Ever need to record something on your computer exactly as it comes out of your speakers?  Enabling “Stereo Mix” will let you do exactly that, and here’s how to do it.

是否曾经需要完全按照扬声器中的声音录制计算机上的内容? 启用“立体声混音”将使您完全可以做到这一点,这是操作方法。

Nowadays, most sound cards have the ability to record whatever is being output.  The only hang-up is accessing that recording channel, which can be done rather easily.

如今,大多数声卡都具有录制输出内容的能力。 唯一的麻烦就是访问该录制频道,这很容易做到。

启用立体声混音 (Enable Stereo Mix)

Go down to the audio icon in your system tray, right-click it, and go to “Recording Devices” to open up the proper settings pane.


In the pane, right-click on a blank area, and make sure both “View Disabled Devices” and “View Disconnected Devices” options are checked.  You should see a “Stereo Mix” option appear.

在窗格中,右键单击空白区域,并确保同时选中了“查看禁用的设备”和“查看断开连接的设备”选项。 您应该会看到“立体声混音”选项。

Right-click on “Stereo Mix” and click “Enable” to be able to use it.


我还是没看见… (I Still Don’t See It…)

In some cases, your audio chipset drivers aren’t helping your cause.  Most likely, this is because they’re outdated.  In other instances, however, it’s because the newest Windows drivers for your chipset don’t support this feature.  This was the case on my Asus Eee PC (a 1000HE), but I got around the issue by downloading and installing the older Windows XP/Vista drivers for my audio chipset.  As always, before changing your drivers, make sure create a system restore point in case things don’t go as planned.

在某些情况下,您的音频芯片组驱动程序无济于事。 这很可能是因为它们已过时。 但是,在其他情况下,这是因为芯片组的最新Windows驱动程序不支持此功能。 我的华硕Eee PC(1000HE)就是这种情况,但我通过为音频芯片组下载并安装较旧的Windows XP / Vista驱动程序来解决了这个问题。 与往常一样,在更改驱动程序之前,请确保创建系统还原点,以防万一事情不按计划进行。

如何使用? (How Do I Use This?)

With “Stereo Mix” enabled, you can open up your favorite recording program and select that instead of your microphone before you record.  If you don’t see the option, or your program doesn’t give you the ability to change the recording device, you can disable or unplug your microphone and make “Stereo Mix” the default recording device.

启用“立体声混音”后,您可以打开自己喜欢的录音程序,并在录制之前选择该程序而不是麦克风。 如果您没有看到该选项,或者您的程序不具备更改录音设备的功能,则可以禁用或拔下麦克风,并将“ Stereo Mix”设为默认录音设备。

This works well for when you want to capture audio for a screen-sharing session, or record audio from streaming sources–such as live web-casts–that don’t necessarily allow you to download content immediately.  In order to do that, you’d open up your audio recording application of choice (like Audacity), and find the option for microphone input. Select Stereo Mix as your input (if it isn’t already), be sure other recording devices are muted or disabled, and click record.

当您想捕获屏幕共享会话的音频,或录制不一定要立即下载内容的流媒体源(例如实时网络广播)中的音频时,这非常有用。 为此,您需要打开您选择的音频录制应用程序(例如Audacity ),然后找到用于麦克风输入的选项。 选择“立体声混音”作为输入(如果尚未输入),请确保其他录音设备被静音或禁用,然后单击“录音”。

Be sure to check out our article, The How-To Geek Guide on Audio Editing: The Basics, to learn how to use Audacity.

请务必查看我们的文章“音频编辑方法指南:基础知识” ,以了解如何使用Audacity。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39532/how-to-enable-stereo-mix-in-windows-7-to-record-audio/


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