
Visual Stdio C++ 编译器 编译 (GSL) GNU Scientific Library 的方法介绍(5)

gsl_blas 模块


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_blas
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/blas/blas.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target


#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
void blas_test (void)
{double a[] = { 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.21, 0.22, 0.23 };double b[] = { 1011, 1012,1021, 1022,1031, 1032 };double c[] = { 0.00, 0.00,0.00, 0.00 };gsl_matrix_view A = gsl_matrix_view_array(a, 2, 3);gsl_matrix_view B = gsl_matrix_view_array(b, 3, 2);gsl_matrix_view C = gsl_matrix_view_array(c, 2, 2);/* Compute C = A B */gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, &A.matrix, &B.matrix, 0.0, &C.matrix);printf ("[ %g, %g\n", c[0], c[1]);printf (" %g, %g ]\n", c[2], c[3]);

链接时还需链接上 gsl_err 和 gsl_matrix 模块。


[ 367.76, 368.12674.06, 674.72 ]

gsl_linalg 模块

cholesky.c 中的多处 inline 需改为 __inline。
apply_givens.c 中的多处 inline 需改为 __inline。
exponential.c 中 第 33 行:

#include "gsl_linalg.h"


#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_linalg
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/linalg/balance.c \source/linalg/balancemat.c \source/linalg/bidiag.c \source/linalg/cholesky.c \source/linalg/choleskyc.c \source/linalg/exponential.c \source/linalg/hermtd.c \source/linalg/hessenberg.c \source/linalg/hesstri.c \source/linalg/hh.c \source/linalg/householder.c \source/linalg/householdercomplex.c \source/linalg/inline.c \source/linalg/lq.c \source/linalg/lu.c \source/linalg/luc.c \source/linalg/multiply.c \source/linalg/ptlq.c \source/linalg/qr.c \source/linalg/qrpt.c \source/linalg/svd.c \source/linalg/symmtd.c \source/linalg/tridiag.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target
}DISTFILES +=HEADERS += \source/linalg/tridiag.h


#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
void linalg_test (void)
{double a_data[] = { 0.18, 0.60, 0.57, 0.96,0.41, 0.24, 0.99, 0.58,0.14, 0.30, 0.97, 0.66,0.51, 0.13, 0.19, 0.85 };double b_data[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };gsl_matrix_view m= gsl_matrix_view_array (a_data, 4, 4);gsl_vector_view b= gsl_vector_view_array (b_data, 4);gsl_vector *x = gsl_vector_alloc (4);int s;gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc (4);gsl_linalg_LU_decomp (&m.matrix, p, &s);gsl_linalg_LU_solve (&m.matrix, p, &b.vector, x);printf ("x = \n");gsl_vector_fprintf (stdout, x, "%g");gsl_permutation_free (p);gsl_vector_free (x);}


x =

gsl_eigen 模块

francis.c、gen.c、qrstep.c、jacobi.c 文件中 inline 替换为 __inline。


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_eigen
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/eigen/francis.c \source/eigen/gen.c \source/eigen/genherm.c \source/eigen/genhermv.c \source/eigen/gensymm.c \source/eigen/gensymmv.c \source/eigen/genv.c \source/eigen/herm.c \source/eigen/hermv.c \source/eigen/jacobi.c \source/eigen/nonsymm.c \source/eigen/nonsymmv.c \source/eigen/qrstep.c \source/eigen/schur.c \source/eigen/sort.c \source/eigen/symm.c \source/eigen/symmv.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target


