




-- Insert Date and Time into your documents
-- @2012 David Rodrigues
set date_ to ((current date) as string)
set the clipboard to the date_
tell application "System Events"set frontmostApplication to name of the first process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application frontmostApplicationactivatetell application "System Events"keystroke "v" using {command down}end tell
end tell

注意它会改变粘贴板的内容。我为它定义了一个快捷键:Cmd+Alt+Shift+F。使用之前,可以先敲一个字母,然后选中字母,按这个快捷键,就会显示出来日期时间了。比如现在的时间是:  2014-12-22 19:39:03 +0800。


Below is a very simple AppleScript that inserts the date, time and timezone in the format that Jekyll requires.

do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d\\ %H:%M:%S\\ %z"

To make inserting it simple, it’s possible to assign a keyboard shortcut, by turning it into a Service in Automator.

  1. Open Automator.app

  2. Create a new Service

  3. Set it to receive selected text in any application

  4. Check the ‘Output replaces selected text’ tick-box

  5. Insert the ‘Run AppleScript’ action

  6. Copy and paste the above AppleScript

  7. Press run to make sure it works

  8. Save the .workflow file to ~/Library/Services

  9. Open the Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts system preference pane, select Services in the left column, then find the Service you just created.

  10. Assign a keyboard shortcut. I use Command + Option + d

There is one pitfall: it only works on selected text.

When saving a post for Jekyll, the file-name also requires a date—but not a time. For this, you can follow the same process as above with a modified AppleScript:

do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d"

For this, I use the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + Shift + d.

I would love it if the Service created the entire file name. So if the post title ‘This is a Post Title’ was on the clipboard, it would create a file called 2012-11-10-this-is-a-post-title.md; replacing spaces with hyphens and converting it to lowercase. However, that’s well beyond my very limited AppleScript knowledge.






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