dg设置auto  failover

auto failover即设置Fast-Start Failover

Enabling fast-start failover does not trigger a failover. Instead, it allows the observer to begin observing the primary and standby databases and initiate a fast-start failover should conditions warrant a failover.


step 1:if  node >2节点

双节点环境会自动设置FastStartFailoverTarget  使得primary和standby 相互指向对方

If there is more than one standby database in the configuration, you must explicitly set the FastStartFailoverTarget property on the primary database and target standby database to point to each other for the purpose of defining which standby database will be the target of a fast-start failover


step 2: node>=2 节点

the observer and目标 standby database 均同primary断开连接超出FastStartFailoverThreshold 指定的延时时就启动fast-start failover

设置延时:EDIT CONFIGURATION SET PROPERTY FastStartFailoverThreshold = 45;默认是30秒

step 3:enable fast-start failover


ORA-16651: requirements not met for enabling Fast-Start Failover

Cause: The attempt to enable Fast-Start Failover could not be completed because one or more requirements have not been met:

- The Data Guard configuration must be in MaxAvailability protection mode.

***edit configuration set protection mode as MaxAvailability

- The LogXptMode property for both the primary database and the Fast-Start Failover target standby database must be SYNC.

***edit database  orcl set property logxptmode=sync

***ORA-16789: missing standby redo logs

***alter database add standby logfile group 4 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo04.log' size 50m;

***edit database  norcl set property logxptmode=sync

- The primary database and the Fast-Start Failover target standby database must both have flashback enabled.

***primary   alter database flashback on;

***standby   1、 alter database recover managed standby database 2、alter database flashback on;

- No valid target standby database was specified in the primary database"s FastStartFailoverTarget property prior to the attempt to enable Fast-Start Failover, and more than one standby database exists in the Data Guard configuration.

Step 4:  Start the Observer


连续的后台进程  dgmgrl中不会返回命令行提示符


DGMGRL> start observer

Observer started

如果要终止 则需在另一个client或session 中stop observer

step 5:验证

DGMGRL> show configuration


Name:                mybroker

Enabled:             YES

Protection Mode:     MaxAvailability

Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED


orcl  - Primary database

norcl - Physical standby database

- Fast-Start Failover target

Current status for "mybroker":

Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed


standby:recover managed standby database disconnect from session

disable fast_start failover

disable configuration

enable  configuration

enable fast_start failover

DGMGRL> show configuration


Name:                mybroker

Enabled:             YES

Protection Mode:     MaxAvailability

Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED


orcl  - Primary database

norcl - Physical standby database

- Fast-Start Failover target

Current status for "mybroker":



step 5:测试


disconnect 网卡后

DGMGRL> start observer

Observer started

06:44:52.25  Monday, October 18, 2010

Initiating fast-start failover to database "orcl"...

Performing failover NOW, please wait...

Operation requires shutdown of instance "orcl" on database "orcl"

Shutting down instance "orcl"...

ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

Operation requires startup of instance "orcl" on database "orcl"

Starting instance "orcl"...

Unable to connect to database

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor


You are no longer connected to ORACLE

Please connect again.

Unable to start instance "orcl"

You must start instance "orcl" manually

Unable to failover

06:46:16.60  Monday, October 18, 2010

[W000 10/18 06:46:16.61] Failover failed. Quit observer.

Observer stopped


Failover succeeded. Primary database is now orcl.

--failover完了后原primary是no start状态


DGMGRL> connect


DGMGRL> show configuration


Name:                mybroker

Enabled:             YES

Protection Mode:     MaxAvailability

Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED


orcl  - Primary database

norcl - Physical standby database (disabled)

- Fast-Start Failover target

Current status for "mybroker":

Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed

DGMGRL> disable fast_start failover

Error: ORA-16652: Fast-Start Failover target standby database is disabled


DGMGRL> enable database norcl

Error: ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated


DGMGRL> help reinstate

Change a disabled database into a viable standby database



DGMGRL> reinstate database norcl

Reinstating database "norcl", please wait...

Error: ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database


alert没有能帮助的信息 查看broker自己的日志



G 2010-10-18-07:04:30        0 2 0 NSV1: Failed to connect to remote database norcl. Error is ORA-01034

DG 2010-10-18-07:04:30        0 2 0 NSV1: Can't send OPEN message to DRCX. Network error is: ORA-01034.

DG 2010-10-18-07:04:30        0 2 0 NSV1: Ending metadata file transmission.

DG 2010-10-18-07:04:30        0 2 0 NSV1: Metadata Resync failed. Status = ORA-01034

DG 2010-10-18-07:04:30  2010000 4 732696705 DMON: Database norcl returned ORA-01034

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available



SQL> select database_role from v$database;




运行 reinstate database 来将norcl flashback到failover的scn以将norcl改造成standby database.

DGMGRL> reinstate database norcl

Reinstating database "norcl", please wait...

Operation requires shutdown of instance "orcl" on database "norcl"

Shutting down instance "orcl"...

ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

Operation requires startup of instance "orcl" on database "norcl"

Starting instance "orcl"...

Unable to connect to database

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor


You are no longer connected to ORACLE

Please connect again.

Unable to start instance "orcl"

You must start instance "orcl" manually

Reinstatement of database "norcl" failed


2697305 DMON: Entered rfm_release_chief_lock for EDIT_RES_PROP

DG 2010-10-18-07:09:19        0 2 0 NSV1: Failed to connect to remote database norcl. Error is ORA-12514

DG 2010-10-18-07:09:19        0 2 0 NSV1: Failed to send message to site norcl. Error code is ORA-12514.


DGMGRL>  reinstate database norcl

Reinstating database "norcl", please wait...

Reinstatement of database "norcl" succeeded


检查每个主机的监听文件 确认实例是否静态监听 且实例名要大写


现在observer 是norcl

DGMGRL> show configuration


Name:                mybroker

Enabled:             YES

Protection Mode:     MaxAvailability

Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED


orcl  - Primary database

norcl - Physical standby database

- Fast-Start Failover target ---注意。。。

Current status for "mybroker":


注:broker在dgmgrl cli关闭 启动instanc 因此需注意参数local_listener 及监听文件的设置

测试时 手动shutdown instance不会导致broker自动failover 会报:

ORA-16818: Fast-Start Failover suspended Cause: The primary database was intentionally shutdown. As a result, a Fast-Start Failover could not happen automatically.

Action: Start up the primary database. This effectively restores the ability to automatically do a Fast-Start Failover in the event of a failure of the primary database.


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