

U1 definition essay


Chemistry may be defined as a natural science that studies the materials composition and creates new materials.

Chemistry improves people's living standards a lot and can be used to explore the secret of nature. With the development of society, people realize the importance of chemistry gradually and view it as a basic science. Now, chemistry can be divided into many different parts, such as analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry and so on. Compared with other natural sciences such as math and physics, chemistry can be more practical and depends on experiments a lot.   Furthermore, we always recognize chemical industry as chemistry, but in fact chemical industry is just a form of chemical expression and can't stand for the natural science--chemistry.

"What is this toothbrush made from? "When you ask something like that, you are talking about chemistry.  Chemistry covers all aspects of human life and is sure to be more brilliant in the future.

U2 an introduction

                                                          Ecosystem service

An ecosystem service is a benefit derived by society that can be traced back to an ecological process, and geography research is sure to be an important part related to ecosystem service.

In the past, people attach little relevance to the relationship between ecosystem service and geography. However, in the present, it is agreed broadly by specialists that ecosystem service is partly based on different temporal and spatial scales process of ecosystem and geographical system. Furthermore, with regard to this research, it tried to find more connections between ecosystem service and geography. And up to now, it has been concluded that future researches must include methods for describing and tracking the stocks and flows that characterize natural capital.


U3 comparison essay

Now the flipped classroom is very popular among teachers and students. And it's beneficial for us to know the differences in learners' behaviors between the flipped classroom and the traditional classroom.

To begin with, in class, learners' behaviors in these two classrooms differ significantly from each other. In traditional classroom, learners just listen to teachers and take notes. However, in the flipped classroom, learners communicate with teachers and express themselves adequately, so they acquire more knowledge they need. Then, after class, unlike learners in the traditional classroom, who just do their homework and review what they learnt, learners in the flipped classroom learn new content online by watching video lectures. In conclusion, learners in the flipped classroom can get more personalized guidance and interaction from teachers in class and study actively. In the near future, the flipped classroom is sure to be widely utilized.

U4 explain a notional meaning


Do you still remember your happy summer holidays? When you think about this, images may come to mind like: playing computers games at home, watching TV programs on the sofa,eating out with friends or just reading a interesting book in your room. Then the question comes up: how can these images be stored and retrieved later? It is your memory and part of your complex and multitalented brain.

Then, what does the word “memory” really mean? Memory is critical to humans and all other living organisms. Practically all of our daily activities—talking, understanding, reading, and socialization--depend on our learned and stored information about our environment. Furthermore, there are three distinct types of memory: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

Sensory memory refers to the initial, momentary recording of information in our sensory systems. This kind of memory always comes from visual and auditory systems and will vanish unless it captures our attention and enters working memory.

Some of the information in sensory memory is then transferred to short-term memory, which allows one to recall something from several seconds to as long as a minute without rehearsal. But its capacity is also very limited, so the long-term memory arises.

Long-term memory can store much larger quantities of information for potentially unlimited duration. For example, we can remember telephone numbers many years through repetition, the pieces of information that are said to be stored in long-term memory.

As memory is so important in our life, we should do everything we can do to keep a good memory and exercising and a balanced diet may be good choices. A good memory, a happy life.

U5 summary

In the book, Wetlands, Mitsch,W.J.,and Gosselink J.G.(2005) states the importance of wetlands, how they work and how we can manage them. They list the values of wetlands, such as "the kidneys of landscape" and "ecological supermarkets". Then, the history of wetlands management and the awareness of wetlands protection are presented, followed by the purpose of the book--for the public and specialists to learn more about wetlands.

U6 concession-rebuttal paragraph

Food is surely the most important product of consumption, which is necessary for sustaining life. However, as human population grows so fast, the supply of food is facing a great challenge. Fortunately, the problem can be tackled by using biotechnology techniques. Genetic engineering can nowadays modify the genome of plants and animals, to make them “stronger”, which can be processed to be genetically-modified foods(GMFs). Nevertheless, many existing studies adopt a superficially dichotomized approach (Engle, Frenzel & Miller,2002; Jones, 1999; Paillotin, 1998; Uzogara, 2000), or focus on a limited aspect of GMFs (e.g. safety, labelling, environmental impact) (Gaugitsch,2002; Goodyear-Smith, 2001; Konig et al., 2004; Rowland, 2002), neglecting their complex interdependence with social, cultural, economic and political forces that shape human society. Meanwhile, some people perceived genetically-modified foods as major threats for biodiversity, environment and human health. While their opinions seem to be somewhat reasonable, we should think more generally. In fact, developed in an accurately controlled way, GMFs are healthy enough to meet human’s and environmental demands, which has been proven by many experiments. In the near future, GMFs are sure to be more popular.

U7 a literature review

Today, with the rapid development of society, job changing has become more and more common among employees, and so are the personnel changes among companies. Sylvia Kelley (1998), a Harvard Business School professor suggested in her article that “people are changing jobs and occupations at an unprecedented rate, causing a constant churning of labor in the marketplace”. Then, how does this happen? For the question, someone may say that it’s merely personal choice, however the Vice President of Marketing at Herrold Enterprises , John Baillie(1996) argues that “societal influences encourage people to job hop, regardless of the person’s own motivations”. On the other hand, organizations can expect to replace the equivalent of their entire part-time staff every three to four years and replace the entire full time staff every six to seven years. In Jeffrey Mount’s article(1994), the President of Wright’s Gourmet House pointed out that turnover is a natural part of organizational functioning. Furthermore, turnover affects small businesses as well as large ones. Ultimately, turnover visits every company regardless of the cause. In general, turnover is inevitable and can never be entirely eliminated. Nevertheless, at present, although some articles showed that turnover can’t be completely eliminated, they did not demonstrate its negative influences explicitly, which needs to be researched in the near future.

Reference:John Baillie‘article (1996),13.Jeffrey Mount' article (1994),6.Sylvia Kelley'article (1998),15.Roger Herman'article (1997),12,27.

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