GCC Function instrumentation机制可以用来跟踪函数的调用关系,在gcc中对应的选项为-finstrument-functions。可查看gcc的man page来获取更详细信息。

void __cyg_profile_func_enter (void *this_fn, void *call_site);
void __cyg_profile_func_exit  (void *this_fn, void *call_site);



static void func_test(v) {   /* your code... */}

gcc编译时加 -finstrument-functions 选项编译后,这个函数的定义就变成了:

static void func_test(v) {__cyg_profile_func_enter(this_fn, call_site);/* your code... */__cyg_profile_func_exit(this_fn, call_site);}



#include <stdio.h>
#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%s: func = %p, called by = %p\n", __FUNCTION__, func, call)void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_func, void *call_site) {DUMP(this_func, call_site);}
void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_func, void *call_site) {DUMP(this_func, call_site);}
int do_multi(int a, int b) {return a * b;}
int do_calc(int a, int b) {return do_multi(a, b);}int main()
{int a = 4, b = 5;printf("result: %d\n", do_calc(a, b));  return 0;



# gcc -finstrument-functions instrfunc.c -o instrfunc
# ./instrfunc
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d261, called by = 0x7fd16a03a083
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d20e, called by = 0x55e56e18d29e
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d1c3, called by = 0x55e56e18d243
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d1c3, called by = 0x55e56e18d243
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d20e, called by = 0x55e56e18d29e
result: 20
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d261, called by = 0x7fd16a03a083

通过反汇编的代码(objdump -D instrfunc)可以看到,这些地址和函数的对应关系为:

__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d261(main), called by = 0x7fd16a03a083
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d20e(do_calc), called by = 0x55e56e18d29e(main)
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x55e56e18d1c3(do_multi), called by = 0x55e56e18d243(do_calc)
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d1c3(do_multi), called by = 0x55e56e18d243(do_calc)
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d20e(do_calc), called by = 0x55e56e18d29e(main)
result: 20
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x55e56e18d261(main), called by = 0x7fd16a03a083




# addr2line --help
Usage: addr2line [option(s)] [addr(s)]Convert addresses into line number/file name pairs.If no addresses are specified on the command line, they will be read from stdinThe options are:@<file>                Read options from <file>-a --addresses         Show addresses-b --target=<bfdname>  Set the binary file format-e --exe=<executable>  Set the input file name (default is a.out)-i --inlines           Unwind inlined functions-j --section=<name>    Read section-relative offsets instead of addresses-p --pretty-print      Make the output easier to read for humans-s --basenames         Strip directory names-f --functions         Show function names-C --demangle[=style]  Demangle function names-R --recurse-limit     Enable a limit on recursion whilst demangling.  [Default]-r --no-recurse-limit  Disable a limit on recursion whilst demangling-h --help              Display this information-v --version           Display the program's versionaddr2line: supported targets: elf64-x86-64 elf32-i386 elf32-iamcu elf32-x86-64 pei-i386 pei-x86-64 elf64-l1om elf64-k1om elf64-little elf64-big elf32-little elf32-big pe-x86-64 pe-bigobj-x86-64 pe-i386 srec symbolsrec verilog tekhex binary ihex plugin
Report bugs to <http://www.sourceware.org/bugzilla/>


# gcc -g -finstrument-functions instrfunc.c -o instrfunc
# ./instrfunc
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x558c4e23c261, called by = 0x7fc16d49f083
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x558c4e23c20e, called by = 0x558c4e23c29e
__cyg_profile_func_enter: func = 0x558c4e23c1c3, called by = 0x558c4e23c243
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x558c4e23c1c3, called by = 0x558c4e23c243
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x558c4e23c20e, called by = 0x558c4e23c29e
result: 20
__cyg_profile_func_exit: func = 0x558c4e23c261, called by = 0x7fc16d49f083


# addr2line -e instrfunc -a 0x558c4e23c243 -fp -s
0x55e56e18d243: do_calc at instrfunc.c:25



#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%p\n", __builtin_return_address(0))

#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%p\n", call_site)      // 建议用这个,这个可以看到调用者实施调用的具体行号


