
  • 四元数 →\to→ 旋转矩阵
    • quat2dcm
    • quat2rotm
  • 四元数 →\to→ 欧拉角
    • quat2angle
    • quat2eul
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 四元数
    • dcm2quat
    • rotm2quat
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 欧拉角
    • dcm2angle
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 旋转矩阵
    • angle2dcm
    • eul2rotm
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 四元数
    • angle2quat
    • eul2quat
  • 小结&代码验证
  • 参考

在Matlab中,旋转量间的变换类不止一个,在 “C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2020a\toolbox\aero\aero\” 和 “C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2020a\mcr\toolbox\aero\aero\” 两个目录下均有关于四元数,旋转矩阵,欧拉角间变换的函数文件:

  • 四元数 →\to→ 旋转矩阵:quat2dcm.m (×,得到式(2.1.2)(2.1.2)(2.1.2)对应矩阵的转置)
  • 四元数 →\to→ 欧拉角:quat2angle.m (√)
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 四元数:dcm2quat.m(√)
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 欧拉角:dcm2angle.m(×)
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 旋转矩阵:angle2dcm.m(×)
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 四元数:angle2quat.m(√)
    而在 “C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2020a\mcr\toolbox\shared\robotics\robotcore” 目录中,也有这些旋转量之间的转换函数(下面的旋转向量,在Matlab中不展开讨论):
  • 旋转向量 →\to→ 四元数:axang2quat.m (√)
  • 旋转向量 →\to→ 旋转矩阵:axang2rotm.m (看不太明白)
  • 四元数 →\to→ 旋转向量:quat2axang.m (√)
  • 四元数 →\to→ 旋转矩阵:quat2rotm.m (√)
  • 四元数 →\to→ 欧拉角:quat2eul.m (√)
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 旋转向量:rotm2axang.m (√)
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 四元数:rotm2quat.m (new method)
  • 旋转矩阵 →\to→ 欧拉角:rotm2eul.m (√)
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 旋转矩阵:eul2rotm.m (√)
  • 欧拉角 →\to→ 四元数:eul2quat.m (√)


% For a single axis-angle vector [ax ay az theta] the output rotation
% matrix R can be computed as follows:
% R = [txx + c txy - zs txz + ys
% txy + zs tyy + c tyz - xs
% txz - ys tyz + xs tzz + c]
% where,
% c = cos(theta)
% s = sin(theta)
% t = 1 - c
% x = normalized axis ax coordinate
% y = normalized axis ay coordinate
% z = normalized axis az coordinate


theta = real(acos(complex((1/2)(R(1,1,:)+R(2,2,:)+R(3,3,:)-1))));

% Determine initial axis vectors from theta
v = [ R(3,2,:)-R(2,3,:),…
R(2,1,:)-R(1,2,:)] ./ (repmat(2

实际上上面是基于理论篇的式(1.2)(1.2)(1.2)求欧拉角,式(2.1)和(3.2)(2.1)和(3.2)(2.1)和(3.2) 来求旋转轴,即:
v=[4q0q14q0q24q0q3]T4q0sin(θ2)=[4q0q14q0q24q0q3]T2sin(θ)v = \frac{[4q_0q_1~4q_0q_2~4q_0q_3]^T}{4q_0 sin(\frac{\theta}{2})} = \frac{[4q_0q_1~4q_0q_2~4q_0q_3]^T}{2sin(\theta)}v=4q0​sin(2θ​)[4q0​q1​ 4q0​q2​ 4q0​q3​]T​=2sin(θ)[4q0​q1​ 4q0​q2​ 4q0​q3​]T​

(1)在Matlab中,关于旋转量间的变换,强烈建议使用eul, rotm这一类的转换函数,它们默认的欧拉角顺序是ZYX,与ROS中的顺序是一致的,而且符合大多数情况下默认使用方式。
(2)注意点1,Matlab中的欧拉角,不管是eul还是angle相关的方法,对应输入输出的rpy顺序均是:yaw, pitch, roll
,与Eigen使用的四元数顺序一致(w,x,y,z), 与ROS使用的四元数顺序相反(x,y,z,w)。

四元数 →\to→ 旋转矩阵


quat2dcm.m 中的 m = quat2dcm( q ) 函数用于将四元数转换成旋转矩阵,这里的输入参数q是Mx4的向量,表示M个四元数,而返回值m是一个3x3xM的矩阵,表示M个对应的旋转矩阵。注意,在Matlab中,四元数的顺序是w,x,y,z