#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
void eigen_test (void)
{double data[] = { -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0,-8.0, 4.0, -2.0, 1.0,27.0, 9.0, 3.0, 1.0,64.0, 16.0, 4.0, 1.0 };gsl_matrix_view m  = gsl_matrix_view_array (data, 4, 4);gsl_vector_complex *eval = gsl_vector_complex_alloc (4);gsl_matrix_complex *evec = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc (4, 4);gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_workspace * w = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_alloc (4);gsl_eigen_nonsymmv (&m.matrix, eval, evec, w);gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_free (w);gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_sort (eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){gsl_complex eval_i = gsl_vector_complex_get (eval, i);gsl_vector_complex_view evec_i = gsl_matrix_complex_column (evec, i);printf ("eigenvalue = %g + %gi\n", GSL_REAL(eval_i), GSL_IMAG(eval_i));printf ("eigenvector = \n");for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j){gsl_complex z = gsl_vector_complex_get(&evec_i.vector, j);printf("%g + %gi\n", GSL_REAL(z), GSL_IMAG(z));}}gsl_vector_complex_free(eval);gsl_matrix_complex_free(evec);


eigenvalue = -6.41391 + 0i
eigenvector =
0.0998822 + 0i
0.111251 + 0i
-0.292501 + 0i
-0.944505 + 0i
eigenvalue = 5.54555 + 3.08545i
eigenvector =
0.0430757 + 0.00968662i
-0.0709124 + 0.138917i
0.516595 + -0.0160059i
0.839574 + 0.0413888i
eigenvalue = 5.54555 + -3.08545i
eigenvector =
0.0430757 + -0.00968662i
-0.0709124 + -0.138917i
0.516595 + 0.0160059i
0.839574 + -0.0413888i
eigenvalue = 2.3228 + 0i
eigenvector =
-0.144933 + 0i
0.356601 + 0i
0.919369 + 0i
0.0811836 + 0i

gsl_fft 模块


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_fft
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/fft/dft.c \source/fft/factorize.c \source/fft/fft.c \source/fft/signals.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target
}DISTFILES +=HEADERS += \source/fft/bitreverse.h \source/fft/c_pass.h \source/fft/compare.h \source/fft/complex_internal.h \source/fft/factorize.h \source/fft/hc_pass.h \source/fft/real_pass.h \source/fft/signals.h


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_fft_real.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_fft_halfcomplex.h>void fft_test (void)
{int i, n = 100;double data[100];gsl_fft_real_wavetable * real;gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable * hc;gsl_fft_real_workspace * work;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){data[i] = 0.0;}for (i = n / 3; i < 2 * n / 3; i++){data[i] = 1.0;}for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf ("%d: %e\n", i, data[i]);}printf ("\n");work = gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc (n);real = gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc (n);gsl_fft_real_transform (data, 1, n,real, work);gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free (real);for (i = 11; i < n; i++){data[i] = 0;}hc = gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_alloc (n);gsl_fft_halfcomplex_inverse (data, 1, n, hc, work);gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_free (hc);for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf ("%d: %e\n", i, data[i]);}gsl_fft_real_workspace_free (work);