004006c8 <do_multi>:
4006c8:   27bdffd8    addiu   sp,sp,-40
4006cc:  afbf0024    sw  ra,36(sp)   ;;存储ra寄存器(返回地址)的值
4006d0: afbe0020    sw  s8,32(sp)
4006d4:  afb1001c    sw  s1,28(sp)
4006d8:  afb00018    sw  s0,24(sp)
4006dc:  03a0f021    move    s8,sp
4006e0:  03e08021    move    s0,ra   ;;s0 = ra
4006e4:  afc40028    sw  a0,40(s8)
4006e8:  afc5002c    sw  a1,44(s8)
4006ec:  02001021    move    v0,s0   ;;v0 = s0
4006f0:  3c030040    lui v1,0x40
4006f4:    246406c8    addiu   a0,v1,1736  ;;将本函数的地址赋值给a0寄存器
4006f8: 00402821    move    a1,v0       ;;将返回地址ra的值赋值给a1寄存器
4006fc:   0c100188    jal 400620 <__cyg_profile_func_enter> ;;调用hook函数
400700:   00000000    nop
400704:    8fc30028    lw  v1,40(s8)
400708:  8fc2002c    lw  v0,44(s8)
40070c:  00000000    nop
400710:    00620018    mult    v1,v0
400714:  00008812    mflo    s1
400718: 02001021    move    v0,s0
40071c:  3c030040    lui v1,0x40
400720:    246406c8    addiu   a0,v1,1736  ;;将本函数的地址赋值给a0寄存器
400724: 00402821    move    a1,v0       ;;将返回地址ra的值赋值给a1寄存器
400728:   0c10019d    jal 400674 <__cyg_profile_func_exit> ;;调用hook函数
40072c:    00000000    nop
400730:    02201021    move    v0,s1
400734:  03c0e821    move    sp,s8
400738:  8fbf0024    lw  ra,36(sp)   ;;恢复ra寄存器(返回地址)的值
40073c: 8fbe0020    lw  s8,32(sp)
400740:  8fb1001c    lw  s1,28(sp)
400744:  8fb00018    lw  s0,24(sp)
400748:  27bd0028    addiu   sp,sp,40
40074c:   03e00008    jr  ra
400750: 00000000    nop


还有一种更好的方法:直接打印出函数的名字(预编译时加上 -D_GNU_SOURCE, 链接时加上 -ldl ,android ndk-build 似乎不用加入-D_GNU_SOURCE,要不要加入-D_GNU_SOURCE自己可以去看dlfcn.h的源码) (如果dli_snameNULL,加上参数 -Wl,--export-dynamic 试试):


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>// #define DUMP(func, call) printf("%s: func = %p, called by = %p\n", __FUNCTION__, func, call)
#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%p\n", call_site)static int call_level = 0;
static void *last_fn = NULL;void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_func, void *call_site)
{// DUMP(this_func, call_site);int i;Dl_info di;if (last_fn != this_func) ++call_level;for (i = 0; i < call_level-1; i++) printf("   ");if (dladdr(this_func, &di)) {printf("%s\t\t(%s)\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname);}last_fn = this_func;
}void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_func, void *call_site)
{// DUMP(this_func, call_site);--call_level;
#if 0Dl_info di;if (dladdr(this_func, &di)) {printf("%s (%s)\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname);}
}int do_multi(int a, int b) {return a * b;}
int do_add(int a, int b) {return a+b;}
int do_calc(int a, int b) {do_multi(a, b);}int main()
{int a = 4, b = 5;do_calc(a, b);do_add(a, b);return 0;


# gcc -g -D_GNU_SOURCE -finstrument-functions instrfunc.c -o instrfunc -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic
# ./instrfunc
main        (./instrfunc)do_calc        (./instrfunc)do_multi        (./instrfunc)do_add        (./instrfunc)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <pthread.h>// #define DUMP(func, call) printf("%s: func = %p, called by = %p\n", __FUNCTION__, func, call)
#define DUMP(func, call) printf("%p\n", call_site)static int call_level = 0;
static void *last_fn = NULL;void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_func, void *call_site)
{// DUMP(this_func, call_site);int i;Dl_info di;for (i = 0; i < call_level; i++) printf("   ");if (last_fn != this_func) ++call_level;if (dladdr(this_func, &di)) {printf("%s\t\t(%s)\ttid:%lu -->\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname, pthread_self());// printf("%s\t\t(%s)\ttid:%lx %lu\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname, pthread_self(), pthread_self());// printf("%s\t\t(%s)\ttid:%x\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname, (int) (0xFFFFFF & pthread_self()));}last_fn = this_func;
}void __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_func, void *call_site)
{// DUMP(this_func, call_site);--call_level;
#if 0Dl_info di;int i;for (i = 0; i < call_level; i++) printf("   ");if (dladdr(this_func, &di)) {printf("%s\t\t(%s)\ttid:%lu <--\n", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname, pthread_self());}
}int do_multi(int a, int b) {return a * b;}
int do_add(int a, int b) {return a+b;}
int do_calc(int a, int b) {do_multi(a, b);}void func_c(void) {}
void func_b(void) {func_c();}
void func_a(void) {func_b(); func_c();}
void *thread_func_a(void *para) {func_a();}
void *thread_func_b(void *para) {func_a();}int main()
{int a = 4, b = 5;do_calc(a, b);pthread_t pta, ptb;pthread_create(&pta, NULL, thread_func_a, (void *) NULL);do_add(a, b);pthread_create(&ptb, NULL, thread_func_b, (void *) NULL);pthread_join(pta, NULL);pthread_join(ptb, NULL);return 0;


