If you are looking to use WebDriver with iOS mobile Safari and are currently testing only on simulators please have

a look at ios-driver or appium
Both of these projects are much better implementations of WebDriver for iOS, the only reason it is not a wholesale

replacement now is that they can not run on real devices for mobile safari right now.
iPhone Driver (DEPRECATED)
The iphone driver allows testing on a UIWebView (a webkit browser accessible for 3rd party applications) on the

iphone. It works through the use of an iphone application running on your iphone, ipod touch or iphone simulator.

仅支持iOS Mobile Safari浏览器测试

Native application GUI automation with extended WebDriver API
NativeDriver is an implementation of the WebDriver API which drives of the UI of a native application rather than a

web application.
We plan to make NativeDriver a multi-platform tool. We are currently working on the following versions:
 Android - usable and in the SVN repository.
 iOS - usable and in the SVN repository.
 Windows - Experimental and prototype phase
WebDriver is used to do functional testing of web applications on many platforms and browsers. By applying

WebDriver and all related technologies to native applications, we hope to bridge the gap and alleviate the

impedance mismatch between Web Applications and Native Applications.


Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps.
It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.

支持Native、hybrid mobile apps

IOS automation for native, hybrid and mobile web.

Test any IOS native, hybrid, or mobile web application using the Selenium / Webdriver API. IOS automation is as

easy as automation for a browser, due to reuse of the well known API. You can reuse the helper classes from your

web tests to i.e. create data, and follow the same design patterns you're used to (Page Object etc.).
High level features :
Implements the JSON wire protocol
Runs on emulators and devices
Can be run as a regular node in a Selenium Grid
Can be used in an existing Selenium Grid to manage device / simulator farm
First class support for localized native apps ( 1 test works for all the localized versions )
No need to change the source
No need to jailbreak the device
No ios-driver app to install on the phone

ios-driver has been built with scaling in mind. GUI based tests are slow by nature slow and if run sequentially

take too long to provide fast feedback. By following the webdriver protocol, ios-driver can be used as a Selenium

grid node, and the tests can be run in parallel on the same architecture as the one already running the web tests.

支持Native、hybrid、Mobile Web


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