0: 0.000000e+000
1: 0.000000e+000
2: 0.000000e+000
3: 0.000000e+000
4: 0.000000e+000
5: 0.000000e+000
6: 0.000000e+000
7: 0.000000e+000
8: 0.000000e+000
9: 0.000000e+000
10: 0.000000e+000
11: 0.000000e+000
12: 0.000000e+000
13: 0.000000e+000
14: 0.000000e+000
15: 0.000000e+000
16: 0.000000e+000
17: 0.000000e+000
18: 0.000000e+000
19: 0.000000e+000
20: 0.000000e+000
21: 0.000000e+000
22: 0.000000e+000
23: 0.000000e+000
24: 0.000000e+000
25: 0.000000e+000
26: 0.000000e+000
27: 0.000000e+000
28: 0.000000e+000
29: 0.000000e+000
30: 0.000000e+000
31: 0.000000e+000
32: 0.000000e+000
33: 1.000000e+000
34: 1.000000e+000
35: 1.000000e+000
36: 1.000000e+000
37: 1.000000e+000
38: 1.000000e+000
39: 1.000000e+000
40: 1.000000e+000
41: 1.000000e+000
42: 1.000000e+000
43: 1.000000e+000
44: 1.000000e+000
45: 1.000000e+000
46: 1.000000e+000
47: 1.000000e+000
48: 1.000000e+000
49: 1.000000e+000
50: 1.000000e+000
51: 1.000000e+000
52: 1.000000e+000
53: 1.000000e+000
54: 1.000000e+000
55: 1.000000e+000
56: 1.000000e+000
57: 1.000000e+000
58: 1.000000e+000
59: 1.000000e+000
60: 1.000000e+000
61: 1.000000e+000
62: 1.000000e+000
63: 1.000000e+000
64: 1.000000e+000
65: 1.000000e+000
66: 0.000000e+000
67: 0.000000e+000
68: 0.000000e+000
69: 0.000000e+000
70: 0.000000e+000
71: 0.000000e+000
72: 0.000000e+000
73: 0.000000e+000
74: 0.000000e+000
75: 0.000000e+000
76: 0.000000e+000
77: 0.000000e+000
78: 0.000000e+000
79: 0.000000e+000
80: 0.000000e+000
81: 0.000000e+000
82: 0.000000e+000
83: 0.000000e+000
84: 0.000000e+000
85: 0.000000e+000
86: 0.000000e+000
87: 0.000000e+000
88: 0.000000e+000
89: 0.000000e+000
90: 0.000000e+000
91: 0.000000e+000
92: 0.000000e+000
93: 0.000000e+000
94: 0.000000e+000
95: 0.000000e+000
96: 0.000000e+000
97: 0.000000e+000
98: 0.000000e+000
99: 0.000000e+0000: 3.122705e-002
1: 2.450194e-002
2: 1.427646e-002
3: 1.899536e-003
4: -1.097701e-002
5: -2.260263e-002
6: -3.134804e-002
7: -3.591554e-002
8: -3.551489e-002
9: -2.998321e-002
10: -1.983327e-002
11: -6.221841e-003
12: 9.161253e-003
13: 2.427436e-002
14: 3.695824e-002
15: 4.519985e-002
16: 4.739798e-002
17: 4.260194e-002
18: 3.069621e-002
19: 1.250816e-002
20: -1.017626e-002
21: -3.469604e-002
22: -5.769429e-002
23: -7.538051e-002
24: -8.385398e-002
25: -7.945977e-002
26: -5.914429e-002
27: -2.077636e-002
28: 3.659819e-002
29: 1.125953e-001
30: 2.054434e-001
31: 3.120546e-001
32: 4.282146e-001
33: 5.488770e-001
34: 6.685387e-001
35: 7.816653e-001
36: 8.831282e-001
37: 9.686159e-001
38: 1.034981e+000
39: 1.080492e+000
40: 1.104967e+000
41: 1.109770e+000
42: 1.097677e+000
43: 1.072623e+000
44: 1.039334e+000
45: 1.002904e+000
46: 9.683306e-001
47: 9.400659e-001
48: 9.216117e-001
49: 9.152040e-001
50: 9.216117e-001
51: 9.400659e-001
52: 9.683306e-001
53: 1.002904e+000
54: 1.039334e+000
55: 1.072623e+000
56: 1.097677e+000
57: 1.109770e+000
58: 1.104967e+000
59: 1.080492e+000
60: 1.034981e+000
61: 9.686159e-001
62: 8.831282e-001
63: 7.816653e-001
64: 6.685387e-001
65: 5.488770e-001
66: 4.282146e-001
67: 3.120546e-001
68: 2.054434e-001
69: 1.125953e-001
70: 3.659819e-002
71: -2.077636e-002
72: -5.914429e-002
73: -7.945977e-002
74: -8.385398e-002
75: -7.538051e-002
76: -5.769429e-002
77: -3.469604e-002
78: -1.017626e-002
79: 1.250816e-002
80: 3.069621e-002
81: 4.260194e-002
82: 4.739798e-002
83: 4.519985e-002
84: 3.695824e-002
85: 2.427436e-002
86: 9.161253e-003
87: -6.221841e-003
88: -1.983327e-002
89: -2.998321e-002
90: -3.551489e-002
91: -3.591554e-002
92: -3.134804e-002
93: -2.260263e-002
94: -1.097701e-002
95: 1.899536e-003
96: 1.427646e-002
97: 2.450194e-002
98: 3.122705e-002
99: 3.357077e-002