function dcm = quat2dcm( q )
%  QUAT2DCM Convert quaternion to direction cosine matrix.
%   N = QUAT2DCM( Q ) calculates the direction cosine matrix, N, for a
%   given quaternion, Q.  Input Q is an M-by-4 matrix containing M
%   quaternions.  N returns a 3-by-3-by-M matrix of direction cosine
%   matrices.  The direction cosine matrix performs the coordinate
%   transformation of a vector in inertial axes to a vector in body axes.
%   Each element of Q must be a real number.  Additionally, Q has its
%   scalar number as the first column.
%   Examples:
%   Determine the direction cosine matrix from q = [1 0 1 0]:
%      dcm = quat2dcm([1 0 1 0])
%   Determine the direction cosine matrices from multiple quaternions:
%      q = [1 0 1 0; 1 0.5 0.3 0.1];
%      dcm = quat2dcm(q)
%   See also ANGLE2DCM, DCM2ANGLE, DCM2QUAT, ANGLE2QUAT, QUAT2ANGLE, QUATROTATE. %   Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.qin = quatnormalize( q );  %% quatnormalize 将多维四元数归一化;dcm = zeros(3,3,size(qin,1));  %% 预先分配内存,加快运行速度;dcm(1,1,:) = qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2;  %% q_w^2 + q_x^2 - q_y^2 - q_z^2;
dcm(1,2,:) = 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4));           %% 2(q_xq_y + q_wq_z);
dcm(1,3,:) = 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3));           %% 2(q_xq_z - q_wq_y);
dcm(2,1,:) = 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4));           %% 2(q_xq_y - q_wq_z);
dcm(2,2,:) = qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2;  %% q_w^2 - q_x^2 + q_y^2 - q_z^2;
dcm(2,3,:) = 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2));           %% 2(q_yq_z + q_wq_x);
dcm(3,1,:) = 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3));           %% 2(q_xq_z + q_wq_y);
dcm(3,2,:) = 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2));           %% 2(q_yq_z - q_wq_x);
dcm(3,3,:) = qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2;  %% q_w^2 - q_x^2 - q_y^2 + q_z^2;




function R = quat2rotm( q )
%QUAT2ROTM Convert quaternion to rotation matrix
%   R = QUAT2ROTM(QOBJ) converts a quaternion object, QOBJ, into an orthonormal
%   rotation matrix, R. Each quaternion represents a 3D rotation.
%   QOBJ is an N-element vector of quaternion objects.
%   The output, R, is an 3-by-3-by-N matrix containing N rotation matrices.
%   R = QUAT2ROTM(Q) converts a unit quaternion, Q, into an orthonormal
%   rotation matrix, R. The input, Q, is an N-by-4 matrix containing N quaternions.
%   Each quaternion represents a 3D rotation and is of the form q = [w x y z],
%   with w as the scalar number. Each element of Q must be a real number.
%   Example:
%      % Convert a quaternion to rotation matrix
%      q = [0.7071 0.7071 0 0];
%      R = quat2rotm(q)
%      % Convert a quaternion object
%      qobj = quaternion([sqrt(2)/2 0 sqrt(2)/2 0]);
%      R = quat2rotm(qobj);
%   See also rotm2quat, quaternion%   Copyright 2014-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%#codegen% Validate the quaternions
q = robotics.internal.validation.validateQuaternion(q, 'quat2rotm', 'q');% Normalize and transpose the quaternions
q = robotics.internal.normalizeRows(q).';% Reshape the quaternions in the depth dimension
q2 = reshape(q,[4 1 size(q,2)]);s = q2(1,1,:);
x = q2(2,1,:);
y = q2(3,1,:);
z = q2(4,1,:);% Explicitly define concatenation dimension for codegen
tempR = cat(1, 1 - 2*(y.^2 + z.^2),   2*(x.*y - s.*z),   2*(x.*z + s.*y),...
2*(x.*y + s.*z), 1 - 2*(x.^2 + z.^2),   2*(y.*z - s.*x),...
2*(x.*z - s.*y),   2*(y.*z + s.*x), 1 - 2*(x.^2 + y.^2) );R = reshape(tempR, [3, 3, length(s)]);
R = permute(R, [2 1 3]);end


注意: Matlab中四元数顺序式(w,x,y,z)与Eigen中的四元数顺序(w,x,y,z)一致,它们与ROS中的四元数顺序(x,y,z,w)相反。

四元数 →\to→ 欧拉角


quat2angle.m 中的 [r1, r2, r3] = quat2dcm( q ) 函数用于将四元数转换成欧拉角,这里的输入参数q是Mx4的向量,表示M个四元数,而返回值r1, r2, r3则是M维的数组,表示从四元数转换回来的欧拉角。quat2dcm(q, s) 函数中的s表示对应的欧拉角的旋转顺序,它的值为:′ZYX′,′ZYZ′,′ZXY′,′ZXZ′,′YXZ′,′YXY′,′YZX′,′YZY′,′XYZ′,′XYX′,′XZY′,′XZX′.'ZYX', 'ZYZ', 'ZXY', 'ZXZ', 'YXZ', 'YXY', 'YZX', 'YZY', 'XYZ', 'XYX', 'XZY', 'XZX'.′ZYX′,′ZYZ′,′ZXY′,′ZXZ′,′YXZ′,′YXY′,′YZX′,′YZY′,′XYZ′,′XYX′,′XZY′,′XZX′. 中的一个(默认值为:ZYX),代表依次按照该轴的顺序旋转。(目前对为什么有ZYZ, YZY, XYX,…, 这种某个轴转两次的情况不太清楚(欢迎知道原因的大佬解答),存疑,后面知道再补充)。
对于顺序:′ZYX′,′ZXY′,′YXZ′,′YZX′,′XYZ′,′XZY′'ZYX', 'ZXY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'XYZ', 'XZY'′ZYX′,′ZXY′,′YXZ′,′YZX′,′XYZ′,′XZY′,r1,r3角度范围为−π∼π-\pi \thicksim \pi−π∼π; 而r2的范围为:−π2∼π2-\frac{\pi}{2} \thicksim \frac{\pi}{2}−2π​∼2π​。
对于顺序:′ZYZ′,′ZXZ′,′YXY′,′YZY′,′XYX′,′XZX′'ZYZ', 'ZXZ', 'YXY', 'YZY', 'XYX', 'XZX'′ZYZ′,′ZXZ′,′YXY′,′YZY′,′XYX′,′XZX′,r1,r3角度范围为−π∼π-\pi \thicksim \pi−π∼π; 而r2的范围为:−0∼π-0 \thicksim\pi−0∼π。

