

git clone


cd akvcam/src


sudo make dkms_install


ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/akvcam.ko*


sudo make dkms_uninstall



sudo mkdir -p /etc/akvcam

sudo touch /etc/akvcam/config.ini

sudo chmod -vf 644 /etc/akvcam/config.ini


# Virtual camera configuration file example.


# Please, read the instructions to the end.


# First at all you must define how many virtual cameras will be created.

cameras/size = 2

# Then, define it‘s properties.


# A virtual camera can be of 2 types: ‘capture‘ and ‘output‘.

# A ‘capture‘ device will be seen as a normal webcam by any webcam capture

# program.

# A ‘output‘ device will receive frames from a producer program and send it to

# one or many ‘capture‘ devices.


# A camera can have also 3 capture/output modes: ‘mmap‘, ‘userptr‘ and ‘rw‘.

# ‘mmap‘ is the most widely supported mode by far, enabling this is more than

# enough in most cases. ‘rw‘ allow you to "echo" or "cat" frames as raw data

# directly to the device using the default frame format. Enabling ‘rw‘ mode will

# disable emulated camera controls in the ‘capture‘ device (brightness,

# contrast, saturation, etc.).

# A device can support all 3 modes at same time.


# ‘formats‘ is a comma separated list of index in the format list bellow.


# It‘s also possible to set the device number by setting the ‘videonr‘ property,

# if for example videonr=7 the the device will be created as "/dev/video7".

# If ‘videonr‘ is already taken, negative or not set, the driver will assign the

# first free device number.

cameras/1/type = output

cameras/1/mode = mmap, userptr, rw

cameras/1/description = Virtual Camera (output device)

cameras/1/formats = 2

cameras/1/videonr = 7

cameras/2/type = capture

cameras/2/mode = mmap, rw

cameras/2/description = Virtual Camera

cameras/2/formats = 1, 2


# Define how many formats will be supported by the camera.

formats/size = 2

# Now define the frame pixel formats, resolutions and frame rates supported by

# the camera.


# Supported capture formats:


# RGB32

# RGB24

# RGB16

# RGB15

# BGR32

# BGR24


# YUY2


# Supported output formats:


# RGB24

# BGR24


# YUY2 640x480 is one of the most widely supported formats in webcam capture

# programs. First format defined is the default frame format for

# ‘capture‘/‘output‘.

# ‘width‘, ‘height‘ and ‘fps‘ are unsigned integers.

formats/1/format = YUY2

formats/1/width = 640

formats/1/height = 480

formats/1/fps = 30

# The parameters can also be specified as a comma separated list, so it‘s

# possible to combine the parameters to define several formats in one group.

# ‘fps‘ can also be defined as a fraction.

# The following lines will define 4 formats:


# RGB24 640x480 20 FPS

# RGB24 640x480 7.5 FPS

# YUY2 640x480 20 FPS

# YUY2 640x480 7.5 FPS

formats/2/format = RGB24, YUY2

formats/2/width = 640

formats/2/height = 480

formats/2/fps = 20/1, 15/2

# Finally, to create a fully working virtual camera, you must connect one

# ‘output‘ to one or many ‘capture‘ devices.

# Connections are made by index, separated by a colon. The first index is the

# ‘output‘ device, the following index are ‘capture‘ devices.


connections/size = 1

connections/1/connection = 1:2

# You can also define a default frame when a ‘capture‘ device is not receiving

# any input. Only 24 bpp and 32 bpp BMP files are supported.


# 修改此处的图片路径,只能是BMP格式的图片

default_frame = /etc/akvcam/default_frame.bmp

# This config will take effect on modprobe/insmod.


sudo modprobe akvcam loglevel=7



cd akvcam/src

sudo modprobe videodev

# 先卸载,再安装

sudo rmmod akvcam.ko

sudo insmod akvcam.ko




echo akvcam > /etc/modules-load.d/akvcam.conf



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