

日期:2014 / 10 / 16

主题:Point Sprite, Particle System











在这里,我们将会使用一个称之为Point Sprite的基本单元类型。

Point Sprite。实际上就是一个点。

我们在应用程序阶段,仅仅须要将它当做点进行处理就可以。可是要显示效果,我们自然还是须要进行纹理映射。因为Point Sprite的特殊性。DirectX内部会自己主动的为这些点设置纹理坐标。注意,这里的点仅仅是逻辑意义上的。



为了实现一些效果,我们须要开启Alpha blend。毕竟做粒子特效,假设没有进行颜色混合的话。就是一个一个的单独的纹理,这并非粒子效果了。

并且。粒子在界面显示的时候的先后顺序,对于我们来说并不重要。所以,将depth test以及depth buffer禁用掉,可以提高系统的效率。




// declaration  : Copyright (c), by XJ , 2014. All right reserved .
// brief        : This file will define the Particle system
// author       : XJ
// file         : PSystem.h
// date         : 2014 / 10 / 15
// version      : 1.0
#pragma once#include<d3dx9.h>
using namespace XJCollision ;
using namespace std ;struct Particle
{D3DXVECTOR3 initPos ;D3DXVECTOR3 initVelocity;float        initSize    ;       //in pixelfloat       initTime  ;float      lifeTime    ;float      mass        ;D3DXCOLOR  initColor   ;static IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9*    decl ;
};class PSystem
public:PSystem(const char* fxName,const char* techName,const char* texName,const D3DXVECTOR3& accel,const AABB& box,int maxNumParticles,float timePerParticle,LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device,Camera* camera);virtual ~PSystem();public:float getTime();void setTime(float fTime);const AABB& getAABB() const ;void setWorldMtx(const D3DXMATRIX& world);void addParticle();virtual void onLostDevice();virtual void onResetDevice();virtual void initParticles(Particle& out) = 0;virtual void update(float dt);virtual void draw() ;protected:LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 m_pDevice;              // DeviceID3DXEffect        *m_FX   ;                   // EffectD3DXHANDLE      m_hTech;                   // TechniqueD3DXHANDLE       m_hWVP ;                   // WVP matrixD3DXHANDLE      m_hEyePosL;                // D3DXHANDLE        m_hTex;                    // TextureD3DXHANDLE         m_hTime;                   // TimeD3DXHANDLE        m_hAccel;                  // AccelD3DXHANDLE       m_hViewportHeight;         // Viewport's heightIDirect3DTexture9* m_Tex;                  // TextureIDirect3DVertexBuffer9* m_VB  ;           // Vertex bufferD3DXMATRIX       m_World;                   // World matrixD3DXMATRIX        m_InvWorld;                // Inverse matrixfloat           m_Time ;                   // TimeD3DXVECTOR3       m_Accel ;                  // AccelerateAABB            m_AABB;                    // Bounding boxint               m_MaxNumParticles;         // Max number particlesfloat             m_fTimePerParticle;        // Delay time to emit one particleCamera            *m_pCamera  ;               // Camerastd::vector<Particle>    m_Particles;        // Particles liststd::vector<Particle*>  m_AliveParticles;    // Alive particles liststd::vector<Particle*> m_DeadParticles;    // Dead particles list
};// end for PSystem
#include<d3dx9.h>IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* Particle::decl = NULL ;
* Constructor
PSystem::PSystem(const char* fxName,const char* techName,const char* texName,const D3DXVECTOR3& accel,const AABB& box,int maxNumParticles,float timePerParticle,LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device,Camera* camera)
{//Save the devicem_pDevice = device ;//Create error bufferID3DXBuffer* _error = NULL ;HR(D3DXCreateBuffer(128, &_error));//Create the EffectHR(D3DXCreateEffectFromFileA(m_pDevice, fxName,NULL,NULL, D3DXSHADER_DEBUG, NULL, &m_FX, &_error));//If error if(_error){MessageBoxA(NULL,(char*)_error->GetBufferPointer(),"Error", MB_OK);return ;}//Get the technique handlem_hTech = m_FX->GetTechniqueByName(techName);//Get all the handlem_hWVP = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gWVP");m_hEyePosL = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gEyePosL");m_hTex = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gTex");m_hTime = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gTime");m_hAccel = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gAccel");m_hViewportHeight = m_FX->GetParameterByName(0, "gViewportHeight");//Create the textureHR(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileA(m_pDevice, texName, &m_Tex));//Set parametersHR(m_FX->SetTechnique(m_hTech));HR(m_FX->SetTexture(m_hTex, m_Tex));HR(m_FX->SetVector(m_hAccel, &D3DXVECTOR4(m_Accel,0.0f)));//Save the time per particlesm_fTimePerParticle = timePerParticle ;m_Time = 0.0f ;//Save the AABBm_AABB = box ;//Save the cameram_pCamera = camera ;//Allocate the memory for the particlem_MaxNumParticles = maxNumParticles ;m_Particles.resize(m_MaxNumParticles);m_AliveParticles.reserve(m_MaxNumParticles);m_DeadParticles.reserve(m_MaxNumParticles);//They start all deadfor(int i = 0 ; i < m_MaxNumParticles ; i ++){m_Particles[i].initTime = 0.0f ;m_Particles[i].lifeTime = -1.0f ;}//Create the vertex bufferHR(m_pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(m_MaxNumParticles * sizeof(Particle), D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC|D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY|D3DUSAGE_POINTS,0,D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,&m_VB,NULL));
}// end for constructor/**
* Destructor
}// end for destructorvoid PSystem::setTime(float fTime)
{m_Time = fTime ;
}// end for setTimevoid PSystem::setWorldMtx(const D3DXMATRIX& world)
{m_World = world ;D3DXMatrixInverse(&m_World,NULL,&m_World);
}// end for setWorldMtxvoid PSystem::addParticle()
{if(m_DeadParticles.size() > 0){Particle* p = m_DeadParticles.back();initParticles(*p);m_DeadParticles.pop_back();m_AliveParticles.push_back(p);}
}// end for addParticlevoid PSystem::onLostDevice()
{//OnlostDevice for fxm_FX->OnLostDevice();if(m_VB){m_VB->Release();m_VB = NULL ;}
}// end for onLostDevicevoid PSystem::onResetDevice()
{//OnResetDevice for fxm_FX->OnResetDevice();if(m_VB){//Recreate the vertex bufferHR(m_pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(m_MaxNumParticles*sizeof(Particle),D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC|D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY|D3DUSAGE_POINTS,0,D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,&m_VB,NULL));}
}// end for onResetDevicevoid PSystem::update(float dt)
{m_Time += dt ;//Rebuild the dead list and alive listm_DeadParticles.resize(0);m_AliveParticles.resize(0);//For each particlefor(int i = 0 ; i < m_Particles.size() ; i ++){if((m_Time - m_Particles[i].initTime) > m_Particles[i].lifeTime){m_DeadParticles.push_back(&m_Particles[i]);}else{m_AliveParticles.push_back(&m_Particles[i]);}}// end for //Check if it is the time to emit one another particleif(m_fTimePerParticle > 0.0f){static float timeDelay = 0.0f ;timeDelay += dt ;if(timeDelay > m_fTimePerParticle){addParticle();timeDelay = 0.0f ;}}
}// end for updatevoid PSystem::draw()
{//Get the camera's position in the world and make it relative to the particle system's local systemD3DXVECTOR3 eyeW = m_pCamera->pos();D3DXVECTOR3 eyeL ;D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&eyeL, &eyeW, &m_InvWorld);//Set the FX parameterHR(m_FX->SetValue(m_hEyePosL,&eyeL,sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3)));HR(m_FX->SetFloat(m_hTime, m_Time));HR(m_FX->SetMatrix(m_hWVP, &(m_World* m_pCamera->viewproj())));HR(m_FX->SetInt(m_hViewportHeight, 600));//Draw//set the vertex bufferHR(m_pDevice->SetStreamSource(0, m_VB, 0, sizeof(Particle)));//set the vertex declarationHR(m_pDevice->SetVertexDeclaration(Particle::decl));Particle* p = 0 ;HR(m_VB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&p, D3DLOCK_DISCARD));UINT vIndex = 0 ;for(int i = 0 ; i < m_AliveParticles.size(); i ++){p[vIndex] = *m_AliveParticles[i] ;vIndex ++ ;}// end forHR(m_VB->Unlock());UINT numPass = 0 ;HR(m_FX->Begin(&numPass, 0));HR(m_FX->BeginPass(0));if(vIndex > 0){m_pDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_POINTLIST,0,vIndex);}HR(m_FX->EndPass());HR(m_FX->End());
}// end for draw