function [r1,r2,r3] = quat2angle( q, varargin )
%  QUAT2ANGLE Convert quaternion to rotation angles.
%   [R1, R2, R3] = QUAT2ANGLE( Q ) calculates the calculates the set of
%   rotation angles, R1, R2, R3, for a given quaternion, Q.  Input Q is an
%   M-by-4 matrix containing M quaternions.  R1 returns an M array of
%   first rotation angles.  R2 returns an M array of second rotation
%   angles.  R3 returns an M array of third rotation angles. Each element
%   of Q must be a real number.  Additionally, Q has its scalar number as
%   the first column. Rotation angles are output in radians.
%   [R1, R2, R3] = QUAT2ANGLE( Q, S ) calculates the set of rotation
%   angles, R1, R2, R3, for a given quaternion, Q, and a
%   specified rotation sequence, S.
%   The default rotation sequence is 'ZYX' where the order of rotation
%   angles for the default rotation are R1 = Z Axis Rotation, R2 = Y Axis
%   Rotation, and R3 = X Axis Rotation.
%   All rotation sequences, S, are supported: 'ZYX', 'ZYZ', 'ZXY', 'ZXZ',
%   'YXZ', 'YXY', 'YZX', 'YZY', 'XYZ', 'XYX', 'XZY', and 'XZX'.
%   Examples:
%   Determine the rotation angles from q = [1 0 1 0]:
%      [yaw, pitch, roll] = quat2angle( [1 0 1 0] )
%   Determine the rotation angles from multiple quaternions:
%      q = [1 0 1 0; 1 0.5 0.3 0.1];
%      [pitch, roll, yaw] = quat2angle( q, 'YXZ' )
%   See also ANGLE2DCM, DCM2ANGLE, DCM2QUAT, ANGLE2QUAT, QUAT2DCM. %   Copyright 2000-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%   Limitations:
%   The limitations for the 'ZYX', 'ZXY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'XYZ', and 'XZY'
%   implementations generate an R2 angle that lies between +/- 90
%   degrees, and R1 and R3 angles that lie between +/- 180 degrees.
%   The limitations for the 'ZYZ', 'ZXZ', 'YXY', 'YZY', 'XYX', and 'XZX'
%   implementations generate an R2 angle that lies between 0 and
%   180 degrees, and R1 and R3 angles that lie between +/- 180 degrees. narginchk(1, 2);if nargin == 1type = 'zyx';
elseif ischar( varargin{1} ) || isstring( varargin{1} )type = char(varargin{1});elseerror(message('aero:quat2angle:notChar'));end
endqin = quatnormalize( q );switch lower( type )case 'zyx'[r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2);case 'zyz'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)));case 'zxy'[r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2);case 'zxz'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...-2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)));case 'yxz'[r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ...-2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2);case 'yxy'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...-2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)));case 'yzx'       [r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...-2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2);case 'yzy'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)));case 'xyz'[r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2);case 'xyx'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)));case 'xzy'[r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ...qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2);case 'xzx'[r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ...qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ...2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ...-2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)));otherwiseerror(message('aero:quat2angle:unknownRotation', type));
endfunction [r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32)% find angles for rotations about X, Y, and Z axesr1 = atan2( r11, r12 );r21(r21 < -1) = -1;r21(r21 > 1) = 1;r2 = asin( r21 );r3 = atan2( r31, r32 );endfunction [r1,r2,r3] = twoaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32)% Check for singularitiesr1comp = and((r11==0),(r12==0));r3comp = and((r31==0),(r32==0));OrR1R3 = or(r1comp,r3comp);NorR1R3 = not(OrR1R3);if any(OrR1R3)[r1(OrR1R3),r2(OrR1R3),r3(OrR1R3)] = dcm2angle(quat2dcm(qin(OrR1R3,:)),type,'zeror3');      endif any(NorR1R3)r1(NorR1R3) = atan2( r11(NorR1R3), r12(NorR1R3) );r21(r21 < -1) = -1;r21(r21 > 1) = 1;r2(NorR1R3) = acos( r21(NorR1R3) );r3(NorR1R3) = atan2( r31(NorR1R3), r32(NorR1R3) );endr1 = r1';r2 = r2';r3 = r3';end

从函数中可以看到,对于我们关注的ZYX的转换方式,它调用threeaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32)实现旋转矩阵转欧拉角,结合式(2.1.2)和(4.1),可知在该函数中:
r1=atan2(2(qxqy+qwqz),qw2+qx2−qy2−qz2)=θz=yawr_1 = atan2(2(q_xq_y+q_wq_z), q_w^2+q_x^2-q_y^2-q_z^2) = \theta_z = yawr1​=atan2(2(qx​qy​+qw​qz​),qw2​+qx2​−qy2​−qz2​)=θz​=yaw
r2=arcsin(−2(qxqz−qwqy))=θy=pitchr_2 =arcsin(-2(q_xq_z-q_wq_y)) = \theta_y = pitchr2​=arcsin(−2(qx​qz​−qw​qy​))=θy​=pitch
r3=atan2(2(qyqz+qwqx),qw2−qx2−qy2+qz2)=θx=rollr_3 = atan2(2(q_yq_z+q_wq_x), q_w^2-q_x^2-q_y^2+q_z^2) = \theta_x = rollr3​=atan2(2(qy​qz​+qw​qx​),qw2​−qx2​−qy2​+qz2​)=θx​=roll
发现Matlab中,将旋转矩阵转换为ZYX顺序的欧拉角的 quat2angle函数与式(5.2)(5.2)(5.2)是对应的,因此其ZYX顺序的转换结果与ROS中tf::Matrix3x3的getRPY函数得到的欧拉角结果一致。