# gcc -g -D_GNU_SOURCE -finstrument-functions instrfunc.c -o instrfunc -ldl -lpthread -Wl,--export-dynamic
# ./instrfunc
main        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079528912704 -->do_calc        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079528912704 -->do_multi        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079528912704 -->do_add        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079528912704 -->thread_func_a        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079518557952 -->func_a        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079518557952 -->func_b        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079518557952 -->func_c        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079518557952 -->func_c        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079518557952 -->
thread_func_b        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079510165248 -->func_a        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079510165248 -->func_b        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079510165248 -->func_c        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079510165248 -->func_c        (./instrfunc)    tid:140079510165248 -->

如果要在android ndk下将以上两个hook函数编译成库(最好编译成静态库),需要在Application.mk里包含:

APP_OPTIM := debug
APP_ABI   := armeabi-v7a
APP_CFLAG := -g -ggdb -O0
APP_PLATFORM := android-8



#include <dlfcn.h>


Dl_info di;fprintf(fp,  "entering %p", (int *)this_fn);
if (dladdr(this_fn, &di)) {fprintf(fp,  " %s (%s)", di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : "<unknown>", di.dli_fname);
fputs("\n", fp);

No: the addresses that you print depend on where the in memory the
library is loaded, and that address can (and does on newer Linux
distributions) change from one run to the next.

Since nm can’t possibly know where the library will be loaded,
it follows that nm can’t possibly print the same address.

But when your __cyg_profile_func_enter is executing, it can
ask dynamic loader for the base address, and print the address that
will match output from nm.

Even better, it can simply ask dynamic loader for the name, and
print that, so you wouldn’t have to “match” by hand at all.

Here is the code that does that. I only did the ‘entering’ part:

$ diff -u tracer.c.orig tracer.c
— tracer.c.orig 2007-12-04 20:09:08.969400312 -0800
+++ tracer.c 2007-12-04 20:06:33.036105776 -0800
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

 \#include <sys/types.h>\#include <sys/stat.h>\#include <unistd.h>

+ #include <dlfcn.h>

 void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site) __attribute__((no_instrument_function));void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void *call_site) __attribute__((no_instrument_function));

@@ -18,12 +19,17 @@

void * last_fn;
void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site)

+ Dl_info di;

 if (fp == NULL) fp = fopen( "trace.txt", "w" );if (fp == NULL) exit(-1);if ( this_fn!=last_fn) ++call_level;for (int i=0;i<=call_level;i++) fprintf(fp,"\t");

- fprintf(fp, “entering %p\n”, (int *)this_fn);
+ fprintf(fp, “entering %p”, (int *)this_fn);
+ if (dladdr(this_fn, &di)) {
+ fprintf(fp, " %s (%s)“, di.dli_sname ? di.dli_sname : “”, di.dli_fname);
+ }
+ fputs(”\n", fp);
last_fn = this_fn;

You’ll need to link main with -ldl.
And here is a snipet of resulting output:

​ entering 0x80488d0 __gxx_personality_v0 (./main)
​ entering 0xd4fade _ZN4test9function3Ec (./libtest.so)
​ entering 0xd4fa5a _ZN4test9function2Ei (./libtest.so)
​ entering 0xd4f9e4 _ZN4test9function1El (./libtest.so)
​ exiting 0xd4f9e4

If you want demangled names, there is a function for that as well
(cplus_demangle() in libiberty).



I have the following c++ code in 4 files: test.h, test.cpp, main.cpp, tracer.c


class test {int function1 (long l);int function2 (int i);public:int function3 (char c);};


#include <iostream>
#include "test.h"
using namespace std;int test::function1 (long l) {
cout << "in function 1" << endl;return l;
}int test::function2 (int i) {
cout << "in function 2" << endl;return test::function1 (i) + 1;
}int test::function3 (char c) {
cout << "in function 3" << endl;return test::function2 (c) + 1;}


#include <iostream>
#include "test.h"
using namespace std;int main () {class test *ptest;ptest = new test();return ptest->function3 (1);}


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
{#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <unistd.h>void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site)
__attribute__((no_instrument_function));void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void *call_site)
static FILE *fp;
int call_level=0;
void * last_fn;
void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site)
{if (fp == NULL) fp = fopen( "trace.txt", "w" );if (fp == NULL) exit(-1);if ( this_fn!=last_fn) ++call_level;for (int i=0;i<=call_level;i++) fprintf(fp,"\t");fprintf(fp,  "entering %p\n", (int *)this_fn);(void)call_site;last_fn = this_fn;}void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void *call_site)
{--call_level;for (int i=0;i<=call_level;i++) fprintf(fp,"\t");fprintf(fp, "exiting %p\n", (int *)this_fn);(void)call_site;}

运行命令,获取从__cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit 函数的输出:

# g++ -fPIC -g -finstrument-functions -c test.cpp tracer.c
# g++ -shared -Wall,soname,libtest.so.0 -o libtest.so.0.0 libtest.o tracer.o
# ln -sf libtest.so.0.0 libtest.so
# g++ -g -finstrument-functions -o main -ltest -L./ main.cpp
# ./main

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  8. 自治,甲骨文继续领先的开始?
  9. WeChat 聊天记录从一台手机转移到另外一台手机的注意事项
  10. smart 支持标签