


<asp:Image ImageUrl="Picture.gif" Runat="Server" />








<img src="/MyApp/MasterPages/Picture.gif" />





01.<%@ Master Language="VB" %> 
02.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 


17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 25.

You must be careful when using relative URLs in a Master Page. For example, you must be careful when adding images and links to a Master Page. Relative URLs are interpreted in different ways, depending on whether they are used with HTML tags or ASP.NET controls.

If you use a relative URL with an ASP.NET control, then the URL is interpreted relative to the Master Page. For example, suppose that you add the following ASP.NET Image control to a Master Page:

<asp:Image ImageUrl="Picture.gif" Runat="Server" />

The ImageUrl property contains a relative URL. If the Master Page is located in a folder namedMasterPages, then the URL is interpreted like this:


Even if a content page is located in a completely different folder, theImageUrl is interpreted relative to the folder that contains the Master Page and not relative to the content page.

The situation is completely different in the case of HTML elements. If an HTML element such as an<img> or<a> tag includes a relative URL, the relative URL is interpreted relative to the content page. For example, suppose you add the following<img> tag to a Master Page:

<img src="Picture.gif" />

The src attribute contains a relative URL. This URL is interpreted relative to a particular content page. For example, if you request a content page located in a folder namedContentPages, the relative URL is interpreted like this:


Using relative URLs with HTML elements is especially tricky because the URL keeps changing with each content page. If you request content pages from different folders, the relative URL changes. There are three ways that you can solve this problem.

First, you can replace all the HTML elements that use relative URLs with ASP.NET controls. An ASP.NET control automatically reinterprets a relative URL as relative to the Master Page.


Relative URLs used by ASP.NET controls in a Master Page are automatically reinterpreted relative to the Master Page. This process of reinterpretation is calledrebasing. Only ASP.NET control properties decorated with theUrlProperty attribute are rebased.

Second, you can avoid relative URLs and use absolute URLs. For example, if your application is named MyApp, then you can use the following<img> tag to display an image file located in theMasterPages folder:

<img src="/MyApp/MasterPages/Picture.gif" />

The disadvantage of using absolute URLs is that they make it difficult to change the location of a web application. If the name of your application changes, then the absolute URLs will no longer work and you'll end up with a bunch of broken images and links.

Another option is to use a method to reinterpret relative URLs in a Master Page. For example, the Master Page inListing 5.10 includes a method namedMasterUrl(). This method is used with the<img> tag in the body of the Master Page, which displays the website logo.

Listing 5.10. MasterPages\ImageMaster.master
<%@ Master Language="VB" %>
<script runat="server">Public Function MasterUrl(ByVal url As String) As StringReturn String.Format("{0}/{1}", Me.TemplateSourceDirectory, url)End Function
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server"><title>Image Master</title>
<body><form id="form1" runat="server"><div><img src='<%=MasterUrl("Logo.gif") %>' alt="Website Logo" /><asp:contentplaceholder id="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server" /></div></form>

The Master Page in Listing 5.10 is located in a folder namedMasterPages. This folder also includes an image namedLogo.gif. This image is displayed with the following HTML tag:

<img src='<%=MasterUrl("Logo.gif") %>' alt="Website Logo" />

The MasterUrl() method appends the image's filename to the value of the Master Page'sTemplateSourceDirectory property. TheTemplateSourceDirectory property represents the folder that contains the Master Page.

The content page inListing 5.11 uses the Master Page and correctly displays the website logo (seeFigure 5.5):

Figure 5.5. Displaying a Master Page relative image.
[View full size image]

Listing 5.11. ImageContent.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/ImageMaster.master" %><asp:ContentID="Content1"ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1"Runat="Server"><h1>Content</h1></asp:Content>



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