quat2eul.m 中的 eul = quat2eul( q ) 函数用于将四元数转换成欧拉角。

function eul = quat2eul( q, varargin )
%QUAT2EUL Convert quaternion to Euler angles
%   EUL = QUAT2EUL(QOBJ) converts a quaternion object, QOBJ, into the
%   corresponding Euler angles, EUL. Each quaternion represents
%   a 3D rotation. QOBJ is an N-element vector of quaternion objects.
%   The output, EUL, is an N-by-3 array of Euler rotation angles with each
%   row representing one Euler angle set. Rotation angles are in radians.
%   EUL = QUAT2EUL(Q) converts a unit quaternion rotation into the corresponding
%   Euler angles. The input, Q, is an N-by-4 matrix containing N quaternions.
%   Each quaternion represents a 3D rotation and is of the form q = [w x y z],
%   with w as the scalar number. Each element of Q must be a real number.
%   EUL = QUAT2EUL(___, SEQ) converts unit quaternion into Euler angles.
%   The Euler angles are specified by the body-fixed (intrinsic) axis rotation
%   sequence, SEQ.
%   The default rotation sequence is 'ZYX', where the order of rotation
%   angles is Z Axis Rotation, Y Axis Rotation, and X Axis Rotation.
%   The following rotation sequences, SEQ, are supported: 'ZYX', 'ZYZ', and
%   'XYZ'.
%   Example:
%      % Calculates Euler angles for a quaternion
%      % By default, the ZYX axis order will be used.
%      q = [sqrt(2)/2 0 sqrt(2)/2 0];
%      eul = quat2eul(q)
%      % Calculate the Euler angles for a ZYZ rotation
%      qobj = quaternion([0.7071 0.7071 0 0]);
%      eulZYZ = quat2eul(qobj, 'ZYZ')
%   See also eul2quat, quaternion%   Copyright 2014-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%#codegen% Validate the quaternions
q = robotics.internal.validation.validateQuaternion(q, 'quat2eul', 'q');seq = robotics.internal.validation.validateEulerSequence(varargin{:});% Normalize the quaternions
q = robotics.internal.normalizeRows(q);qw = q(:,1);
qx = q(:,2);
qy = q(:,3);
qz = q(:,4);% Pre-allocate output
eul = zeros(size(q,1), 3, 'like', q);% The parsed sequence will be in all upper-case letters and validated
switch seqcase 'ZYX'% Cap all inputs to asin to 1, since values >1 produce complex% results% Since the quaternion is of unit length, this should never happen,% but some code generation configuration seem to hit this edge case% under some circumstances.aSinInput = -2*(qx.*qz-qw.*qy);aSinInput(aSinInput > 1) = 1;aSinInput(aSinInput < -1) = -1;eul = [ atan2( 2*(qx.*qy+qw.*qz), qw.^2 + qx.^2 - qy.^2 - qz.^2 ), ...asin( aSinInput ), ...atan2( 2*(qy.*qz+qw.*qx), qw.^2 - qx.^2 - qy.^2 + qz.^2 )];case 'ZYZ'% Need to convert to intermediate rotation matrix here to avoid% singularitiesR = quat2rotm(q);eul = rotm2eul(R, 'ZYZ');case 'XYZ'% Prevent singularities as done in ZYX case% Alternative to rotm2eul(quat2rotm(q), 'XYZ') with fewer% operations% sin(y) = R13 = 2 * (qx*qz + qy*qw)% tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x) = -R23 / R33%        = -2 * (qy*qz - qx*qw) / (1 - 2*(qx^2 + qy^2))%        = -2 * (qy*qz - qx*qw) / (qw^2 - qx^2 - qy^2 + qz^2)% tan(z) = sin(z) / cos(z) = -R12 / R11%        = -2 * (qx*qy - qz*qw) / (1 - 2*(qy^2 + qz^2))%        = -2 * (qy*qz - qx*qw) / (qw^2 + qx^2 - qy^2 - qz^2)aSinInput = 2*(qx.*qz + qy.*qw);aSinInput(aSinInput > 1) = 1;aSinInput(aSinInput < -1) = -1;eul = [ atan2( -2*(qy.*qz - qx.*qw), qw.^2 - qx.^2 - qy.^2 + qz.^2 ), ...asin( aSinInput ), ...atan2( -2*(qx.*qy - qz.*qw), qw.^2 + qx.^2 - qy.^2 - qz.^2 )];
end% Check for complex numbers
if ~isreal(eul)eul = real(eul);

eul:{eul[0]=atan2(2∗(qx.∗qy+qw.∗qz),qw.2+qx.2−qy.2−qz.2)eul[1]=asin(−2∗(qx.∗qz−qw.∗qy))eul[2]=atan2(2∗(qy.∗qz+qw.∗qx),qw.2−qx.2−qy.2+qz.2)];eul : \left\{\begin{aligned} &eul [0] = atan2( 2*(qx.*qy+qw.*qz), qw.^2 + qx.^2 - qy.^2 - qz.^2 ) \\ &eul [1] = asin( -2*(qx.*qz-qw.*qy)) \\ &eul[2] = atan2( 2*(qy.*qz+qw.*qx), qw.^2 - qx.^2 - qy.^2 + qz.^2 )];\end{aligned}\right.eul:⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧​​eul[0]=atan2(2∗(qx.∗qy+qw.∗qz),qw.2+qx.2−qy.2−qz.2)eul[1]=asin(−2∗(qx.∗qz−qw.∗qy))eul[2]=atan2(2∗(qy.∗qz+qw.∗qx),qw.2−qx.2−qy.2+qz.2)];​


