
Homebrew 与 Homebrew-Cask 的关系

  • Remember that Homebrew-Cask is an independent project from Homebrew.
  • Homebrew-Cask is implemented as a subcommand of Homebrew.

Homebrew-Cask 介绍(官方主页):

“To install, drag this icon…” no more!

Homebrew-Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to the installation and management of GUI macOS applications such as Google Chrome and Adium.

We do this by providing a friendly Homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries.

It’s implemented as a homebrew external command called cask.

To start using Homebrew-Cask, you just need Homebrew installed.

As of December 2015, it is now unnecessary to install cask manually as it is now part of homebrew's installation. So after updating homebrew via brew update, you are set to use brew cask.

Homebrew 介绍(官方主页):

The missing package manager for macOS.

知乎上关于这个问题的讨论:这里。 网友提供的很好的介绍:这里。

Homebrew 相关术语

Term Description Example
Formula package 定义文件 /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/foo.rb
Keg The installation prefix of a Formula(可理解成版本号) /usr/local/Cellar/foo/0.1
opt prefix A symlink to the active version of a Keg /usr/local/opt/foo
Cellar All Kegs are installed here /usr/local/Cellar
Tap 存放 Formulae 和/或 commands 的其它可选 Git 仓库 /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-versions
Bottle 用于替代源码构建而预先构建好的 Keg qt-4.8.4.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz
Cask 用于安装 macOS native apps 的 homebrew 扩展 /Applications/MacDown.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/macdown
Brew Bundle 用于描述依赖关系的 homebrew 扩展 brew 'myservice', restart_service: true

提 bug 前的确认工作

在你认为遇到 bug 但找不到解决办法前 make sure you have the latest versions of Homebrew, Homebrew-Cask, and all Taps by running the following commands.

$ cd $(brew --repo); git fetch; git reset --hard origin/master
$ brew untap phinze/cask; brew untap caskroom/cask; brew uninstall --force brew-cask
$ brew cleanup; brew cask cleanup; brew update


$ cd $(brew --repo); git fetch; git reset --hard origin/master`

If Homebrew was updated on Aug 10-11th 2016 and brew update always says Already up-to-date. you need to run these commands above.

brew uninstall --force brew-cask

To uninstall all versions of a Cask, use --force

$ brew cleanup; brew cask cleanup; brew update

cleanup — cleans up cached downloads

提 issue 的套路

Start by searching for your issue before posting a new one. If you find an open issue and have any new information not reported in the original, please add your insights. If you find a closed issue, try the solutions there. If the issue is still not solved, open a new one with your new information and a link back to the old related issue.


【原创】brew 和 brew cask相关推荐

  1. Mac的brew和brew cask区别以及安装brew cask

    brew多用于命令行. brew cask主要用于有GUI的软件,例如VLC等等. brew cask是brew的一个子集,也就是一个扩展. 安装brew cask扩展: ruby -e " ...

  2. Mac的brew和brew cask区别

    brew多用于命令行. brew cask主要用于安装有GUI图形界面的软件,例如VLC,qt-creator等等. brew cask是brew的一个子集,也就是一个扩展

  3. mac brew和brew cask的区别

    brew 是从下载源码解压然后./configure && make install,同时会包含相关依存库.并自动配置 好各种环境变量,而且易于卸载. 而brew cask是已经编译好 ...

  4. brew与brew cask

    笔者机器上只有homebrew,没有试过homebrew cask.两者都可以用于安装一些mac软件,但主要区别在于安装的方式(一个下载编译,一个直接下载编译好的软件),支持的软件也不太一样. 参考: ...

  5. M1芯片Mac安装brew和brew常用命令(附:安装docker)

    小提示:mac终端常用命令(需要root权限前面加sudo) mac终端安装brew: /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/ ...

  6. Mac 一键解决 一键安装brew -bash: brew: command not found

    安装: /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)" ...

  7. brew卸载jenv_使用brew,cask和jenv在MacOSX上设置多个Java JRE / JDK

    brew卸载jenv 昨天在Java9的Jigsaw HackTheTower事件中,我意识到我需要加强我的游戏并改善我现有的机制,以在我的机器上维护几个不同的JDK. 我曾经手动下载jdk,或使用b ...

  8. 使用brew,cask和jenv在MacOSX上设置多个Java JRE / JDK

    昨天在Java9的Jigsaw HackTheTower事件中,我意识到我需要加强我的游戏并改善我现有的机制,以在我的机器上维护几个不同的JDK. 我曾经手动下载jdk,或使用brew cask安装它 ...

  9. brew | brew cask | yum | apt-get

    博客引流 用过Mac的肯定 或多或少的 用过 brew这个命令 在我之前的印象里 这个命令就好像 Ubuntu里的apt-get Centos里的yum 都是属于那种Linux下包管理器 那他们之间有 ...


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