
Fedora 17 Beta is declared GOLD.

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at redhat.com
Thu Apr 12 05:11:27 UTC 2012

At today's F17 Beta Go/No-Go meeting, the Fedora 17 Beta release was
declared gold. F17 Beta will be released Tuesday, April 17, 2012.Thanks to everyone involved for pulling this one together and
participating in the meetings, things came together well this week. :)For those interested in the details:Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2012-04-11/f17_beta_go_no_go_meeting.2012-04-11-21.00.html Logs: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2012-04-11/f17_beta_go_no_go_meeting.2012-04-11-21.00.log.html Full minutes follow below.Cheers,-Robyn============================================
#fedora-meeting-1: F17 Beta go no go meeting
============================================Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:32 UTC. The full logs are
available athttp://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2012-04-11/f17_beta_go_no_go_meeting.2012-04-11-21.00.log.html .Meeting summary
* welcome, again  (rbergeron, 21:06:00)* need clean bill of health on release blockers, testing done, etc.(rbergeron, 21:06:45)* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=804216  (tflink, 21:09:00)* AGREED: - 804216 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This is a little nastybut it can be worked around by installing the langpacks manuallypost-install or enabling a network repo  (tflink, 21:14:21)* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811412  (tflink, 21:14:51)* AGREED: - 811412 - RejectedBlocker - Respun lives from RC4.1 will beaccepted for beta. Since RC4.1 is not affected by this bug, droppingas a blocker for F17 beta  (tflink, 21:20:01)* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811438  (tflink, 21:20:13)* AGREED: - 811438 - RejectedBlocker - The oversized KDE spins were adirect consequence of moving to livecd-creator 17.7. Since the livesfrom RC4.1 are using livecd-creator 17.3, this bug does not apply tobeta and thus is not a beta blocker  (tflink, 21:23:13)* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810451  (tflink, 21:24:00)* this bug has been reported to be fixed, one contrary report seems tobe talking about a different bug  (tflink, 21:25:12)* LINK:http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test      (tflink, 21:30:46)* test matrices  (rbergeron, 21:30:49)* LINK:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_17_Beta_RC4_Desktop      (tflink, 21:35:24)* LINK:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_17_Beta_RC4_Base      (tflink, 21:39:35)* go or no go?  (rbergeron, 21:41:07)* blockers clear, matrices green  (rbergeron, 21:41:36)* AGREED: ship rc4 and 4.1, we are a go for beta on 17th  (rbergeron,21:44:05)* ACTION: rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her childis done at dentist  (rbergeron, 21:44:29)* ACTION: adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight(rbergeron, 21:46:08)* HOORAY BETA  (rbergeron, 21:46:52)Meeting ended at 21:48:46 UTC.Action Items
* rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child is done atdentist
* adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonightAction Items, by person
* adamw* adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
* rbergeron* rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child is doneat dentist
* tflink* adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
* **UNASSIGNED*** (none)People Present (lines said)
* tflink (64)
* rbergeron (59)
* adamw (47)
* Viking-Ice (11)
* brunowolff (10)
* zodbot (7)
* dgilmore (6)
* spot (5)
* nirik (4)
* jsmith (4)
* nb (3)
* jskladan (1)
* KookyMan (1)
* bodhi_zazen (1)
* gnafu (1)
* robatino (0)Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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