gsl_integration 模块

多个文件中的 inline 需改为 __inline。

# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_integration
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/integration/cquad.c \source/integration/glfixed.c \source/integration/ptsort.c \source/integration/qag.c \source/integration/qagp.c \source/integration/qags.c \source/integration/qawc.c \source/integration/qawf.c \source/integration/qawo.c \source/integration/qaws.c \source/integration/qc25c.c \source/integration/qc25f.c \source/integration/qc25s.c \source/integration/qcheb.c \source/integration/qelg.c \source/integration/qk.c \source/integration/qk15.c \source/integration/qk21.c \source/integration/qk31.c \source/integration/qk41.c \source/integration/qk51.c \source/integration/qk61.c \source/integration/qmomo.c \source/integration/qmomof.c \source/integration/qng.c \source/integration/workspace.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>double f (double x, void * params)
{double alpha = *(double *) params;double f = log(alpha*x) / sqrt(x);return f;
}void integration_test (void)
{gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);double result, error;double expected = -4.0;double alpha = 1.0;gsl_function F;F.function = &f;F.params = &alpha;gsl_integration_qags (&F, 0, 1, 0, 1e-7, 1000, w, &result, &error);printf ("result = % .18f\n", result);printf ("exact result = % .18f\n", expected);printf ("estimated error = % .18f\n", error);printf ("actual error = % .18f\n", result - expected);printf ("intervals = %d\n", w->size);gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);


result = -4.000000000000085300
exact result = -4.000000000000000000
estimated error =  0.000000000000135447
actual error = -0.000000000000085265
intervals = 8

gsl_rng 模块

源文件中有多处 inline 需改为 __inline。


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_rng
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/rng/borosh13.c \source/rng/cmrg.c \source/rng/coveyou.c \source/rng/default.c \source/rng/file.c \source/rng/fishman2x.c \source/rng/fishman18.c \source/rng/fishman20.c \source/rng/gfsr4.c \source/rng/inline.c \source/rng/knuthran.c \source/rng/knuthran2.c \source/rng/knuthran2002.c \source/rng/lecuyer21.c \source/rng/minstd.c \source/rng/mrg.c \source/rng/mt.c \source/rng/r250.c \source/rng/ran0.c \source/rng/ran1.c \source/rng/ran2.c \source/rng/ran3.c \source/rng/rand.c \source/rng/rand48.c \source/rng/random.c \source/rng/randu.c \source/rng/ranf.c \source/rng/ranlux.c \source/rng/ranlxd.c \source/rng/ranlxs.c \source/rng/ranmar.c \source/rng/rng.c \source/rng/slatec.c \source/rng/taus.c \source/rng/taus113.c \source/rng/transputer.c \source/rng/tt.c \source/rng/types.c \source/rng/uni.c \source/rng/uni32.c \source/rng/vax.c \source/rng/waterman14.c \source/rng/zuf.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>void rng_test (void)
{const gsl_rng_type * T;gsl_rng * r;int i, n = 10;gsl_rng_env_setup();T = gsl_rng_default;r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);for (i = 0; i < n; i++){double u = gsl_rng_uniform (r);printf ("%.5f\n", u);}gsl_rng_free (r);



gsl_qrng 模块


# Project created by QtCreator 2016-08-26T20:38:46
#-------------------------------------------------QT       -= core guiTARGET = gsl_qrng
CONFIG += staticlibINCLUDEPATH += ./include/SOURCES += \source/qrng/halton.c \source/qrng/inline.c \source/qrng/niederreiter-2.c \source/qrng/qrng.c \source/qrng/reversehalton.c \source/qrng/sobol.cunix {target.path = /usr/libINSTALLS += target


