
1. Open debugger2. Console displayed3. Show Network tab4. Ajax response


1:To access the developer tools in Chrome:
Mac: Access the View > Developer > Developer Tools menu option.
Windows: Click the Chrome menu (to the right of the address bar) and select Tools > Developer Tools.2:The Developer tools are shown at the bottom of the current browser window. Chrome will show the Javascript console by default.3:Click on the Network tab to view network requests4:Refresh the page to allow Chrome to capture all requests
The network panel will show all of the requests made by Chrome to load the page.5:Click the XHR option at the bottom of the window to reduce the requests to just the Ajax (XHR) requests.
Double click the Ajax request made by DataTables
Details about the Ajax request are shown.
Click the Response tab in the Ajax view to see the exact data that was returned from the server. This is what we are interested in!

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