
网络安全 (Cybersecurity)

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Network engineers monitoring data infrastructure (Credit: Adobe)

Your images are being stolen, monetized and used in AI systems to track and monitor your every movement including over 2,200 companies such as the FBI, NBA, Macy’s and Walmart.

Ÿ我们的图像被偷走,货币化了,AI系统用于跟踪和监视你的一举一动,包括超过2,200个公司 ,如联邦调查局 ,NBA, 梅西百货沃尔玛

All by a little unknown company called Clearview AI.

全部由一家名为Clearview AI的不知名的公司提供。

Until recently when Apple, Google, Facebook, and other companies pulled the plug on their API data access.

直到最近, AppleGoogleFacebook和其他公司才取消了他们的API数据访问权限。

As I wrote earlier this month, your Identity and data are at risk, and it seems that no amount of Federal fines and penalties are going to change company behaviors.

正如我在本月初所写的那样,您的身份和数据正处于危险之中 ,似乎没有多少联邦罚款和罚款会改变公司的行为。

In a world where every day is a Data Leak day, the network engineer career has seen one of the fastest-growing revivals in Corporate history. From SOC analysts to network engineers, risk analysts, and cybersecurity analysts, everyone is hiring developers, researchers, and strategists on data privacy and data security.

在每天都是数据泄漏日的世界中,网络工程师的职业经历了企业历史上增长最快的复兴之一。 从SOC分析师到网络工程师,风险分析师和网络安全分析师,每个人都在聘请开发人员,研究人员和策略师来保护数据隐私和数据安全。

This is not a trend — it is a new reality of tech.


Cyber NYC¹ has launched in NYC in late 2019 where companies such as Palantir, Goldman Sachs, and Facebook even hire graduates of cybersecurity bootcamps² before they graduate their programs.

Cyber​​NYC¹已于2019年底在纽约启动,在那里, PalantirGoldman SachsFacebook等公司甚至其课程毕业之前 雇用了网络安全训练营的毕业生²。

Rendering of the new Global Cyber Center in NYC. (Credit: Jerusalem Venture Partners)
纽约市新的全球网络中心的渲染。 (来源:耶路撒冷风险投资公司)

With an estimated 4 billion data files breached in 2019³, all businesses must invest in data security strategy.


Each breach costs on average $4M⁴.

每次违反平均要花费$ 4M⁴。

The cybersecurity industry will grow 2.5X by 2024 to over $300 billion annually⁵.

到2024年 ,网络安全行业将增长2.5倍,每年超过3,000亿美元 ⁵。

At this rate, we can safely assume that corporate organizations realize that data security is critical to their operations by helping them become competitive.


What are the potential risks not to invest in cybersecurity for IoT and AI-enabled devices?


How can security tools be developed to effectively protect companies from cyber-attacks?


What I know for sure is that 2020 is turning to be a big year for cybersecurity.⁶


云端安全 (Cloud Security)

Cloud security promises to safeguard enterprises from ransom and malware attacks. Large cloud-based operators such as Salesforce and Dropbox have facilitated security with new data standards including multi-factor authentication to minimize data leakage.

ç响亮的安全承诺,在维护赎金和恶意软件攻击的企业。 大型的基于云的运营商(例如SalesforceDropbox)通过包括多因素身份验证在内的新数据标准来促进安全性,以最大程度地减少数据泄漏。

Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication Demo (Credit:

A cloud strategy can reduce operational costs, boost overall performance and detect malware threats faster while facilitating economies of scale. As companies evolve, the industry will keep growing in the 2020s.

云战略可以降低运营成本,提高整体性能并更快地检测恶意软件威胁,同时促进规模经济。 随着公司的发展,该行业将在2020年代保持增长。

数据加密工具和升级 (Data Encryption Tools and Upgrades)

Enterprises understand the importance of data encryption in their information systems.


To ignore data encryption is similar to inviting hackers into your sandcastle and watching them destroy it in front of your eyes.


Unicorn start-up Canva experienced one such data leakage that compromised over 140 million user accounts.⁷


Canva Website (Credit:

Data threats exist everywhere.


And without a team of engineers, companies essentially are left open to the outside world.


AI can help — as malware can be predicted with attributes from cybersecurity texts⁸.


However, enabling encryption is the most powerful action that both consumers and Enterprises can do today.

但是, 启用加密是当今消费者和企业都可以执行的最强大的操作

无密码认证 (Authentication without Password)

Passwords are a liability in 2020 as hackers use sophisticated tools to crack passwords and sell them on the black market.

由于黑客使用复杂的工具来破解密码并将其在黑市上出售,因此2020年, P密码是一种责任。

Fortunately, biometric tools and hardware tokens are becoming commonplace everywhere from airports to office buildings.


Even master password apps such as LastPass, 1Password and DashLane help users authenticate accounts securely.


Over 90% of Enterprises are expected to adopt universal authentication procedures with no passwords by 2022.⁹


Passwords represent the largest attack point during malware invasion. It is essential to adopt authentication methods to protect our personally identifiable information.

密码代表恶意软件入侵期间最大的攻击点。 必须采取身份验证方法来保护我们的个人身份信息。

预测分析和物联网风险管理 (Predictive Analytics and IoT Risk Management)

Businesses use analytics to sift through data and discover insights from data patterns.

乙 usinesses使用分析,通过数据进行筛选,发现从数据模式的见解。

With advanced analytics, a business can detect a hacking incident within the shortest time possible by connecting patterns within a data set followed by perceiving and understanding changes within information systems.


Cybersecurity + Machine Learning could identify hotspot areas for cyber attacks before hacks takedown systems.


The Minority Report is now real.


Powered by Big Data, statistical models enhance data security by predicting and identifying malware threats.


5G technology will herald a new chapter in tech advancements, and 5G will create more problems because of massive data that could be attacked.


Organizations will need to adopt new technologies to counter cyber threats.


New risk policies can help address and mitigate tomorrow’s problems in real-time.


不断发展的网络安全格局和专业知识 (Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape and Expertise)

There is an urgent need for skilled individuals in cybersecurity as demand increases because of hacking incidents.


Massive losses of data have cost companies billions, and new policies such as cybersecurity training and improved encryption controls will better secure systems.


With over 30% growth in demand for cybersecurity jobs by 2030¹¹, cyber professionals will be pivotal to manage and to predict cybersecurity threats.

到2030年对网络安全工作的需求将增长30%以上 ,网络专业人员将是管理和预测网络安全威胁的关键。

Hiring skilled professionals in cybersecurity and #DataScience is the first step towards getting hacking and malware attacks under control — leading to real Digital Transformation and business results.


What are your thoughts on the cybersecurity industry? Share your comments below to contribute to the discussion.

您对网络安全行业有何看法? 在下面分享您的评论,以促进讨论。


参考文献 (Works Cited)

¹Fullstack Cyber Bootcamp, ²Cyber NYC, ³Norton 2019 Data Breaches, ⁴Cybersecurity Survey, ⁵Cyber Industry Growth, ⁶2020 Cyber Trends, ⁷Canva Data Hack, ⁸Predict Malware, ⁹IHS Markit — Cyber Trends,¹⁰5G Opportunities, ¹¹ Cybersecurity Job Growth

¹ Fullstack网络训练营 ,² 网络NYC ,³ 诺顿2019数据泄露 ,⁴ 网络安全调查 ,⁵ 数码行业增长 ,⁶ 2020网络趋势 ,⁷ Canva数据哈克 ,⁸ 预测恶意软件 ,⁹ IHS麦盖提-网络发展趋势 ,¹⁰ 5G机会 ,¹¹ 网络安全工作增长

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