I just returned home from my 6th hackathon in less than a year. It was a long, tiring, and amazing 24 hours — and totally worth it!

不到一年的时间,我刚从第六届黑客马拉松比赛中回家。 这是一个漫长而又累人的惊人的24小时-完全值得!

Every time I attend one of these events, it feels like I am getting a month’s worth of learning, all crammed into a single weekend.


On top of that I’ve met the most amazing people, built some cool projects (most of my portfolio outside of work), and incorporated a company. Which has been so worth it for a few hours of lost sleep here and there. ?

最重要的是,我遇到了最了不起的人,建立了一些很酷的项目(我的大部分工作都在工作之外),并成立了一家公司。 在这里和那里失去了几个小时的睡眠,这非常值得。 ?

I am definitely planning to attend more in the future, and, if you haven’t been to one yet, I hope you might consider it for the future.


骇客马拉松的类型 (Types of hackathons)

There are many different types of hackathons, but they all have several things in common:


  • Time limit — usually between 8 and 48 hours时间限制-通常在8到48小时之间
  • Theme — organizers will ask that you build a certain type of application (like Internet-of-Things) or they’ll tell you to use a certain technology主题-组织者会要求您构建某种类型的应用程序(例如物联网),或者会告诉您使用某种技术
  • Prizes — generally awarded for the best overall applications and for apps that fit into certain categories, or use a certain technology奖项-通常授予最佳整体应用程序以及适合特定类别或使用特定技术的应用程序

There is usually plenty of information online about the rules, judging, technologies, etc. It doesn’t take that long to read about the event and avoid surprises when you get there. Quite a few hackathons are for only for college students, and in those cases adults can sometimes attend as mentors, but not participants.

通常,在线上会提供大量有关规则,判断,技术等方面的信息。不需要花费太多时间就可以了解事件并避免到达目的地时感到意外。 相当多的黑客马拉松仅适用于大学生,在这种情况下,成年人有时可以作为指导者参加,但不能参加。

Several hackathons I’ve been to even had a Q&A or panel discussion first to talk about what they were looking for in app submissions. Some also have online boards to team up and get to know each other prior to the event. Meeting staff and participants early on helps to ease my social anxiety and give me a confidence boost.

我去过几次黑客马拉松,甚至首先进行了问答和小组讨论,以讨论他们在应用程序提交中寻找的东西。 有些人还拥有在线董事会,可以在活动开始之前进行合作并相互了解。 尽早与员工和参与者会面有助于缓解我的社交焦虑,并增强我的信心。

FYI: Some of my favorite hackathons are Give Camp, Start-up Weekend, and Civic-minded local hacks. Let me know if there is another one I should attend!

仅供参考:我最喜欢的黑客马拉松活动包括Give Camp,创业周末和具有公民意识的本地黑客。 让我知道是否还有我应该参加!

你为什么要去 (Why should you go?)

I already mentioned some reasons but here is a an overview:


  1. Networking — This is a given. I’ve met politicians, business people, companies, developers, designers, and plenty of rockstars (figuratively, of course ?) at these events. I’m shy, but I force myself to get out and meet at least a few people each time. I’ve never met someone I regret meeting at a hack!网络-这是给定的。 在这些活动中,我遇到了政客,商人,公司,开发人员,设计师和许多摇滚明星(当然是象征性的?)。 我很害羞,但是我强迫自己出去,每次见到至少几个人。 我从未见过一个我后悔遇到黑客的人!
  2. Portfolio — I have several solid, well-designed portfolio pieces that came out of hackathons. Some companies have talked to me because they liked what I built at one. Make sure you get on a team where you think you will fit in well and try to work on an idea you are passionate about or at least very interested in. Having a designer on the team is super helpful but I always try to look at some design inspiration before I go to one of these so I can whip up a layout and design doc if necessary. I think it’s good to treat every project as a potential portfolio app.投资组合-我有一些来自黑客马拉松的,精心设计的可靠投资组合。 一些公司之所以与我交谈是因为他们喜欢我一口气建造的东西。 确保您所在的团队适合您,并认为自己对自己充满热情或至少非常感兴趣的想法能够发挥作用。团队中的设计师非常有帮助,但我总是尝试着看一些设计灵感,然后再选择其中一种,以便如有必要,可以整理布局并设计文档。 我认为将每个项目都视为潜在的投资组合应用程序很好。
  3. Confidence — I’ve found it to be surprisingly common that new developers think their skills are sub-par and they won’t be able to make meaningful contributions to a team. Plenty of non-technical people are needed at these events and even people who want to code but only know HTML or CSS can help on a team.信心-我发现新开发人员认为自己的技能低于标准,并且无法为团队做出有意义的贡献,这是令人惊讶的普遍现象。 在这些活动中需要大量非技术人员,甚至是想要编码但只知道HTML或CSS的人员都可以为团队提供帮助。
  4. Teamwork — The importance of learning to work with other developers when you are new cannot be overstated. It’s very, very important. You learn to partition tasks, share a codebase, and get along in a sometimes stressful environment. Sometimes apps crash and things don’t work out. Sometimes you or your teammate will get tired or frustrated or grumpy. Going through this experience together forces you to learn how to work together through the good and the bad as a team.团队合作-新手入门时学会与其他开发人员一起工作的重要性不可低估。 这非常非常重要。 您将学习如何对任务进行分区,共享代码库以及在有时压力很大的环境中相处。 有时,应用程序崩溃并且无法正常工作。 有时您或您的队友会感到疲倦,沮丧或脾气暴躁。 一起经历这种经历会迫使您学习如何通过团队的好与坏共同努力。
  5. Communication Skills — As a good teammate, you should always be talking to your group. “I just pushed code, can you pull.” “I’m working on this…” “How are you doing with that?” “You seem frustrated, let’s take a walk and get some fresh air.” It forces you be open and explicit about what you are thinking and doing. More importantly, it makes you think about what’s going on around you and how your teammates are doing. Your communication skills will improve!沟通技巧-作为优秀的队友,您应该始终与团队成员交流。 “我只是推送代码,您可以拉。” “我正在为此工作……”“您如何处理?” “您似乎很沮丧,让我们散散步,呼吸新鲜空气。” 它迫使您对自己的想法和所做的事情持开放和明确的态度。 更重要的是,它使您可以考虑周围的情况以及队友的表现。 您的沟通能力将会提高!

期待什么 (What to expect)

Expect the unexpected. Things will go wrong with your code. Venues will be loud or really cold. You may need to pivot on your idea after you already started working on it.

期待意外。 您的代码会出错。 场地会很大或很冷。 在您开始构思之后,您可能需要考虑一下您的想法。

The best thing you can do is to prepare as much as you can. Most hackathons (if they are 24+ hours) expect some participants to be staying overnight and they will have some couches to crash on.

您可以做的最好的事情就是尽可能多地准备。 大多数黑客马拉松比赛(如果超过24小时)都希望一些参与者过夜,并且他们的沙发将崩溃。

In preparation for staying up very late (or overnight) it’s not a bad idea to bring extra warm clothes, a blanket and pillow (or, better, a sleeping bag), snacks, and energy beverages.


Before you leave your house, check and make sure you have extra headphones, chargers, and all the devices you are going to need as well as daily items that you use. Even if I live close, I don’t go home to sleep because I know I will sleep in and end up feeling lazy and losing time.

离开家之前,请检查并确保您有额外的耳机,充电器,所有需要使用的设备以及日常使用的物品。 即使我住得很近,我也不会回家睡觉,因为我知道我会入睡,最终会感到懒惰和浪费时间。

As for the coding part: knowing how to use generators or starter-kits can be a huge advantage going in. This can prevent a lot of headaches and wasted time and let you do more actual coding without beating your head against the wall getting things set up from scratch.


The less complicated your code is, the better: time is at a premium during these events and other people of various skill levels will likely be jumping in and coding with you.


If you want to do an ambitious mobile app, that’s great — as long as you are considering the time that it takes to set up and get all of the emulators up and running or devices working on whatever wifi they might have at that venue.


I’ve done web, mobile, and cloud projects at hackathons and web app are by far the fastest for me to set up and start building, even though I develop with cross-platform mobile and cloud solutions almost every day.


With a little planning, I am much more productive and end up having more fun (and getting more sleep!).


简而言之,参加黑客马拉松! (In short, go to a hackathon!)

Let me know if you have any questions or if I missed something here. I would love to read about some of your experiences as well!

如果您有任何疑问或想念这里,请告诉我。 我也很想阅读您的一些经历!

Now I’m going to catch up on some shut eye ?


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/hack-a-thons-101-why-you-should-consider-going-to-one-8b0c21923a98/

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