#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_qrng.h>void qrng_test (void)
{int i;gsl_qrng * q = gsl_qrng_alloc (gsl_qrng_sobol, 2);for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++){double v[2];gsl_qrng_get (q, v);printf ("%.5f %.5f\n", v[0], v[1]);}gsl_qrng_free (q);


0.74121 0.16895
0.24121 0.66895
0.17871 0.35645
0.67871 0.85645
0.92871 0.10645
0.42871 0.60645
0.30371 0.23145
0.80371 0.73145
0.55371 0.48145
0.05371 0.98145
0.03809 0.21582
0.53809 0.71582
0.78809 0.46582
0.28809 0.96582
0.41309 0.34082
0.91309 0.84082
0.66309 0.09082
0.16309 0.59082
0.22559 0.40332
0.72559 0.90332
0.97559 0.15332
0.47559 0.65332
0.35059 0.02832
0.85059 0.52832
0.60059 0.27832
0.10059 0.77832
0.06934 0.30957
0.56934 0.80957
0.81934 0.05957
0.31934 0.55957
0.44434 0.18457
0.94434 0.68457
0.69434 0.43457
0.19434 0.93457
0.13184 0.12207
0.63184 0.62207
0.88184 0.37207
0.38184 0.87207
0.25684 0.49707
0.75684 0.99707
0.50684 0.24707
0.00684 0.74707
0.00488 0.24902
0.50488 0.74902
0.75488 0.49902
0.25488 0.99902
0.37988 0.37402
0.87988 0.87402
0.62988 0.12402
0.12988 0.62402
0.19238 0.43652
0.69238 0.93652
0.94238 0.18652
0.44238 0.68652
0.31738 0.06152
0.81738 0.56152
0.56738 0.31152
0.06738 0.81152
0.09863 0.28027
0.59863 0.78027
0.84863 0.03027
0.34863 0.53027
0.47363 0.15527
0.97363 0.65527
0.72363 0.40527
0.22363 0.90527
0.16113 0.09277
0.66113 0.59277
0.91113 0.34277
0.41113 0.84277
0.28613 0.46777
0.78613 0.96777
0.53613 0.21777
0.03613 0.71777
0.05176 0.48340
0.55176 0.98340
0.80176 0.23340
0.30176 0.73340
0.42676 0.10840
0.92676 0.60840
0.67676 0.35840
0.17676 0.85840
0.23926 0.17090
0.73926 0.67090
0.98926 0.42090
0.48926 0.92090
0.36426 0.29590
0.86426 0.79590
0.61426 0.04590
0.11426 0.54590
0.08301 0.01465
0.58301 0.51465
0.83301 0.26465
0.33301 0.76465
0.45801 0.38965
0.95801 0.88965
0.70801 0.13965
0.20801 0.63965
0.14551 0.32715
0.64551 0.82715
0.89551 0.07715
0.39551 0.57715
0.27051 0.20215
0.77051 0.70215
0.52051 0.45215
0.02051 0.95215
0.02832 0.35059
0.52832 0.85059
0.77832 0.10059
0.27832 0.60059
0.40332 0.22559
0.90332 0.72559
0.65332 0.47559
0.15332 0.97559
0.21582 0.03809
0.71582 0.53809
0.96582 0.28809
0.46582 0.78809
0.34082 0.41309
0.84082 0.91309
0.59082 0.16309
0.09082 0.66309
0.12207 0.13184
0.62207 0.63184
0.87207 0.38184
0.37207 0.88184
0.49707 0.25684
0.99707 0.75684
0.74707 0.00684
0.24707 0.50684
0.18457 0.44434
0.68457 0.94434
0.93457 0.19434
0.43457 0.69434
0.30957 0.06934
0.80957 0.56934
0.55957 0.31934
0.05957 0.81934
0.04395 0.11621
0.54395 0.61621
0.79395 0.36621
0.29395 0.86621
0.41895 0.49121
