#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;// 不是一直在查找中值,而是一直查找前k个值,每次去掉一部分值,k也相应减小,直到减到1为止,这样就可以算出结果
// time complexity O(log(m+n))  space complexity O(log(m+n))
class Solution
public:double findMedianSortedArrays(const vector<int>& A, const vector<int>& B){const int m=A.size();const int n=B.size();int total = m+n;if (total & 0x1)          // 按位与, 判断奇偶    total为奇数return find_kth(A.begin(), m, B.begin(), n, total/2+1);          // 奇数找到中间值就行else                      // total 为偶数return (find_kth(A.begin(), m, B.begin(), n, total/2)+find_kth(A.begin(), m, B.begin(), n, total/2+1))/2.0;   //  偶数找到中间的两个值/2.0}private:static int find_kth(std::vector<int>::const_iterator A, int m, std::vector<int>::const_iterator B, int n, int k)  //调用这个函数不会访问或者修改任何对象(非static)数据成员{//always assume that m is equal or smaller than nif (m>n)return find_kth(B, n, A, m, k);if (m==0)return *(B+k-1);      // B的medianif (k==1)return min(*A, *B);   // 找最小值, 这个排序从小往大排序,第一位就是最小值 已经能定位中值了//divide k into two partsint ia=min(k/2, m), ib=k-ia;   // 在这可以看出为啥假设m is equal or smaller than n   A中取k/2或是全取, 然后B中取补齐k个元素if (*(A+ia-1)<*(B+ib-1))       // 比较所取的最大值, 如果最大值A<B,则将A的前ia个数抛弃, A>B,则抛弃B的前ib个值,如果两个值相等,则找到了第k个值return find_kth(A+ia, m-ia, B, n, k-ia);else if(*(A+ia-1) > *(B+ib-1))return find_kth(A, m, B+ib, n-ib, k-ib);elsereturn A[ia-1];}
};int main()
{vector<int> a = {1,3};vector<int> b = {2};Solution s;double result;result = s.findMedianSortedArrays(a, b);cout << result << endl;
//    cout << (1&0x1) << endl;
//    cout << (2&0x1) << endl;


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