
多元宇宙优化算法(Multi-Verse Optimizer,MVO)是Seyedali Mirjalili等于2016年提出的一种新型智能优化算法[1]。它基于宇宙中的物质通过虫洞由白洞向黑洞进行转移的原理进行模拟。在MVO算法中,主要的性能参数是虫洞存在概率和虫洞旅行距离率,参数相对较少,低维度数值实验表现出了相对较优异的性能。
1 算法原理

2 算法流程图


%  Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO) source codes demo version 1.0                            %
%                                                                                       %
%  Developed in MATLAB R2011b(7.13)                                                     %
%                                                                                       %
%  Author and programmer: Seyedali Mirjalili                                            %
%                                                                                       %
%         e-Mail: ali.mirjalili@gmail.com                                               %
%                 seyedali.mirjalili@griffithuni.edu.au                                 %
%                                                                                       %
%       Homepage: http://www.alimirjalili.com                                           %
%                                                                                       %
%   Main paper:                                                                         %
%                                                                                       %
%   S. Mirjalili, S. M. Mirjalili, A. Hatamlou                                          %
%   Multi-Verse Optimizer: a nature-inspired algorithm for global optimization          %
%   Neural Computing and Applications, in press,2015,                                   %
%   DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-015-1870-7                                    %
%                                                                                       %
%_______________________________________________________________________________________%% You can simply define your cost in a seperate file and load its handle to fobj
% The initial parameters that you need are:
% fobj = @YourCostFunction
% dim = number of your variables
% Max_iteration = maximum number of generations
% SearchAgents_no = number of search agents
% lb=[lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n
% ub=[ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n
% If all the variables have equal lower bound you can just
% define lb and ub as two single number numbers% To run MVO: [Best_score,Best_pos,cg_curve]=MVO(Universes_no,Max_iteration,lb,ub,dim,fobj)
%__________________________________________clear all
clcUniverses_no=60; %Number of search agents (universes)Function_name='F17'; %Name of the test function that can be from F1 to F23 (Table 1,2,3 in the paper)Max_iteration=500; %Maximum numbef of iterations%Load details of the selected benchmark function
[lb,ub,dim,fobj]=Get_Functions_details(Function_name);[Best_score,Best_pos,cg_curve]=MVO(Universes_no,Max_iteration,lb,ub,dim,fobj);figure('Position',[290   206   648   287])%Draw the search space
title('Test function')
zlabel([Function_name,'( x_1 , x_2 )'])
grid off
shading interp;
lighting phong;
shading interp;%Draw the convergence curve
title('Convergence curve')
ylabel('Best score obtained so far');axis tight
grid off
box on
%  Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO) source codes demo version 1.0                            %
%                                                                                       %
%  Developed in MATLAB R2011b(7.13)                                                     %
%                                                                                       %
%  Author and programmer: Seyedali Mirjalili                                            %
%                                                                                       %
%         e-Mail: ali.mirjalili@gmail.com                                               %
%                 seyedali.mirjalili@griffithuni.edu.au                                 %
%                                                                                       %
%       Homepage: http://www.alimirjalili.com                                           %
%                                                                                       %
%   Main paper:                                                                         %
%                                                                                       %
%   S. Mirjalili, S. M. Mirjalili, A. Hatamlou                                          %
%   Multi-Verse Optimizer: a nature-inspired algorithm for global optimization          %
%   Neural Computing and Applications, in press,2015,                                   %
%   DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-015-1870-7                                    %
%                                                                                       %
%_______________________________________________________________________________________%% You can simply define your cost in a seperate file and load its handle to fobj
% The initial parameters that you need are:
% fobj = @YourCostFunction
% dim = number of your variables
% Max_iteration = maximum number of generations
% SearchAgents_no = number of search agents
% lb=[lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n
% ub=[ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n
% If all the variables have equal lower bound you can just
% define lb and ub as two single number numbers% To run MVO: [Best_score,Best_pos,cg_curve]=MVO(Universes_no,Max_iteration,lb,ub,dim,fobj)
%__________________________________________function [Best_universe_Inflation_rate,Best_universe,Convergence_curve]=MVO(N,Max_time,lb,ub,dim,fobj)%Two variables for saving the position and inflation rate (fitness) of the best universe
Best_universe_Inflation_rate=inf;%Initialize the positions of universes
Universes=initialization(N,dim,ub,lb);%Minimum and maximum of Wormhole Existence Probability (min and max in
% Eq.(3.3) in the paper
WEP_Min=0.2;Convergence_curve=zeros(1,Max_time);%Iteration(time) counter
Time=1;%Main loop
while Time<Max_time+1%Eq. (3.3) in the paperWEP=WEP_Min+Time*((WEP_Max-WEP_Min)/Max_time);%Travelling Distance Rate (Formula): Eq. (3.4) in the paperTDR=1-((Time)^(1/6)/(Max_time)^(1/6));%Inflation rates (I) (fitness values)Inflation_rates=zeros(1,size(Universes,1));for i=1:size(Universes,1)%Boundary checking (to bring back the universes inside search% space if they go beyoud the boundariesFlag4ub=Universes(i,:)>ub;Flag4lb=Universes(i,:)<lb;Universes(i,:)=(Universes(i,:).*(~(Flag4ub+Flag4lb)))+ub.*Flag4ub+lb.*Flag4lb;%Calculate the inflation rate (fitness) of universesInflation_rates(1,i)=fobj(Universes(i,:));%Elitismif Inflation_rates(1,i)<Best_universe_Inflation_rateBest_universe_Inflation_rate=Inflation_rates(1,i);Best_universe=Universes(i,:);endend[sorted_Inflation_rates,sorted_indexes]=sort(Inflation_rates);for newindex=1:NSorted_universes(newindex,:)=Universes(sorted_indexes(newindex),:);end%Normaized inflation rates (NI in Eq. (3.1) in the paper)normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates=normr(sorted_Inflation_rates);Universes(1,:)= Sorted_universes(1,:);%Update the Position of universesfor i=2:size(Universes,1)%Starting from 2 since the firt one is the eliteBack_hole_index=i;for j=1:size(Universes,2)r1=rand();if r1<normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates(i)White_hole_index=RouletteWheelSelection(-sorted_Inflation_rates);% for maximization problem -sorted_Inflation_rates should be written as sorted_Inflation_ratesif White_hole_index==-1White_hole_index=1;end%Eq. (3.1) in the paperUniverses(Back_hole_index,j)=Sorted_universes(White_hole_index,j);end



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