
Earlier this week we asked you to share your tips and tricks for setting up a novice-proof computer; read on to see how your fellow readers ensure friends and relatives have a well protected computer.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享安装新手计算机的技巧和窍门; 请继续阅读,以了解您的其他读者如何确保亲朋好友的计算机受到良好保护。

Image available as wallpaper here.


If you only listen to a single bit of advice from your fellow readers, let that advice be the importance of separate and non-administrative user accounts. Grant writes:

如果您仅听取其他读者的一些建议,则使该建议成为单独的非管理用户帐户的重要性。 格randint写道:

I have two boys, now 8 and 10, who have been using the computer since age 2. I set them up on Linux (Debian first, now Ubuntu) with a limited rights account. They can only make a mess of their own area. Worst case, empty their home directory and let them start over. I have to install software for them, but they can’t break the machine without causing physical damage (hammers, water, etc.)

我有两个男孩,分别是8岁和10岁,从2岁起就开始使用该计算机。我使用有限的权限帐户在Linux(首先是Debian,现在是Ubuntu)上设置了它们。 他们只能弄乱自己的区域。 最坏的情况是,清空其主目录并让它们重新开始。 我必须为他们安装软件,但是它们不会破坏机器而不会造成物理损坏(锤子,水等)。

My wife was on Windows, and I was on Debian, and before they had their own, they knew they could only use my computer, and only logged in as themselves. All accounts were password protected, so that was easy to enforce.

我的妻子在Windows上,而我在Debian上,在他们拥有自己的计算机之前,他们知道他们只能使用我的计算机,并且只能以自己的身份登录。 所有帐户均受密码保护,因此易于实施。

AG shares his list of Windows apps and tricks:


Limited or Standard account in a fresh Windows installation (no crapware).


Security Essentials for anti-virus, with Malwarebytes free to back it up.


CCleaner set to automatically wipe everything every night.


Ninite Pro or Ninite Updater to keep everything up to date.

Ninite Pro或Ninite Updater使所有内容保持最新。

Remove IE and set Chrome as default. Install Adblock.

删除IE,并将Chrome设置为默认值。 安装Adblock。

DO NOT install Flash, Java, or Reader. Use SumatraPDF or Chrome’s built-in PDF viewer.

不要安装Flash,Java或Reader。 使用SumatraPDF或Chrome的内置PDF查看器。

Set a task to reboot the computer every night so Windows updates get installed.


Pain in the neck, but it works well. Or just skip all this crap and get a Mac.

颈部疼痛,但效果很好。 或者只是跳过所有这些废话,然后获得Mac。

Tek9 offers advice on setting up a computer but also cautions that the biggest investment is time and teaching:


For Kids, I recommend Qimo (off-shoot of ubuntu) designed with pre-planned packages for education and entertainment centered on kids.


In a windows environment, backup policy is the best thing you can do to protect your users. I have my grandmother set up on CrashPlan to sync to one of my storage locations that will keep her documents etc.. backed up within reasonable time frame. Use a disk image utility if possible occasionally so you can back up the entire system in the event of catostrophe. Other than that, I let her make mistakes and learn from them.

在Windows环境中,备份策略是保护用户最好的方法。 我的祖母在CrashPlan上设置为同步到我的一个存储位置,该位置将在合理的时间范围内备份她的文档等。 如有可能,请偶尔使用磁盘映像实用程序,以便在发生故障时备份整个系统。 除此之外,我让她犯错并向他们学习。

If you’re dealing with kids and the internet, I highly recommend learning and understanding Group Policy and how to lock things down with that. WinLock is also a good alternative to easily disable some things and create custom Start Menus for the children.

如果您正在与孩子和互联网打交道,我强烈建议您学习和理解组策略以及如何使用它来控制事情。 WinLock还是轻松禁用某些功能并为孩子创建自定义开始菜单的不错选择。

OpenDNS for URL filtering. Can be applied at the router level or the computer level depending on your need. Combine that with Group Policy to lock them out of making changes to the DNS settings on the computer and you’re good to go.

用于URL过滤的OpenDNS。 可以根据需要在路由器级别或计算机级别应用。 将其与“组策略”结合使用,可以防止它们对计算机上的DNS设置进行更改,您就可以这样做了。

Probably the number #1 thing to realize is this: If you’re helping a novice user get started, be prepared to dedicate a lot of time in large and small chunks to that person. If you don’t like them that much, don’t start the process and abandon them at it. There will be times when you want to push them to resolve a problem on their own, but the majority of it is teaching and hand holding.

可能要意识到的第一件事是:如果您要帮助新手入门,请准备好将大量的时间花在那个人身上。 如果您不太喜欢它们,请不要开始并放弃它们。 有时候,您想让他们自己解决问题,但其中大多数是教学和执着。

For more great tips and tricks covering operating systems, apps, and backup plans, hit up the full comment thread here.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127520/what-you-said-how-you-set-up-a-novice-proof-computer/



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