Kibana是一个为 ElasticSearch 提供的数据分析的 Web 接口。可使用它对日志进行高效的搜索、可视化、分析等各种操作。Kibana目前最新的版本5.0.2,回顾一下Kibana 3和Kibana 4的界面。

下面的图展示的是Kibana 3的界面,所有的仪表盘直接放置主页。

下面的图展示的是Kibana 4的界面,和Kibana 3最大的区别是将原来的主体分成三个部分,分别是发现页、可视化、仪表盘。

下面是目前Kibana 5最新版本的界面。相比较Kibana 4除了界面的风格变化,最主要是功能栏上添加了Timeline、Management和Dev Tools选项。


You can interactively explore your data from the Discover page. You have access to every document in every index that matches the selected index pattern. You can submit search queries, filter the search results, and view document data. You can also see the number of documents that match the search query and get field value statistics. If a time field is configured for the selected index pattern, the distribution of documents over time is displayed in a histogram at the top of the page.



Visualize enables you to create visualizations of the data in your Elasticsearch indices. You can then build dashboards that display related visualizations.Kibana visualizations are based on Elasticsearch queries. By using a series of Elasticsearch aggregations to extract and process your data, you can create charts that show you the trends, spikes, and dips you need to know about.You can create visualizations from a search saved from Discover or start with a new search query.



A Kibana dashboard displays a collection of saved visualizations. You can arrange and resize the visualizations as needed and save dashboards so they be reloaded and shared.




The X-Pack monitoring components enable you to easily monitor Elasticsearch through Kibana. You can view cluster health and performance in real time as well as analyze past cluster, index, and node metrics. In addition, you can monitor the performance of Kibana itself.When you install X-Pack on your cluster, a monitoring agent runs on each node to collect and index metrics from Elasticsearch. With X-Pack installed in Kibana, you can then view the monitoring data through a set of specialized dashboards.


我们可以回顾安装过程:ElasticSearch 5学习——安装Elasticsearch、Kibana和X-Pack,可以发现,在安装X-pack的时候分别在ElasticSearch根目录和Kibana根目录下操作。


The X-Pack graph capabilities enable you to discover how items in an Elasticsearch index are related. You can explore the connections between indexed terms and see which connections are the most meaningful. This can be useful in a variety of applications, from fraud detection to recommendation engines.For example, graph exploration could help you uncover website vulnerabilities that hackers are targeting so you can harden your website. Or, you might provide graph-based personalized recommendations to your e-commerce customers.X-Pack provides a simple, yet powerful graph exploration API, and an interactive graph visualization tool for Kibana. Both work with out of the box with existing Elasticsearch indices—you don’t need to store any additional data to use the X-Pack graph features.



Timelion is a time series data visualizer that enables you to combine totally independent data sources within a single visualization. It’s driven by a simple expression language you use to retrieve time series data, perform calculations to tease out the answers to complex questions, and visualize the results.




The Management application is where you perform your runtime configuration of Kibana, including both the initial setup and ongoing configuration of index patterns, advanced settings that tweak the behaviors of Kibana itself, and the various "objects" that you can save throughout Kibana such as searches, visualizations, and dashboards.This section is pluginable, so in addition to the out of the box capabitilies, packs such as X-Pack can add additional management capabilities to Kibana.


You can use X-Pack Security to control what Elasticsearch data users can access through Kibana.When you install X-Pack, Kibana users have to log in. They need to have the kibana_user role as well as access to the indices they will be working with in Kibana.If a user loads a Kibana dashboard that accesses data in an index that they are not authorized to view, they get an error that indicates the index does not exist. X-Pack Security does not currently provide a way to control which users can load which dashboards.


Dev Tools

原先的交互式控制台Sense,使用户方便的通过浏览器直接与Elasticsearch进行交互。从Kibana 5开始改名并直接内建在Kibana,就是Dev Tools选项。

注意如果是Kibana 5以上,不能通过以下命令安装Sense。(踩过的坑)

./bin/kibana plugin --install elastic/sense


./bin/kibana-plugin install elastic/sense instead


内容比较简单,主要是对Kibana工具的整体功能总结,方便接下来对ElasticSearch 5的学习,其中X-Pack主要是添加身份权限的验证,以及原先需要安装其他各种Marvel、Hand等各种功能插件添加到Kibana上使用才能使用的功能。






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