
To create a chart in Excel, you can select the chart data on the worksheet, then use the Ribbon commands to insert the chart. Or, for a quicker way, you can create an Excel chart with shortcut keys. See how to insert a chart, and change an Excel setting, so it inserts a specific chart type.

要在Excel中创建图表,可以在工作表上选择图表数据,然后使用功能区命令插入图表。 或者,以一种更快的方式,您可以使用快捷键创建一个Excel图表。 了解如何插入图表,以及如何更改Excel设置,以便它插入特定的图表类型。

使用功能区命令创建图表 (Create a Chart with Ribbon Commands)

To create an Excel chart with a specific chart type, and other settings, go to the Insert tab on the Excel Ribbon, and use the chart commands there.


There are commands that insert specific chart types, such as Column, Line, Pie, Bar, and other types.


使用键盘快捷键 (Use the Keyboard Shortcuts)

If you'd rather use the keyboard to insert a chart, here are a couple of shortcut keys that you can use.


  • To insert a new sheet in the workbook, with a chart for the selected data, select the chart data, and then press the F11 key.


In the screen shot below, a column chart has been created, on a new chart sheet - Chart1.


  • To insert the chart on the active worksheet, use the Alt + F1 shortcut keys

    要将图表插入活动工作表中 ,请使用Alt + F1快捷键

In this screen shot, you can see the chart data, and the new chart was inserted on the same sheet.


更改默认图表类型 (Change the Default Chart Type)

When you create a chart using the keyboard shortcuts, the default chart type is used. If you usually make a specific type of Excel chart, change the default setting, so it uses your preferred chart type.

使用键盘快捷键创建图表时,将使用默认图表类型。 如果通常创建特定类型的Excel图表,请更改默认设置,以便它使用首选的图表类型。

To select a different default chart type:


  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Insert tab在Excel功能区上,单击“插入”选项卡
  • In the Charts group, click the Dialog Launcher button, at the bottom right在“图表”组中,单击右下角的“对话框启动器”按钮
  • Select one of the chart types, and a Sub-type, then click Set as Default Chart选择一种图表类型和一个子类型,然后单击“设置为默认图表”
  • Click Cancel, to close the window.单击取消,关闭窗口。

After you change that setting, when you create new charts with one of the keyboard shortcuts, the new default type will be used.


观看图表快捷键视频 (Watch the Chart Shortcut Keys Video)

To see the steps for creating an Excel chart with a keyboard shortcut, watch this short Excel tutorial video.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/12/06/create-excel-chart-with-shortcut-keys/




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