
In the latest update statistics released by Apple, it is pretty clear that people have stopped updating their phones to the latest version. From the release of the update to the general public to the 21st September, uptake of the new OS had rocketed to 46% – a figure that is remarkable by anyone’s standards. However, from 21st September to the figures released on 7th October, this figure had only increased by one point to 47%, meaning that there has been a rapid slow down in the number of people choosing to update. Apple has always been keen to keep its users on the latest operating system so that they can take advantage of the latest apps and in order to avoid the kind of OS fragmentation we have seen with the Android operating system.

在Apple发布的最新更新统计信息中,很明显,人们已经停止将手机更新到最新版本。 从向公众发布更新版本到9月21日,新OS的使用率已飙升至46%,这一数字以任何人的标准而言都是惊人的。 但是,从9月21日到10月7日发布的数字,这一数字仅增加了一个百分点,达到47%,这意味着选择更新的人数Swift下降。 苹果一直热衷于让用户使用最新的操作系统,以便他们可以利用最新的应用程序,并避免我们在Android操作系统中看到的那种操作系统碎片。

“砖头”电话 (‘Bricked’ phones)

One of the reasons behind the decline in the uptake of the new OS could be the fact that the original update led to the phones of some users becoming ‘bricked’, meaning that they were rendered completely unusable. In such an event it wouldn’t be unsusal for users to become disillusioned with the software and lose trust in any future updates; indeed these users may be waiting to establish the reliability of the latest update so that the same thing doesn’t happen again.

拒绝使用新操作系统的原因之一可能是原始更新导致某些用户的电话“砖头化”,这意味着它们变得完全无法使用。 在这种情况下,让用户对软件感到幻灭并失去对任何未来更新的信任并不是没有理由的。 确实,这些用户可能正在等待建立最新更新的可靠性,以便不再发生同一件事。

功能已删除 (Features removed)

Apple has removed some of its flagship features for the first releases of iOS 8, citing that bugs in the software meant that the updates weren’t necessarily ready for the open market at this time. Such features include Apple Pay for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, various HealthKit features, and more importantly Continuity, a feature that allows users to seamlessly accept phone calls and reply to SMS messages to delivered to their phone from their Mac. With these flagship features removed, there may be no clear reason for some users to upgrade their iOS version. It is likely that the uptake will once again increase with the introduction of these features in the near future.

苹果已经删除了iOS 8的第一个发行版中的一些旗舰功能,理由是该软件中的错误意味着该更新目前不一定已经为公开市场做好准备。 这些功能包括适用于iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus的Apple Pay,各种HealthKit功能以及更重要的Continuity(连续性)功能,该功能允许用户无缝地接听电话并回复从Mac传递到手机的SMS消息。 删除了这些旗舰功能后,某些用户可能没有明确的理由升级其iOS版本。 随着不久的将来引入这些功能,采用率可能会再次增加。

OTA更新使用了过多的磁盘空间 (OTA updates utilising too much disk space)

Quite simply put, some users may just not have enough room left on their devices in order to perform an Over the Air update, and plugging an iPhone in and waiting for the latest update to download to a computer can be a long and cumbersome process. iOS 8 requires around 5GB of free space on an Apple device in order to perform the install, although once installed the update will only occupy about 1GB of disk space – it’s the moving of files around in the background that usually demands the large amount of space. People don’t realise they can always take a backup and then delete some items temporarily in order to get the extra space required, but again this can be a long process that people don’t have time for.

简而言之,有些用户可能没有足够的空间来进行空中更新,因此插入iPhone并等待最新更新下载到计算机可能是一个漫长而繁琐的过程。 iOS 8在Apple设备上需要大约5GB的可用空间来执行安装,尽管安装后更新仅会占用大约1GB的磁盘空间–通常是在后台移动文件,这通常需要大量空间。 人们没有意识到他们总是可以备份然后暂时删除某些项目以获取所需的额外空间,但这又是一个漫长的过程,人们没有时间进行。

Whatever the reasons for the slow down in iOS 8 adoption, Apple is likely to want to see this increase in order to maintain its ‘perfect’ ecosystem. I would think that once the withheld features are released to complete iOS 8, users will have more reasons to update their iPhones and iPads.

无论iOS 8普及率下降的原因是什么,苹果都可能希望看到这种增长,以维持其“完美”的生态系统。 我认为,一旦将保留功能发布到完整的iOS 8,用户将有更多理由更新其iPhone和iPad。



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