旋转矩阵 →\to→ 四元数


dcm2quat.m中的 q = dcm2quat( dcm, varargin ) 函数中,输入为3x3xM的旋转矩阵,输出为Mx4的旋转向量。下面的dcm2quat转换实现与式(2.2)一致,当矩阵的迹tr(R)>0tr(\mathbf{R}) > 0tr(R)>0,按照式(2.2.1)的方式计算四元数;否则,找到R\mathbf{R}R对角元素的最大值所在位置,按照式(2.2.2)计算四元数。

function q = dcm2quat( dcm, varargin )
%  DCM2QUAT Convert direction cosine matrix to quaternion.
%   Q = DCM2QUAT( N ) calculates the quaternion, Q, for given direction
%   cosine matrix, N. N is a 3-by-3-by-M matrix containing M orthogonal
%   direction cosine matrices. N performs the coordinate transformation of
%   a vector in inertial axes to a vector in body axes. Q returns an M-by-4
%   matrix containing M quaternions. Q has its scalar number as the first
%   column.
%   Q = DCM2QUAT( N, ACTION ) uses ACTION for error handling during
%   rotation matrix validation. Specify if an invalid rotation matrix
%   invokes a 'Warning', 'Error', or no action ('None'). The default is
%   'None'.
%   Q = DCM2QUAT( N, ACTION, TOL ) uses TOL as a relative error tolerance
%   for rotation matrix validation. It is a scalar value. Rotation matrix
%   validation confirms that the matrix is orthogonal [transpose(N) * N ==
%   1 +/- TOL] and proper [det(N) == 1 +/- TOL]. The default value is
%   eps(2).
%   Examples:
%   Determine the quaternion from direction cosine matrix:
%      dcm = [0 1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 -1];
%      q = dcm2quat(dcm)
%   Determine the quaternions from multiple direction cosine matrices:
%      dcm        = [ 0 1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 -1];
%      dcm(:,:,2) = [ 0.4330    0.2500   -0.8660; ...
%                     0.1768    0.9186    0.3536; ...
%                     0.8839   -0.3062    0.3536];
%      q = dcm2quat(dcm)
%   See also ANGLE2DCM, DCM2ANGLE, QUAT2DCM, QUAT2ANGLE, ANGLE2QUAT.%   Copyright 2000-2017 The MathWorks, Inc.narginchk(1, 3);%Validate inputs
if nargin < 2validateDCM(dcm);
elseif nargin < 3validateDCM(dcm, varargin{1});
elsevalidateDCM(dcm, varargin{1}, varargin{2});
endfor i = size(dcm,3):-1:1q(i,4) =  0; tr = trace(dcm(:,:,i));if (tr > 0)sqtrp1 = sqrt( tr + 1.0 );q(i,1) = 0.5*sqtrp1; q(i,2) = (dcm(2, 3, i) - dcm(3, 2, i))/(2.0*sqtrp1);q(i,3) = (dcm(3, 1, i) - dcm(1, 3, i))/(2.0*sqtrp1); q(i,4) = (dcm(1, 2, i) - dcm(2, 1, i))/(2.0*sqtrp1); elsed = diag(dcm(:,:,i));if ((d(2) > d(1)) && (d(2) > d(3)))% max value at dcm(2,2,i)sqdip1 = sqrt(d(2) - d(1) - d(3) + 1.0 );q(i,3) = 0.5*sqdip1; if ( sqdip1 ~= 0 )sqdip1 = 0.5/sqdip1;endq(i,1) = (dcm(3, 1, i) - dcm(1, 3, i))*sqdip1; q(i,2) = (dcm(1, 2, i) + dcm(2, 1, i))*sqdip1; q(i,4) = (dcm(2, 3, i) + dcm(3, 2, i))*sqdip1; elseif (d(3) > d(1))% max value at dcm(3,3,i)sqdip1 = sqrt(d(3) - d(1) - d(2) + 1.0 );q(i,4) = 0.5*sqdip1; if ( sqdip1 ~= 0 )sqdip1 = 0.5/sqdip1;endq(i,1) = (dcm(1, 2, i) - dcm(2, 1, i))*sqdip1;q(i,2) = (dcm(3, 1, i) + dcm(1, 3, i))*sqdip1; q(i,3) = (dcm(2, 3, i) + dcm(3, 2, i))*sqdip1; else% max value at dcm(1,1,i)sqdip1 = sqrt(d(1) - d(2) - d(3) + 1.0 );q(i,2) = 0.5*sqdip1; if ( sqdip1 ~= 0 )sqdip1 = 0.5/sqdip1;endq(i,1) = (dcm(2, 3, i) - dcm(3, 2, i))*sqdip1; q(i,3) = (dcm(1, 2, i) + dcm(2, 1, i))*sqdip1; q(i,4) = (dcm(3, 1, i) + dcm(1, 3, i))*sqdip1; endend