0.91895 0.99121
0.66895 0.24121
0.16895 0.74121
0.23145 0.30371
0.73145 0.80371
0.98145 0.05371
0.48145 0.55371
0.35645 0.17871
0.85645 0.67871
0.60645 0.42871
0.10645 0.92871
0.07520 0.39746
0.57520 0.89746
0.82520 0.14746
0.32520 0.64746
0.45020 0.02246
0.95020 0.52246
0.70020 0.27246
0.20020 0.77246
0.13770 0.20996
0.63770 0.70996
0.88770 0.45996
0.38770 0.95996
0.26270 0.33496
0.76270 0.83496
0.51270 0.08496
0.01270 0.58496
0.00879 0.41699
0.50879 0.91699
0.75879 0.16699
0.25879 0.66699
0.38379 0.04199
0.88379 0.54199
0.63379 0.29199
0.13379 0.79199
0.19629 0.22949
0.69629 0.72949
0.94629 0.47949
0.44629 0.97949
0.32129 0.35449
0.82129 0.85449
0.57129 0.10449
0.07129 0.60449
0.10254 0.07324
0.60254 0.57324
0.85254 0.32324
0.35254 0.82324
0.47754 0.44824
0.97754 0.94824
0.72754 0.19824
0.22754 0.69824
0.16504 0.26074
0.66504 0.76074
0.91504 0.01074
0.41504 0.51074
0.29004 0.13574
0.79004 0.63574
0.54004 0.38574
0.04004 0.88574
0.05566 0.18262
0.55566 0.68262
0.80566 0.43262
0.30566 0.93262
0.43066 0.30762
0.93066 0.80762
0.68066 0.05762
0.18066 0.55762
0.24316 0.49512
0.74316 0.99512
0.99316 0.24512
0.49316 0.74512
0.36816 0.12012
0.86816 0.62012
0.61816 0.37012
0.11816 0.87012
0.08691 0.33887
0.58691 0.83887
0.83691 0.08887
0.33691 0.58887
0.46191 0.21387
0.96191 0.71387
0.71191 0.46387
0.21191 0.96387
0.14941 0.02637
0.64941 0.52637
0.89941 0.27637
0.39941 0.77637
0.27441 0.40137
0.77441 0.90137
0.52441 0.15137
0.02441 0.65137
0.01660 0.04980
0.51660 0.54980
0.76660 0.29980
0.26660 0.79980
0.39160 0.42480
0.89160 0.92480
0.64160 0.17480
0.14160 0.67480
0.20410 0.36230
0.70410 0.86230
0.95410 0.11230
0.45410 0.61230
0.32910 0.23730
0.82910 0.73730
0.57910 0.48730
0.07910 0.98730
0.11035 0.45605
0.61035 0.95605
0.86035 0.20605
0.36035 0.70605
0.48535 0.08105
0.98535 0.58105
0.73535 0.33105
0.23535 0.83105
0.17285 0.14355
0.67285 0.64355
0.92285 0.39355
0.42285 0.89355
0.29785 0.26855
0.79785 0.76855
0.54785 0.01855
0.04785 0.51855
0.03223 0.28418
0.53223 0.78418
0.78223 0.03418
0.28223 0.53418
0.40723 0.15918
0.90723 0.65918
0.65723 0.40918
0.15723 0.90918
0.21973 0.09668
0.71973 0.59668
0.96973 0.34668
0.46973 0.84668
0.34473 0.47168
0.84473 0.97168
0.59473 0.22168
0.09473 0.72168
0.06348 0.19043
0.56348 0.69043
0.81348 0.44043
0.31348 0.94043
0.43848 0.31543
0.93848 0.81543
0.68848 0.06543
0.18848 0.56543
0.12598 0.37793
0.62598 0.87793
0.87598 0.12793
0.37598 0.62793
0.25098 0.00293
0.75098 0.50293
0.50098 0.25293
0.00098 0.75293
0.00146 0.37646


与 gsl ref 上的图有蛮大的差异。有待进一步确认。

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