




注:安装方法中的命令行都是在Visual Studio X64 Win64命令提示(2013)中完成的,即VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt。不要用成普通的cmd,或者其他版本的了。



Before Qt can be built, couple of system paths and environment variable have to be specified. In control panel > system, go to Advanced system settings and click on Environment Variable. Create 2 new variables with the values as shown below:

QTDIR=<your Qt path>\4.8.6

Then add this path to your PATH variable,

<your Qt path>\4.8.6\bin

so that your system knows where to find qmake.

Open VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and navigate to \4.8.6. Configure Qt with the following line:

configure -debug-and-release -opensource -platform win32-msvc2013

Once the configuration is complete, input nmake to initiate the build process. If you have jom in your Qt path, it can be used to speed up building Qt. In such case, input …\jom\jom.exe -j N instead of nmake, where N refers to the number of CPU cores you wish to utilize, the larger the faster. jom is a clone of nmake that supports multiple independent commands in parallel. It can be downloaded from here.

After the process is finished, input qmake -v to see if your VS2013 recognizes qmake. This command should return the version number of qmake. If not, an error message saying “qmake is not recognized internal or external command” will show. It can happen when you play with different versions of Qt on the same machine. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64 and run vcvars64.bat to force VS2013 to have all environment variables settled. It is necessary to have VS2013 recognize qmake for that Vaa3D and all plugins are created in Qt project format, and VS2013 needs qmake to generate proper visual studio project files so that they can be compiled.
注:这里再提一下有关QT的安装问题。首先VS2013版的QT适用版本至少要4.8.6。这里就用4.8.6作为示例。如果电脑此前可能先装了别的版本的QT,可以用qmake -v 确认qt的版本。如果不是我们安装的4.8.6,可以把其他的版本删除掉。否则以后使用qmake编译插件的时候就得输入我们安装的4.8.6版本的绝对路径,例如:E:/Qt/4.8.6/qmake/qmake.execonfigure -debug-and-release -opensource -platform win32-msvc2013命令运行成功后,如图1。



Should you wish to use more TIFF library version, please find this page to download and follow the instructions below. 4.0.4 and above have all been tested and work fine with Vaa3D.

First,decompress the tiff package to PATH\vaa3d_tools\v3d_main\common_lib\src_packages.Then open CMake gui, put the path of tiff-x.x.x folder(TIFF library you decompress) in both ‘Where is the source code:’ and the same in ‘Where to build the binaries:’ fields. Click Configure, select Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64 as the generator, and then click Generate. In the same folder, ALL_BUILD.vcxproj will be generated. Open it with VS2013, make sure it’s configured Release and x64 as the platform, then build the solution. Next use the VS2013 command prompt to navigate to your tiff folder and execute the following lines to build the library:

nmake /f makefile.vc clean
nmake /f makefile.vc

After build, copy all headers(.h) in tiff-x.x.x\libtiff to v3d_main\common_lib\include.





在’Where is the source code:’ 和’Where to build the binaries:’ 处选择解压后的tiff-4.0.6文件夹路径,然后点Configure按钮,第一次会弹出窗口,选择Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64,点Finish。然后点Generate按钮,结果如图4。将会在tiff-4.0.6文件夹里生成一个ALL_BUILD.vcxproj工程,如图5。




然后注意,如果直接点BUILD里的Build Solution,可能有error,如图7。要右键ALL_BUILD选择Project Only,点击Build Only ALL_BUILD,如图8。



3.Libraries for Fragment Tracing Functionalities (Optional)

Fragment tracing is an additional feature for neuron tracing with object-based approach. To enable this, 2 libraries need to be built beforehand - NeuronStructNavigator.lib and v3d_imgManager.lib. Simply go to PATH\vaa3d_tools\hackathon\MK\NeuronStructNavigator, open NeuronStructNavigator.vcxproj in VS2013 and build. Similarly, go to PATH\vaa3d_tools\hackathon\MK\v3d_imgManagerMK, open v3d_imgManagerMK.vcxproj in VS2013 and build.




4.Configure and Build Vaa3D

Enter “PATH\v3d_external\v3d_main\v3d” folder.
Run qmake -tp vc vaa3d_msvc.pro. This command creates a MS Visual Studio 2013 project file " vaa3d_msvc.vcxproj" in “v3d_main\v3d” folder.
Use MS Visual Studio 2013 to open vaa3d_msvc.vcxproj.
Under Build -> Configuration Manager:
Choose building in “Release” mode in MS Visual Studio 2013.

Choose building in “x64” (for 64bit building) mode in vaa3d_msvc Property Pages, or just select from the building platform located in the toolbar. If “x64” mode does not exist, create one by choosing ‘New’ and then copying the previous configuration settings.

Now hit build button to start building process.

在build vaa3d_msvc.vcxproj时候,可能报错找不到libboost_regex-vc100-mt-1_46.lib。可以尝试将C:\local\boost_1_61_0\lib64-msvc-12.0里的“libboost_regex-vc120-mt-1_61.lib”复制一份,改名为“libboost_regex-vc100-mt-1_46.lib”。

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