rotm2quat中的 quat = rotm2quat( R ) 函数,使用了论文:I.Y. Bar-Itzhack, “New method for extracting the quaternion from a rotation matrix,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1085-1087, 2000 中所使用的新方法来求四元数,和式(2.2)(2.2)(2.2)不一致,但通过代码测试发现,它转换得到的四元数结果与Eigen和ROS中的方法一致

function quat = rotm2quat( R )
%ROTM2QUAT Convert rotation matrix to quaternion
%   Q = ROTM2QUAT(R) converts a 3D rotation matrix, R, into the corresponding
%   unit quaternion representation, Q. The input, R, is an 3-by-3-by-N matrix
%   containing N orthonormal rotation matrices.
%   The output, Q, is an N-by-4 matrix containing N quaternions. Each
%   quaternion is of the form q = [w x y z], with w as the scalar number.
%   Each element of Q must be a real number.
%   If the input matrices are not orthonormal, the function will
%   return the quaternions that correspond to the orthonormal matrices
%   closest to the imprecise matrix inputs.
%   Example:
%      % Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion
%      R = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; -1 0 0];
%      q = rotm2quat(R)
%   References:
%   [1] I.Y. Bar-Itzhack, "New method for extracting the quaternion from a
%       rotation matrix," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics,
%       vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1085-1087, 2000
%   See also quat2rotm%   Copyright 2014-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%#codegenrobotics.internal.validation.validateRotationMatrix(R, 'rotm2quat', 'R');% Pre-allocate output
quat = zeros(size(R,3), 4, 'like', R);% Calculate all elements of symmetric K matrix
K11 = R(1,1,:) - R(2,2,:) - R(3,3,:);
K12 = R(1,2,:) + R(2,1,:);
K13 = R(1,3,:) + R(3,1,:);
K14 = R(3,2,:) - R(2,3,:);K22 = R(2,2,:) - R(1,1,:) - R(3,3,:);
K23 = R(2,3,:) + R(3,2,:);
K24 = R(1,3,:) - R(3,1,:);K33 = R(3,3,:) - R(1,1,:) - R(2,2,:);
K34 = R(2,1,:) - R(1,2,:);K44 = R(1,1,:) + R(2,2,:) + R(3,3,:);% Construct K matrix according to paper
K = [...K11,    K12,    K13,    K14;K12,    K22,    K23,    K24;K13,    K23,    K33,    K34;K14,    K24,    K34,    K44];K = K ./ 3;% For each input rotation matrix, calculate the corresponding eigenvalues
% and eigenvectors. The eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
% is the unit quaternion representing the same rotation.
for i = 1:size(R,3)[eigVec,eigVal] = eig(K(:,:,i),'vector');[~,maxIdx] = max(real(eigVal));quat(i,:) = real([eigVec(4,maxIdx) eigVec(1,maxIdx) eigVec(2,maxIdx) eigVec(3,maxIdx)]);% By convention, always keep scalar quaternion element positive. % Note that this does not change the rotation that is represented% by the unit quaternion, since q and -q denote the same rotation.if quat(i,1) < 0quat(i,:) = -quat(i,:);end

旋转矩阵 →\to→ 欧拉角



    case 'zyx'%     [          cy*cz,          cy*sz,            -sy]%     [ sy*sx*cz-sz*cx, sy*sx*sz+cz*cx,          cy*sx]%     [ sy*cx*cz+sz*sx, sy*cx*sz-cz*sx,          cy*cx][r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot( dcm(1,2,:), dcm(1,1,:), -dcm(1,3,:), ...dcm(2,3,:), dcm(3,3,:), ...-dcm(2,1,:), dcm(2,2,:));function [r1,r2,r3] = threeaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32, r11a, r12a)% find angles for rotations about X, Y, and Z axesr1 = atan2( r11, r12 );r21(r21 < -1) = -1;r21(r21 > 1) = 1;r2 = asin( r21 );r3 = atan2( r31, r32 );if strcmpi( lim, 'zeror3')for i = find(abs( r21 ) == 1.0)r1(i) = atan2( r11a(i), r12a(i) );r3(i) = 0;endendend  

欧拉角 →\to→ 旋转矩阵



function dcm = angle2dcm( r1, r2, r3, varargin )angles = [r1(:) r2(:) r3(:)];
cang = cos( angles );
sang = sin( angles );
case 'zyx'%     [          cy*cz,          cy*sz,            -sy]%     [ sy*sx*cz-sz*cx, sy*sx*sz+cz*cx,          cy*sx]%     [ sy*cx*cz+sz*sx, sy*cx*sz-cz*sx,          cy*cx]dcm(1,1,:) = cang(:,2).*cang(:,1);  %% cos(r2)*cos(r1)dcm(1,2,:) = cang(:,2).*sang(:,1);dcm(1,3,:) = -sang(:,2);dcm(2,1,:) = sang(:,3).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,1) - cang(:,3).*sang(:,1);dcm(2,2,:) = sang(:,3).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,1) + cang(:,3).*cang(:,1);dcm(2,3,:) = sang(:,3).*cang(:,2);dcm(3,1,:) = cang(:,3).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,1) + sang(:,3).*sang(:,1);dcm(3,2,:) = cang(:,3).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,1) - sang(:,3).*cang(:,1);dcm(3,3,:) = cang(:,3).*cang(:,2);



