Rumours say that the late night TV schedule on NBC will change. Jay Leno will leave his 10 PM spot, and return to 11:35 PM. How long will the revised Leno show be, and what effect will it have on the rest of the schedule?

有传言说,美国全国广播公司的深夜电视时间表将改变。 Jay Leno将离开他的晚上10点,然后返回11:35 PM。 修改后的Leno演出将持续多长时间,它将对其余时间表产生什么影响?

I'll bet the NBC programming executives have set up an Excel worksheet to test the possible scenarios, and they made a nice Gantt chart to show the results.


深夜时间表 (The Late Night Schedules)

Just in case those executives need a bit of help, I set up a sample worksheet for them. At the top, I entered a list of the current shows, with their duration in hours and minutes.

以防万一这些高管需要一点帮助,我为他们设置了一个样本工作表。 在顶部,我输入了当前节目的列表,其持续时间以小时和分钟为单位。

I entered Jan 1, 2010 10:00 PM as the start date and time for the first show. It doesn't matter what date you use, but you need to include one so the chart will work correctly. Then, the Current Start column is formatted to show just the time, not the date.

我输入2010年1月1日晚上10:00作为第一场演出的开始日期和时间。 您使用哪个日期都没有关系,但是您需要包括一个日期,这样图表才能正常工作。 然后,将“当前开始”列的格式设置为仅显示时间,而不显示日期。

Start times for the remaining shows are calculated, based on the previous show's start time and duration. For example, in cell B3, the formula is =B2+C2

根据前一个节目的开始时间和持续时间,计算剩余节目的开始时间。 例如,在单元格B3中,公式为= B2 + C2

Based on the current scheduling rumours, I created a list of the revised late night lineup. Again, the durations and first show's date and start time are typed in. Remaining start times are calculated.

基于当前的调度谣言,我创建了一份修订后的深夜阵容清单。 再次输入持续时间和首场演出的日期及开始时间。计算剩余的开始时间。

创建甘特图 (Create a Gantt Chart)

To visually compare the timelines, I wanted to create a couple of Gantt charts. The hardest part about making a Gantt chart in Excel is remembering how to spell Gantt. Gaant? Gannt? Gaanntt? That's why I like Line charts better – they're easier to spell.

为了直观地比较时间表,我想创建几个甘特图。 在Excel中制作甘特图的最难的部分是记住如何拼写甘特。 盖恩特? 甘特? 甘恩特? 这就是为什么我更喜欢折线图的原因-它们更容易拼写。

Here are the steps that I followed to create the Gantt chart for the current schedule.


  • Select a cell in the current schedule table.在当前计划表中选择一个单元格。
  • On the Ribbon's Insert tab, click Bar, then click Stacked Bar在功能区的“插入”选项卡上,单击“条形”,然后单击“堆叠的条形”
  • In the bar chart, click the first series, Current Start, and change its fill colour to No Fill. That hides the first series, so you can focus on the duration of each show.在条形图中,单击第一个系列“当前开始”,然后将其填充颜色更改为“无填充”。 这隐藏了第一个系列,因此您可以专注于每个节目的持续时间。

格式化垂直轴 (Format the Vertical Axis)

Next, you can change the order in which the shows are listed, so the earliest show is at the top of the chart.


  • Click on one of the show names in the chart, to select the vertical axis.单击图表中的一个显示名称,以选择垂直轴。
  • On the Ribbon's Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.在功能区的“格式”选项卡上的“当前选择”组中,单击“格式选择”。
  • In the Axis Options category, add a check mark to Categories in Reverse Order.在“轴选项”类别中,将一个复选标记添加到“逆序类别”中。
  • The horizontal axis moves to the top, and you'll format it to stay at the bottom. In the Horizontal Axis Crosses section, select At Maximum Category.水平轴移至顶部,您将对其进行格式化以使其位于底部。 在“水平轴交叉”部分中,选择“最大类别”。

格式化水平轴 (Format the Horizontal Axis)

Next, you can format the horizontal axis, so it shows a set range of times and intervals. With the Format Axis dialog box still open, follow these steps.

接下来,您可以设置水平轴的格式,以便它显示设置的时间和间隔范围。 与设置轴格式对话框仍然打开,请按照下列步骤。

  • Click on one of the times in the chart, to select the horizontal axis.单击图表中的时间之一,以选择水平轴。
  • In the Axis Options category, for Minimum, select Fixed, and change the decimal places to .875 which is 9:30 PM.在“轴选项”类别中,对于“最小值”,选择“固定”,然后将小数位数更改为.875,即9:30 PM。
  • For the Major Unit, select Fixed, and set the units to 0.0625 which is 1.5 hours.对于主要单位,选择固定,然后将单位设置为0.0625,即1.5小时。
  • Close the Format Axis dialog box.关闭格式轴对话框。

格式化甘特图 (Format the Gantt Chart)

To finish the Gantt chart, you can format it. For example, you can remove the legend, add a Title, and change the fill colour for the duration series.

要完成甘特图,可以对其进行格式化。 例如,您可以删除图例,添加标题和更改持续时间序列的填充颜色。

Here are my completed Gantt charts. I created and formatted the first chart, then copied its formatting to the second chart, by using Paste Special, Formats.

这是我完成的甘特图。 我创建并格式化了第一个图表,然后使用“选择性粘贴”格式将其格式复制到了第二个图表。

比较图表 (Compare the Charts)

With the old and new schedules in Gantt charts, it's easy to see how the late night viewing times will shift to later hours. I usually watch Letterman, so the schedule change won't affect me, but some people might be a bit more tired in the morning.

利用甘特图中的新旧时间表,很容易看到深夜的观看时间将如何转变为以后的时间。 我通常看莱特曼(Letterman),所以时间表的改变不会影响我,但是有些人早上会有点累。

To play with the New Schedule, you can change the start time for the first show, or change any of the show durations. The Gantt chart will adjust to show your revisions.

要使用“新时间表”播放,您可以更改首场演出的开始时间,或更改任何演出时间。 甘特图将进行调整以显示您的修订。

有关甘特图的更多信息 (More on Gantt Charts)

To learn more about Excel Gantt charts, visit Jon Peltier's website, and check his list of Excel Gantt Chart resources. There are links to a couple of Jon's excellent Gantt chart articles, and many other helpful links. ______

要了解有关Excel Gantt图表的更多信息, 请访问Jon Peltier的网站 ,并检查他的Excel Gantt图表资源列表。 这里有一些Jon出色的甘特图文章的链接,以及许多其他有用的链接。 ______



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