nfs /mnt/scratch


  • There seems to be a bug on systems with ipv6 disabled kernels/configs: have a look at the mailing list

    • should be fixed with nfs-utils-1.3.4
  • eliminate --privileged mode, have a look ...
    • here
    • and here
  • Setup automated build
    • Automated Builds


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