eul2rotm.m函数中的 R = eul2rotm( eul, varargin ) 函数,同上截取ZYX的部分代码,可以确定,eul2rotm与式(4.1)(4.1)(4.1)完全对应eul2rotm输入参数eul的欧拉角顺序是[yaw, pitch, roll]

function R = eul2rotm( eul, varargin )ct = cos(eul);
st = sin(eul);
case 'ZYX'%     The rotation matrix R can be constructed as follows by%     ct = [cz cy cx] and st = [sy sy sx]%%     R = [  cy*cz   sy*sx*cz-sz*cx    sy*cx*cz+sz*sx%            cy*sz   sy*sx*sz+cz*cx    sy*cx*sz-cz*sx%              -sy            cy*sx             cy*cx]%       = Rz(tz) * Ry(ty) * Rx(tx)R(1,1,:) = ct(:,2).*ct(:,1);R(1,2,:) = st(:,3).*st(:,2).*ct(:,1) - ct(:,3).*st(:,1);R(1,3,:) = ct(:,3).*st(:,2).*ct(:,1) + st(:,3).*st(:,1);R(2,1,:) = ct(:,2).*st(:,1);R(2,2,:) = st(:,3).*st(:,2).*st(:,1) + ct(:,3).*ct(:,1);R(2,3,:) = ct(:,3).*st(:,2).*st(:,1) - st(:,3).*ct(:,1);R(3,1,:) = -st(:,2);R(3,2,:) = st(:,3).*ct(:,2);R(3,3,:) = ct(:,3).*ct(:,2);

欧拉角 →\to→ 四元数



function q = angle2quat( r1, r2, r3, varargin )
angles = [r1(:) r2(:) r3(:)];cang = cos( angles/2 );
sang = sin( angles/2 );
case 'zyx'q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ...cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ...cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ...sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3)];

前面提到,传入的参数顺序r1,r2,r3分别对应的式yaw,pitch,roll,发现这里欧拉角转四元数的实现与式(5.1)是对应的。也就是说同一个欧拉角roll, pitch, yaw 分别用Matlab和ROS的方法来转换成四元数,它们的结果是一样的(Eigen中没有欧拉角直接转四元数的函数实现)。


eul2quat.m 中的 q = eul2quat( eul, varargin ) 函数将欧拉角转成四元数,关注ZYX代码部分,eul2quat与式(5.1)(5.1)(5.1)完全对应,且eul2rotm输入参数eul的欧拉角顺序是[yaw, pitch, roll]

function q = eul2quat( eul, varargin )c = cos(eul/2);
s = sin(eul/2);
case 'ZYX'% Construct quaternionq = [c(:,1).*c(:,2).*c(:,3)+s(:,1).*s(:,2).*s(:,3), ...c(:,1).*c(:,2).*s(:,3)-s(:,1).*s(:,2).*c(:,3), ...c(:,1).*s(:,2).*c(:,3)+s(:,1).*c(:,2).*s(:,3), ...s(:,1).*c(:,2).*c(:,3)-c(:,1).*s(:,2).*s(:,3)];



  • Matlab中,四元数的顺序是:w,x,y,z
  • Matlab中,欧拉角的对应顺序是[yaw, pitch, roll]

选取代码篇Eigen 中随机生成的欧拉角,来实验两种转换方法(angle2quat, eul2quat; angle2dcm, eul2rotm)间的差异:

close all; clear all; clc% roll, pitch, yaw:
% -2.51327, 1.0472, 0.722566
% 0.785398, 1.0472, -2.9531% test1 ---------------------------------------------------------------
euler1 = [ 0.722566, 1.0472, -2.51327]  % yaw,pitch,roll;
quat_angle2quat1 = angle2quat(euler1(1), euler1(2), euler1(3))
quat_eul2quat1 = eul2quat(euler1)
matrix_angle2dcm1 = angle2dcm(euler1(1), euler1(2), euler1(3))
matrix_eul2rotm1 = eul2rotm(euler1)
% [euler1_dcm2angle(1), euler1_dcm2angle(2), euler1_dcm2angle(3)] = dcm2angle(matrix_angle2dcm);
% euler1_dcm2angle
% euler1_rotm2eul = rotm2eul(matrix_eul2rotm1)% test1 ---------------------------------------------------------------
euler2 = [ -2.9531, 1.0472,0.785398]  % yaw,pitch,roll;
quat_angle2quat2 = angle2quat(euler2(1), euler2(2), euler2(3))
quat_eul2quat2 = eul2quat(euler2)
matrix_angle2dcm2 = angle2dcm(euler2(1), euler2(2), euler2(3))
matrix_eul2rotm2 = eul2rotm(euler2)


euler1 =
0.7226 1.0472 -2.5133

quat_angle2quat1 =
0.0823 -0.8251 -0.1466 0.5394

quat_eul2quat1 =
0.0823 -0.8251 -0.1466 0.5394

matrix_angle2dcm1 =
0.3751 0.3307 -0.8660
0.1532 -0.9435 -0.2939
-0.9143 -0.0224 -0.4045

matrix_eul2rotm1 =
0.3751 0.1532 -0.9143
0.3307 -0.9435 -0.0224
-0.8660 -0.2939 -0.4045

euler2 =
-2.9531 1.0472 0.7854

quat_angle2quat2 =
-0.1152 0.4911 -0.2865 -0.8146

quat_eul2quat2 =
-0.1152 0.4911 -0.2865 -0.8146

matrix_angle2dcm2 =
-0.4911 -0.0937 -0.8660
-0.4690 -0.8093 0.3536
-0.7340 0.5798 0.3536

matrix_eul2rotm2 =
-0.4911 -0.4690 -0.7340
-0.0937 -0.8093 0.5798
-0.8660 0.3536 0.3536


