【简答题】名词解释: 黑色金属、有色金属、 重金属、轻金属、贵金属、稀有金属

【单选题】下列关于数据模型中实体间联系的描述正确的是( )。


【单选题】With only a 5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long to understand that we had to use less water. (Para. 8)

【单选题】现实世界“特征”术语,对应于数据世界的( )。




【阅读理解】阅读短文回答相应的问题。(共10小题,每题10分,总计100分) The General Manager As in any business,there must be one person responsible for the overall operation. That person is the general manager, sometimes, particularly in the larger hotels, called the managing director. In the past,possibly into the l930s, the hotel manager was primarily a genial host, personally greeting the guests and seeing to it that they were properly cared for. But as the banks (through bankruptcies and foreclosures), corporations, conglomerates, and other business organizations began acquiring hotels, this image began to disappear. The first concern of executives and stockholders of these companies was that the property shows a profit. As a result,a new type of innkeeper emerged, and today the successful general manager is a highly trained person, capable of directing a complex business enterprise. Running a hotel is a full-time, 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week operation. The hotel is never closed-there can be no time off, no holidays. Someone representing management, and some members of the operating staff, must be on duty every hour and every day of the year. No broad policy could possibly cope with the many diverse situations that occur daily in any given hotel. The general manager is the person responsible for defining and interpreting the policies established by top management. In addition, the successful manager must implement and improve them and, on occasion,may be forced to completely disregard them. To perform these duties properly requires a working knowledge of all phases of hotel operation.No one can properly give or explain an order without some idea of what is involved. The quickest and easiest way for an executive to lose the respect of the employees is to give instructions without understanding their implications or the amount of time necessary to carry them out. In fact, we believe it is impossible to properly and intelligently supervise anyone without having at least a general idea of that person’s duties and responsibilities.

【单选题】What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately. (Para. 3)

【单选题】面向对象数据模型中的对象通常包括( )。

【单选题】当前数据库应用系统的主流数据模型是( )。


【单选题】... to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power. (Para. 6)

【单选题】预测性房地产估价,其估价对象状况和房地产市场状况常见的关系是( )。

【多选题】关于分类汇总,以下叙述不正确的是( )

【单选题】在数据库系统中,对数据操作的最小单位是( )。

【单选题】关于筛选,叙述不正确的是( )

【单选题】关系数据库管理系统与网状系统相比( )。

【单选题】数据模型的三要素是( )。


【单选题】数据库中,实体是指( )。

【单选题】构造E-R模型的三个基本要素是( )。

【阅读理解】Restaurant services There are mainly five kinds of restaurant services. They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet (self-catering) service and takeaway service. The first three kinds of services are sit-down services and a buffet service can be both a sit-down one and a stand-up one. Take away service is usually associated with snack bars and fast food outlets. In gueridon service, the waiter must always be well-trained and skilled for he has to perform such things as filleting,carving and cooking special dishes in front of the guest.In silver service,the food is prepared in the kitchen and brought to the guest’s table on a silver tray. In plate service, the waiter takes the plated meal from the service hotplate and then put the plate on the guest’s table. All that he has to do is to make sure that the correct lid is laid and the necessary accompaniments are available on the table. In buffet service,a guest picks his or her own tray and cutlery from one end of the service table and chooses whatever dish he or she 1ikes. Two forms of meals are distinguished:a la carte and table d’hote. An a la carte meal is ordered course by course from a menu where each item has a separate price while a table d’hote meal has a fixed price for a complete meal or several courses.



【简答题】1、在同一行中输出1~5 5个数字,数字间使用#号分隔。如:1#2#3#4#5

【单选题】有关三个世界中数据的描述术语,“实体”是( )。

【单选题】对现实世界进行第二层抽象的模型是( )。

【其它】作业2.doc (注:共4页,请注意做完)


【单选题】关系模型的数据结构是( )。

【单选题】评估用于产权调换房屋为期房的价值时,价值时点和估价对象的状况匹配正确的是( )。

【单选题】Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. (Para. 4)


【单选题】用来指定和区分不同实体元素的是( )。


【单选题】五代中原山水画家荆浩的代表作是( )

【填空题】数据模型是由 、 、 三部分组成。




【单选题】Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. (Para. 9)

【单选题】某单位要统计各科室人员工资情况,按工资从高到低排序,若工资相同,以工龄降序排列,则以下做法正确的是( )

【单选题】运用收益法评估房地产价值时,要求利用与估价对象所在区域相同或相似房地产的客观收益来推算估价对象预期收益,这主要是依据房地产估价中的(C )。

【填空题】二元实体之间的联系可抽象为三类,它们是 、 和 。


【简答题】使用print格式化的形式输出下面语句:其中“张三”和“650”是参数 我的姓名是张三,考试总分数是:650

【单选题】下列给出的数据模型中,是概念数据模型的是( )。

【简答题】1,通过学习文章,请你说出下列几句话的意思 (1) 女子无才便是德 (2) 无度不丈夫 (3) 人不为己,天诛地灭 2,你知道” 问世间情是何物 ,直教生死相许?“ 原词写的是( ),到网上查找这名话背后的凄美故事。 A、天鹅 B,鸳鸯 C,人 D,大雁

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