本文翻译自:How to search for a commit message on GitHub?

不是在Git仓库中 ,而是在GitHub中 - 我如何只搜索特定仓库/分支的提交消息?




From the help page on searching code , it seems that this isn't yet possible. 从搜索代码的帮助页面看来,这似乎还不可能。

You can search for text in your repo, including the ability to choose files or paths to search in, but you can't specify that you want to search in commits. 您可以在回购中搜索文本,包括选择要搜索的文件或路径的功能,但不能指定要在提交中搜索。

Maybe suggest this to them ? 也许向他们提出这个建议 ?


You used to be able to do this, but Github removed this feature at some point mid-2013. 您曾经能够这样做,但Github在2013年中期的某个时候删除了此功能。 To achieve this locally, you can do: 要在本地实现这一目标,您可以:

git log -g --grep=STRING

(Use the -g flag if you want to search other branches and dangling commits.) (如果要搜索其他分支和悬挂提交,请使用-g标志。)

-g, --walk-reflogsInstead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk reflog entries fromthe most recent one to older ones.


If you're working on Ubuntu (or perhaps other Unix OSes) and have a local version of the repo, you might want to try this crude shell script I wrote to open the GitHub pages for all commits matching your search term in new tabs in your default browser: 如果您正在使用Ubuntu(或者其他Unix操作系统)并拥有本地版本的repo,您​​可能需要尝试使用我编写的原始shell脚本来打开GitHub页面,以便在新标签中为您的搜索词匹配所有提交。您的默认浏览器:

for sha1 in $(git rev-list HEAD -i --grep="$1"); dopython -mwebbrowser https://github.com/RepoOwnerUserName/RepoName/commit/$sha1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Just replace https://github.com/RepoOwnerUserName/RepoName/ with the actual Github URL of your repo, save the script somewhere (eg as githubsearch.sh , make it executable ( chmod +x githubsearch.sh ) and then add the following alias to your ~/.bashrc file: 只需将https://github.com/RepoOwnerUserName/RepoName/替换为repo的实际Github URL,将脚本保存在某处(例如githubsearch.sh ,使其可执行( chmod +x githubsearch.sh )然后添加以下内容~/.bashrc文件的别名:

alias githubsearch='/path/to/githubsearch.sh'

Then, from anywhere in your git repo, just do this at the terminal: 然后,从您的git仓库中的任何位置,只需在终端执行此操作:

githubsearch "what you want to search for"

and any commits that match your (case insensitive) search term will have their corresponding GitHub pages opened in your browser. 任何符合您的(不区分大小写)搜索词的提交都将在浏览器中打开相应的GitHub页面。 (Be warned that if your search term appears in hundreds of commits, this may well crash your browser and eat your PC's CPU for a while.) (请注意,如果您的搜索词出现在数百个提交中,这可能会使您的浏览器崩溃,并暂时吃掉您PC的CPU。)

I've only tested this on Ubuntu and don't know enough about shell scripting to know whether this will work on other Unix-based OSes - particularly I don't know whether anything I've used here is Bash-specific. 我只在Ubuntu上测试了这个,并且对shell脚本知之甚少,不知道这是否适用于其他基于Unix的操作系统 - 特别是我不知道我在这里使用的是否是特定于Bash的。 Feel free to comment or edit to add compatibility info. 随意评论或编辑以添加兼容性信息。


Update (2017/01/05): 更新(2017/01/05):
Github has published an update that allows you now to search within commit messages from within their UI. Github发布了一个更新,允许您现在在其UI中的提交消息中进行搜索。 See blog post for more information. 有关更多信息,请参阅博客文章

I had the same question and contacted someone @Github yesterday: 我有同样的问题,昨天联系了某人@Github:

Since they switched their search engine to ElasticSearch it's not possible to search for commit messages using the Github UI. 由于他们将搜索引擎切换到ElasticSearch,因此无法使用Github UI搜索提交消息。 But that feature is on the team's wishlist. 但该功能是在团队的愿望清单上。

Unfortunately there's no release date for that function right now. 不幸的是,目前还没有该功能的发布日期。


This works well from within eclipse, until github adds the feature: 这在eclipse中很有效,直到github添加了这个功能:

https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide#Searching_for_commits https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide#Searching_for_commits


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