  • eul2rotm方法与ROS中的tf::Matrix3x3的setRPY方法,Eigen中的:eigen_m = Eigen::AngleAxisd(eigen_euler[0], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) * Eigen::AngleAxisd(eigen_euler[1], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) * Eigen::AngleAxisd(eigen_euler[2], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()); 方法,从欧拉角得到的旋转矩阵结果完全一致,而angle2dcm则于ROS和Eigen中的欧拉角转四元数结果不一致。
  • eul2quat和 angle2quat方法从欧拉角得到的四元数是完全一致的。


close all; clear all; clc%% test1 -----------------------------------------------------
% 创建箭头点集:
x = 0.8 : 0.02 : 1;
y1 = 0.5*(1-x);
y2 = 0.5*(x-1);
z1 = 0.5*(1-x);
z2 = 0.5*(x-1);
xx = 0 : 0.06 : 1;
yy = zeros(size(xx));
zz = zeros(size(xx));
xyz = [xx; yy; zz];
% myshape = xyz;
myshape = cat(2, xyz, [x; y1; z1], [x; y2; z1], [x; y1; z2], [x; y2; z2]);% 模拟旋转过程,在旋转变换中,欧拉角(roll, pitch, yaw)的含义是:
% 设坐标系原点为O,对于点集ps = [p1, p2, ... , pn], 将原点指向点集中的点的向量 Opi (i=1,2,...,n)
% 先绕z轴转yaw角,再绕y轴转pitch角,再绕x轴转roll角所得到的向量Opi'末端的点,即为旋转后的点pi';
figure('Name', 'test1');
plot3(myshape(1,:), myshape(2,:), myshape(3,:));
hold on;
for yaw = -pi : pi/8 : pifor pitch = -pi/2 : pi/8 : pi/2for roll = -pi : pi/5 : piRz = [cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), 0; sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0; 0, 0, 1];Ry = [cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch); 0, 1, 0; -sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)];Rx = [1, 0, 0; 0, cos(roll), -sin(roll); 0, sin(roll), cos(roll)];Rzyx = Rz*Ry*Rx;                   % R <==> MM = eul2rotm([yaw, pitch, roll]);  % R <==> MQ = eul2quat([yaw, pitch, roll]);myshape_transformed = M*myshape;plot3(myshape_transformed(1,:), myshape_transformed(2,:), myshape_transformed(3,:), 'LineWidth', 1);axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]);pause(0.02);endend
hold off%% test2 -----------------------------------------------------
% 创建坐标轴集合,用不同密度的点集来分别表示x,y,z轴:
xxx = 0:0.01:1; x0 = zeros(size(xxx));
yyy = 0:0.05:1; y0 = zeros(size(yyy));
zzz = 0:0.1:1; z0 = zeros(size(zzz));myshape = cat(2, [xxx; x0; x0], [y0; yyy; y0], [z0; z0; zzz]);
figure('Name', 'test2');
plot3(myshape(1,:), myshape(2,:), myshape(3,:), '*')  % 未旋转
hold on;
yaw = pi/3; pitch = pi/4; roll = 0;
Rz = [cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), 0; sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0; 0, 0, 1];
Ry = [cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch); 0, 1, 0; -sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)];
Rx = [1, 0, 0; 0, cos(roll), -sin(roll); 0, sin(roll), cos(pitch)];
Rzyx = Rz*Ry*Rx;
M = eul2rotm([yaw, pitch, roll]);
Q = eul2quat([yaw, pitch, roll]);
myshape_transformed = Rzyx * myshape;  % 第一次旋转;(Rzyx 与 M 等价)
v = myshape_transformed(:, end)
plot3(myshape_transformed(1,:), myshape_transformed(2,:), myshape_transformed(3,:), '*','LineWidth', 1);
M = eul2rotm([yaw, pitch, roll+pi/4]);
myshape_transformed = M * myshape;  % 第二次旋转;(Rzyx 与 M 等价)
plot3(myshape_transformed(1,:), myshape_transformed(2,:), myshape_transformed(3,:), '*', 'LineWidth', 1);
axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]);

在下面显示的最终结果中,左图是描述yaw从[−pi,pi][-pi, pi][−pi,pi], pitch从[−pi/2,pi/2][-pi/2, pi/2][−pi/2,pi/2], roll从[−pi,pi][-pi, pi][−pi,pi]旋转结果的全过程;右图是坐标轴做两次旋转后的结果,蓝色,橙色,黄色分别为未旋转,第一次旋转,第二次旋转后的结果。模拟旋转过程,在旋转变换中,欧拉角(roll, pitch, yaw)的含义是:设坐标系原点为O,对于点集P=[P1,P2,...,Pn]\mathbf{P} = [P_1, P_2, ... , P_n]P=[P1​,P2​,...,Pn​], 将原点指向点集中的点的向量 OPi(i=1,2,...,n)OP_i (i=1,2,...,n)OPi​(i=1,2,...,n) 先绕z轴转yaw角,再绕y轴转pitch角,再绕x轴转roll角所得到的向量OPi′OP_i'OPi′​末端的点,即为旋转后的点Pi′P_i'Pi′​。





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