
By the end of 1980s, object oriented programming using languages like C++, Simula69 and ObjectPascal gained momentum. It looked like programmers finally found the perfect language. C++ successfully combined the object oriented principles of Simula with the ease of syntax and simplicity of C. However, with the rise of internet and lack of support of cross platform applications, the world would see another revolution in the world of programming.

到1980年代末,使用C ++,Simula69和ObjectPascal等语言进行的面向对象的编程势头迅猛。 程序员终于找到了完美的语言。 C ++成功地将Simula的面向对象原理与C的语法易用性和简单性结合在一起。但是,随着Internet的兴起和跨平台应用程序的缺乏支持,编程世界将迎来另一场革命。

Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton and others at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. Initially called Oak, this language was renamed Java in 1995. Java saw additional inputs from many people through its journey including some well known computer visionaries like Bill Joy (of C Shell and the VI Editor fame)

1991年,James Gosling,Patrick Naughton和其他人在Sun Microsystems,Inc.构思了Java。Java最初称为Oak,在1995年将其重命名为Java。Java在其发展历程中吸引了许多人的投入,其中包括比尔(Bill)等知名的计算机远见者。欢乐(C Shell和VI Editor的声望)

What made Java special was that most of the languages then were compiled natively. Hence, software on one platform did not run on any other platform. This made developing of software difficult for developers as separate version of the same application had to be written for different platforms. This problem caught Gosling's imagination and he began work on a portable, platform independent language.

使Java与众不同的是,那时大多数语言都是本地编译的。 因此,一个平台上的软件不能在任何其他平台上运行。 这使得开发人员难以开发软件,因为必须为不同的平台编写同一应用程序的单独版本。 这个问题引起了Gosling的想象,他开始研究一种可移植的,平台无关的语言。

About the same time, the second factor that played an important role in emergence of Java was rising. The WWW. Back then, the personal computer world had been divided into three parts: the Windows, the UNIX based, the Macintosh. Most programmers created applications for just one of the three entities. Thus the portability of the code reduced. However with the emergence of the Internet, the need for portability returned because even though there were various platforms connected to the Internet, they had to run the same program, in the same way. Thus Java came out to be the solution to this problem.

大约在同一时间,在Java出现中起重要作用的第二个因素正在上升。 万维网。 那时,个人计算机世界分为三个部分:Windows,基于UNIX的Macintosh。 大多数程序员仅为三个实体之一创建应用程序。 因此,代码的可移植性降低了。 但是,随着Internet的出现,对可移植性的需求又回来了,因为即使有各种平台连接到Internet,它们也必须以相同的方式运行相同的程序。 因此,Java成为解决此问题的方法。

At the same time, Netscape came out with their web browser - a Mosaic based browser. It had an in-built support for Java applets. At the same time, Internet Explorer expressed its commitment to the Java platform. As the browser wars continued, the Java factor played an important role throughout the war. This made Java an overnight success. At around the same time, the Mac expressed its dedication to Java by integrating it to its core operating system.

同时,Netscape推出了他们的Web浏览器-基于Mosaic的浏览器。 它具有对Java小程序的内置支持。 同时,Internet Explorer表达了对Java平台的承诺。 随着浏览器之战的继续,在整个战争中,Java因素起着重要的作用。 这使Java一夜之间取得了成功。 大约在同一时间,Mac通过将Java集成到其核心操作系统中来表达了对Java的奉献精神。

Java derives much its syntax from C and C++. This was because the Java designers knew that using the similar syntax of C and echoing the object oriented features of C++, the language would be appealing to a wide base of programmers who were already familiar with the other two languages. Java was designed and tested by real programmers. It is hence a language grounded in the needs and experiences of people who designed it. Thus Java turned to be a language for professional programmers.

Java从C和C ++派生了很多语法。 这是因为Java设计师知道使用C的相似语法并呼应C ++的面向对象功能,因此该语言将吸引已经熟悉其他两种语言的广大程序员。 Java是由真正的程序员设计和测试的。 因此,它是一种基于设计人员的需求和经验的语言。 因此Java变成了专业程序员的一种语言。

Thus Java turned out to be a language with the following features:


Simple: A person with prior experience of C and/or C++ will find himself right at home when programming on Java. If already introduced to the Object Oriented Programming concept, Java would be very easy to master.

简单:具有C和/或C ++经验的人在使用Java进行编程时会发现自己正好在家里。 如果已经引入了面向对象编程概念,那么Java将非常容易掌握。

Robust: Java handles memory management and exceptions on its own. This results in an efficient code and faster execution without program failures.

健壮:Java自行处理内存管理和异常。 这将导致有效的代码和更快的执行,而不会导致程序故障。

Multithreaded: Java supports multithreaded programming that allows the programmer to write programs that do many things simultaneously.


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/2560/Quick-walkthrough-Java-Origins.html



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