



  • ?业界知名权威精彩演讲

  • ?150+中国与国际汽车等相关企业决策人交流


  • 深入解读智能联网商用车技术及标准法规

  • 商用车智能联网化技术现状和发展趋势

  • 车联网助力高效安全的商用车车队管理

  • 智能商用车助力智慧物流运输

  • 商用车自动驾驶技术最新实践

  • 商用车高级驾驶辅助系统确保安全驾驶

  • 高精度导航系统助力商用车自动驾驶

  • 传感器在智能商用车的应用和创新

  • 小组讨论:智能商用车车队管理的机遇和挑战

  • 智能联网商用车的信息安全保障

  • 纯电动商用车发展现状和趋势

  • 最新商用车人机交互系统的开发及设计提升

  • 商用车智能车灯系统保障夜间行驶安全

  • 商用车智能传动控制系统实现节能减排

  • 智能保养系统提高商用车出勤率

  • 联网商用车UBI

  • 智能挂车解决方案

  • 智能底盘技术促进商用车行车安全和效率提升

China IntelligentCommercial Vehicle Summit 2017

China IntelligentCommercial Vehicle Summit 2017 will be held on December 7-8, 2017 in DoubleTree by Hilton Shanghai-Pudong China. The Summit is organized by ECVInternational Shanghai Co,.Ltd.

With the rapiddevelopment of the internet technology, communication technology, artificialintelligence and the computer technology, intellectualization has become atrend and direction. Intellectualization has penetrated into all walks of life,from smart phones, smart appliances to the intelligent manufacturing andintelligent logistics. In the context of "Industrial 4.0","Intelligent Transportation", "Smart City" and"Internet +", automobile intellectualization has become the mostimportant trend of automobile industrial development. In the "Made inChina 2025", China has clearly claimed the overall goal of automotiveintelligent technology, including changing travel mode, eliminating congestion,improving road utilization, and substantive elimination of traffic fatalities.Similarly, the trend of intellectualization and connection exists in the fieldof commercial vehicles, aiming to rapidly change the development of logisticsand transport industry and to achieve higher efficient fleet management. Intelligentand connected commercial vehicle has become the focus of the automotiveindustry and even the society. Following the industrial trend, the summit willdiscuss the latest technology and practice of intelligent commercial vehiclesin terms of the status quo, standards and regulations of intelligent commercialvehicles, intelligent commercial vehicle fleet management, self-drivingtechnology of commercial vehicles, assistant driving technology, the latest IOVtechnology and the spare parts of intelligent commercial vehicles.

The summit isproudly having leaders of the commercial vehicle industry, and will help themto further understand the status and developments of intelligent commercialvehicle technology through the keynote speeches, panel discussions andQ&As. This event will also serve as a wonderful platform, to facilitate thecommunications and cooperation between the leaders, and to promote thedevelopment of intelligent and connected commercial vehicles.

China Intelligent Commercial Vehicle Summit 2017

Wonderful Speeches by the _executives of Well-known Vehicle relativeEnterprises

Ø    150+ Vehicle Relative Enterprises at Home and Abroad

This forum will focus on the hot topics as below,

Ø    Depth Interpretation of Technology and Standards of Intelligentand Connected Commercial Vehicles

Ø    Status quo and Development of Intelligent NetworkingTechnology for Commercial Vehicles

Ø    Efficient and Safe Commercial Vehicle Fleet ManagementPowered by IoV

Ø    Smart Logistics and Transport Powered by IntelligentCommercial Vehicles

Ø    Latest Practice of Automatic Driving Technology forCommercial Vehicles

Ø    Ensuring Safe Driving by ADAS for Commercial Vehicles

Ø    Self-driving Commercial Vehicles Powered by TheHigh-precision Navigation System

Ø    Applications and Innovations of Sensors in IntelligentCommercial Vehicle

Ø    Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges ofIntelligent Commercial Vehicle Management

Ø    Information Security of Intelligent and ConnectedCommercial Vehicle

Ø    The Status and Development of Pure Electric CommercialVehicles

Ø    The Development of Design Upgrade of Human-computerInteraction System of


Ø    Ensure Safe Driving at Night with Intelligent LightsSystem for Commercial Vehicles

Ø    Intelligent Vehicle Control System for CommercialVehicles Realize Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

Ø    Increase the Attendance of Commercial Vehicles byIntelligent Maintenance System

Ø    Connected Commercial Vehicle UBI

Ø    The Latest Intelligent Technologies of IntelligentTrailer

Ø    Intelligent Chassis Technology to Promote CommercialVehicle Driving Safety and Efficiency



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