#pragma once#include"PSystem.h"class FireRing: public PSystem
public:FireRing(const char* fxName,const char* techName,const char* texName,const D3DXVECTOR3& accel,const AABB& box,int maxNumParticles,float timePerParticle,LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device,Camera* camera):PSystem(fxName, techName, texName, accel,box, maxNumParticles, timePerParticle, device, camera){};void initParticles(Particle& out){//Save the init timeout.initTime = m_Time ;//Calculate the life time from 2.0s to 4.0sout.lifeTime = 20.0f + 2 * (rand()%10001 * 0.0001) ;//Calculate the initialize size in pixelout.initSize = 50.0f + 10 * (rand()%10001 * 0.0001) ;//Calculate the a very small velocitystatic float angle = 0.0f ;D3DXVECTOR3 vel(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);D3DXMATRIX m ;D3DXMatrixRotationY(&m,angle);D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&vel, &vel, &m);out.initVelocity = vel ;D3DXVec3Normalize(&out.initVelocity, &out.initVelocity);angle += 1.0f ;//Calculate the massout.mass = 1.0f + (rand()%10001 * 0.0001) ;//Calculate the colorfloat t = (0.5f + 0.5*(rand()%10001 * 0.0001)) ;out.initColor = D3DXCOLOR(0.0f, 0.0f, t * 1.0f, t * 1.0f);//Calculate the posout.initPos.x = 0.0f;out.initPos.y = 0.0f ;out.initPos.z = 0.0f ;}// end for initParticle



uniform extern float4x4 gWVP ;
uniform extern texture gTex ;
uniform extern float3  gEyePosL;
uniform extern float3  gAccel ;
uniform extern float   gTime ;
uniform extern float   gViewportHeight ;sampler TexS = sampler_state
{Texture = <gTex>;MinFilter = LINEAR ;MagFilter = LINEAR ;MipFilter = POINT  ;AddressU = CLAMP ;AddressV = CLAMP ;
};struct OutputVS
{float4 posH : POSITION ;float4 color: COLOR0   ;float2 tex0 : TEXCOORD0 ;float  size : PSIZE ;
OutputVS FireRingVS(float3 posL: POSITION,float3 vel : TEXCOORD0,float size : TEXCOORD1,float time : TEXCOORD2,float lifeTime: TEXCOORD3,float mass : TEXCOORD4,float4 color: COLOR0
{//Clear the outputOutputVS outVS = (OutputVS)0 ;float t = gTime - time ;posL = posL + t * vel ;outVS.posH = mul(float4(posL,1.0f), gWVP);size += 0.8 * t ;float d = distance(posL, gEyePosL);outVS.size = size ; //gViewportHeight * size / (1.0 + 8.0f*d);color.r = 0.0f ;color.g = 0.0f ;color.b = 1.0f * (t / lifeTime) ; color.a = 1.0f - 1.0f * (t / lifeTime) ; outVS.color = color ;//(1.0f - (t / lifeTime)) ;return outVS ;
float4 FireRingPS(float4 color:COLOR0,float2 tex0: TEXCOORD0):COLOR
{return color * tex2D(TexS, tex0);
}technique FireRingTech
{pass P0{vertexShader = compile vs_2_0 FireRingVS();pixelShader = compile ps_2_0 FireRingPS();PointSpriteEnable = true ;AlphaBlendEnable = true ;SrcBlend = One ;DestBlend = One ;ZWriteEnable = false ;}







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