本文翻译自:Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP) [closed]

Is there a keyboard shortcut for pasting the content of the clipboard into a command prompt window on Windows XP (instead of using the right mouse button)? 是否有键盘快捷键用于将剪贴板的内容粘贴到Windows XP的命令提示符窗口中(而不是使用鼠标右键)?

The typical Shift + Insert does not seem to work here. 典型的Shift + Insert似乎不适用于此。




Yes.. but awkward. 是..但很尴尬。 Link 链接

alt + Space , e , k <-- for copy and alt + Space , e , k < - 用于复制和
alt + Space , e , p <-- for paste. alt + Space , e , p < - 用于粘贴。


This is not really a shortcut but just a quick access to the control menu: Alt-space EP 这不是真正的快捷方式,只是快速访问控制菜单:Alt-space EP

If you can use your mouse, right click on the cmd window works as paste when I tried it. 如果你可以使用你的鼠标,当我尝试它时,右键单击cmd窗口就像粘贴一样。


Not really programming related, but I found this on Google, there is not a direct keyboard shortcut , but makes it a little quicker. 不是真的与编程相关,但我在Google上发现了这一点 , 没有直接的键盘快捷键 ,但使它更快一些。

To enable or disable QuickEdit mode: 要启用或禁用QuickEdit模式:

  1. Open the MS-DOS program, or the command prompt. 打开MS-DOS程序或命令提示符。
  2. Right-click the title bar and press Properties. 右键单击标题栏,然后按“属性”。
  3. Select the Options tab. 选择“选项”选项卡。
  4. Check or un-check the QuickEdit Mode box. 选中或取消选中QuickEdit Mode框。
  5. Press OK. 按确定。
  6. In the Apply Properties To Shortcut dialog, select the Apply properties to current window only if you wish to change the QuickEdit setting for this session of this window only, or select Modify shortcut that started this window to change the QuickEdit setting for all future invocations of the command prompt, or MS-DOS program. 在“将属性应用于快捷方式”对话框中,仅当您希望仅更改此窗口的此会话的“快捷方式”设置时,才选择“将属性应用于当前”窗口,或选择“启动此窗口的修改快捷方式”以更改以后所有调用的QuickEdit设置。命令提示符,或MS-DOS程序。

To Copy text when QuickEdit is enabled: 要在启用QuickEdit时复制文本:

  1. Click and drag the mouse pointer over the text you want. 单击并将鼠标指针拖动到所需的文本上。
  2. Press Enter (or right-click anywhere in the window) to copy the text to the clipboard. 按Enter键(或右键单击窗口中的任意位置)将文本复制到剪贴板。

To Paste text when QuickEdit is enabled: 启用QuickEdit时粘贴文本:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the window. 右键单击窗口中的任意位置。

To Copy text when QuickEdit is disabled: 要在禁用QuickEdit时复制文本:

  1. Right-click the title bar, press Edit on the menu, and press Mark. 右键单击标题栏,按菜单上的“编辑”,然后按“标记”。
  2. Drag the mouse over the text you want to copy. 将鼠标拖到要复制的文本上。
  3. Press Enter (or right-click anywhere in the window) to copy the text to the clipboard. 按Enter键(或右键单击窗口中的任意位置)将文本复制到剪贴板。

To Paste text when QuickEdit is disabled: 禁用QuickEdit时粘贴文本:

  1. Right-click the title bar, press Edit on the menu, and press Paste. 右键单击标题栏,按菜单上的“编辑”,然后按“粘贴”。


You could try using Texter and create something unlikely like: 您可以尝试使用Texter并创建不太可能的内容:

./p , triggered by space and replacing the text with %c ./p,由空格触发并用%c替换文本

I just tested it and it works fine. 我只是测试它,它工作正常。 The only gotcha is to use a rare sequence, as Texter cannot restrict this to just cmd. 唯一的问题是使用罕见的序列,因为Texter不能将此限制为仅cmd。

There are probably other utilities of this kind which could work, and even AutoHotKey , upon which Texter is built could do it better, but Texter is easy :-) 可能有其他类似的实用工具可以工作,甚至AutoHotKey ,构建Texter可以做得更好,但Texter很容易:-)


I personally use a little AutoHotkey script to remap certain keyboard functions, for the console window (CMD) I use: 我个人使用一个小的AutoHotkey脚本重新映射某些键盘功能,对于我使用的控制台窗口(CMD):

; Redefine only when the active window is a console window
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass; Close Command Window with Ctrl+w
WinGetTitle sTitle
If (InStr(sTitle, "-")=0) { Send EXIT{Enter}
} else {Send ^w
}return ; Ctrl+up / Down to scroll command window back and forward
Send {WheelUp}
Send {WheelDown}
return; Paste in command window
; Spanish menu (Editar->Pegar, I suppose English version is the same, Edit->Paste)
Send !{Space}ep

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