非标准语法;请使用 “&” 来创建指向成员的指针,如何解决?


Game.cpp......#include "Game.h"
{cout << "begin to no paraments initialize......\n";
}Game::Game(const string &n,const string &u,const string &g,const int &m)
{cout << "begin to initialize......\n";this->name = n;this->user = u;this->gun.push_back(g);this->money = m;
{cout << "begin to deconstruct......\n";
}void Game::add_money_base(int in_m)
{cout << "welcome to recharge money!!!\n";this->money += in_m;cout << "your money is: " << this->money << endl;
}void Game::add_gun_base(const string &g)
{cout<<"you has added: "<<g<<" in your gun"<<endl;gun.push_back(g);cout << "your guns are: ";for (vector<string>::iterator i = gun.begin();i != gun.end();i++){cout << *i <<" ";}cout << endl;
}void Game::show_gun_base()
{for (vector<string>::iterator i = gun.begin(); i != gun.end(); i++){cout << "your guns are: \n";cout << *i << endl;}
}string & Game::show_game_name_base()
{return name;
}string & Game::show_user_name_base()
{return user;
}void Game::play_game()
{cout << "you are playing: " << name << endl;
}void Game::custom_func_play1()
{cout << "you are playing games......\n";
}void Game::custom_func_play2()
{cout << "you are playing iQOO7......\n";
{cout << "begin to no paraments construct......\n";
}Game1::Game1(const string &n, const string &u, const string &g, const int &m,const string &p, const string &game_name):Game(n, u, g, m)
{this->phone_name = p;this->game_name = game_name;
{cout << "begin to deconstruct" << endl;
}void Game1::add_car_son(const string &c)
{car.push_back(c);cout << "you has added car !!!\n"<<"your cars are : ";for_each(car.begin(), car.end(), [](string &s) {cout << s <<" "; });cout << endl;
}void Game1::play_game()
{cout << "you are using : "<<phone_name<<" to play -> " <<game_name << endl;
}void Game1::show_message_son(string *f_show_name(), string *f_show_user(), int *f_show_money(), void *show_gun_base())
{cout << "your name is: " << *f_show_user() << endl;cout << "your game name is: " << *f_show_name() << endl;cout << "your money is: " << *f_show_money() << endl;show_gun_base();
}void Game1::show(void *add_money_base(int in_m), void *add_gun_base(const string &g), void *show_gun_base())
}void Game1::custom_func_play1()
{cout << "you are playing games......\n";
}void Game1::custom_func_play2()
{cout << "you are playing iQOO7......\n";
Game.h .......
#pragma once
#ifndef GAME_H_
#define GAME_H_#include<string>
using namespace std;class Game
{private:string name;string user;int money;vector<string>gun;public:Game();Game(const string &n, const string &u, const string &g, const int &m);~Game();void add_money_base(int in_m);void add_gun_base(const string &g);void show_gun_base();string &show_game_name_base();string &show_user_name_base();virtual void play_game();virtual void custom_func_play1() = 0;virtual void custom_func_play2() = 0;
};class Game1:public Game
{private:list<string> car;string phone_name;string game_name;public:Game1();Game1(const string &n, const string &u, const string &g, const int &m, const string &p,const string &game_name);~Game1();void add_car_son(const string &c) ;virtual void play_game();void show_message_son(string *f_show_name(), string *f_show_user(),int *f_show_money(), void *show_gun_base());void show(void *add_money_base(int in_m),void *add_gun_base(const string &g),void *show_gun_base());virtual void custom_func_play1();virtual void custom_func_play2();};
main.cpp  .......
#include <iostream>
#include "Game.h"using namespace std;int main()
{Game1 hpjy;hpjy.add_gun_base("98k");hpjy.add_money_base(10);hpjy.add_gun_base("AWM");hpjy.add_money_base(10);hpjy.add_gun_base("M416");hpjy.add_money_base(10);cout << endl;/*Game peace_elite("zjl", "peace elite", "AWM", 0);peace_elite.show_gun_base();cout << "your game name is: " << peace_elite.show_game_name_base() << endl;cout << "your name is: " << peace_elite.show_user_name_base() << endl;peace_elite.add_money_base(666);cout << endl;*/Game1 kybc;kybc.add_car_son("BMW");kybc.add_money_base(10);kybc.add_car_son("audi");kybc.add_money_base(10);kybc.add_car_son("iQOO");kybc.add_money_base(10);Game *g = new Game1("peace_elite", "xwa", "M416", 777, "iQOO", "peace_elite");g->play_game();cout << g->show_game_name_base() << endl;Game1 iQOO("peace_elite", "xwa", "M416", 777, "iQOO", "peace_elite");iQOO.custom_func_play1();iQOO.custom_func_play2();//下面两处有问题:非标准语法;请使用 "&" 来创建指向成员的指针,如何解决?//iQOO.show_message_son(&Game::show_user_name_base,iQOO.show_game_name_base,iQOO.add_money_base,iQOO.show_gun_base);//iQOO.show(&Game::add_money_base, iQOO.add_gun_base, iQOO.show_gun_base);return 0;

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