IPython安装过程 @win7 64bit

为了尝试一下IPython的使用,今天折腾了很久的从安装包msi文件安装,最后无法成功运行,无奈在可以连外网的机器windows7 64bit环境,重新安装了一次,为了避免后来人少走弯路,记录安装过程(前提是已经安装了官方的Python环境):




进入cmd,进入解压后的源代码目录,执行命令:python setupegg.py install


IPython推荐安装readline,下面安装readline。 同样的去 https://launchpad.net/pyreadline/+download 下载readline源码包,

解压后进入源码目录,执行python setup.py install 安装。



I had the same problem. It has to do with ipython.el not finding the

IPython executable.

To fix it, open ipython.el, and replace line

(when (executable-find "ipython")


(when (executable-find "ipython.bat")

Next, add file ipython.bat to your path containing something like the


C:\Python23\python.exe "C:\Program Files\IPython\IPython_shell.py"

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work right on windows. The prompts

are missing so it's almost unusable.


Windows XP SP2

Emacs 22.3

ipython 0.9.1

python-mode.el 4.75


these are the steps I needed to get ipython working under emacs

First, to get ipython.el to work you need to edit the ipython.bat file and add a -i flag: i.e.

@C:\Python26\python.exe -i C:\Python26\scripts\ipython.py %*

next, something is broken with the way readline's _outputfile interacts with ipython under emacs/winXP.

I can get IPython working in emacs by modifying line 122 in genutils.py:

if sys.platform == 'win32' and readline.have_readline and (not 'EM_PARENT_PROCESS_ID' in os.environ):

EM_PARENT_PROCESS is a variable inserted into the environment when running processes under emacs.

This tells ipython not to use readline's _outputfile when running under emacs on windows.

NOTE: readline._outputfile is required for proper color display when running ipython from the command shell.

Finally, tab complete is broken under python 2.6 and using my version of ipython.el (may be fixed in the latest version)

In ipython.el, change the value of ipython-completion-command-string to

(defvar ipython-completion-command-string

"print(';'.join(__IP.Completer.all_completions('%s'))) #PYTHON-MODE SILENT\n"

"The string send to ipython to query for all possible completions")

This uses 2.6 print() function conventions, and should work with python 2.5 as well.

It also looks as if the history files generated by the emacs IPython and the command prompt ipython are incompatible; sometimes the emacs IPython will crash with a strange readline error. I've been deleting the _ipython/history file, which is somewhat annoying (but IPython can log sessions easily anyway).


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