




构建工具 Gradle

Spring 源码不是使用我们常用的Maven构建,使用Gradle。 Gradle不是我们介绍的重点,我们在本地Window10环境下配置好环境即可。


Spring 源码包准备

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The following has been tested against IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.2## Steps_Within your locally cloned spring-framework working directory:_1. Precompile `spring-oxm` with `./gradlew :spring-oxm:compileTestJava`2. Import into IntelliJ (File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources -> Navigate to directory -> Select build.gradle)3. When prompted exclude the `spring-aspects` module (or after the import via File-> Project Structure -> Modules)4. Code away## Known issues1. `spring-core` and `spring-oxm` should be pre-compiled due to repackaged dependencies.See `*RepackJar` tasks in the build and https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-160605).2. `spring-aspects` does not compile due to references to aspect types unknown toIntelliJ IDEA. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-64446 for details. In the meantime, the'spring-aspects' can be excluded from the project to avoid compilation errors.3. While JUnit tests pass from the command line with Gradle, some may fail when run fromIntelliJ IDEA. Resolving this is a work in progress. If attempting to run all JUnit tests from withinIntelliJ IDEA, you will likely need to set the following VM options to avoid out of memory errors:    -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxHeapSize=2048m4. If you invoke "Rebuild Project" in the IDE, you'll have to generate some testresources of the `spring-oxm` module again (`./gradlew :spring-oxm:compileTestJava`)    ## TipsIn any case, please do not check in your own generated .iml, .ipr, or .iws files.You'll notice these files are already intentionally in .gitignore. The same policy goes for eclipse metadata.## FAQQ. What about IntelliJ IDEA's own [Gradle support](https://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/IDEADEV/Gradle+integration)?A. Keep an eye on https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-53476

在解压目录下执行预编译命令:gradlew :spring-oxm:compileTestJava命令

  • 导入IDEA


File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources -> Navigate to directory -> Select build.gradle

然后耐心等待jar包下载完 ….






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