Unit 10 Censorship

1. Model1题目及范文分析

Some parents believe that there is no harm in allowing their children to watch TV programs and movies that contain a lot of violence. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Model 1

Some people think that if children watch violent images on television, they may try to copy the things they see. As a result, they could behave more violently towards other people. While it is sometimes true that children love to copy some of the violence they see in the games they play, they generally know the difference between real and imaginary violence. For example, some children love kung fu movies and television shows. They often like to play at fighting each other and they copy the scenes they watch on TV. Yet, most of these children do not grow up to be violent.

Another argument against allowing children to watch violent TV programs is that these programs could make them frightened, or give them nightmares. However, there is a difference between imaginary violence, such as cartoons, and real violence, such as police dramas or the TV news. For example, most children might laugh at the violence in a funny cartoon, but be disturbed by seeing a child being beaten in a news report. For this reason, parents need to consider what is appropriate for their own child, and select programs carefully.

2. Model2题目

Some people believe that there is no harm in allowing their children unrestricted access to the internet provided they have software, such as 'net nanny', to prevent access to some sites. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

3. Model2大纲分析

Para 1 Net nanny-some protection

example - violent, sex sites-no access

result - children mostly safe

but - sometimes- can open unsuitable sites

Para 2 Difference-software program-loving parent

Parents responsible-limit, check children

best guides for children

they can check harmful sites for their own child

so their responsibility-watch and limit sites

software- not enough protection

4. Model2范文分析

Model 2

Generally speaking, software programs, such as net nanny, do provide some protection from violent or sex sites for children. For example, if children find inappropriate websites, the net nanny pr0grame will usually not allow them to open these pages. As a result, children are mostly safe when they use the net with these programs. However, occasionally children may be able to open some sites that are not suitable for them to see even though they have a software censorship program.

There is a difference between a software program and the loving care and control of

a parent. Parents are responsible for limiting and checking what their children see on the Internet and they are generally the best people to guide children from day to day. In particular, they mostly know which sites may be harmful to their children. For this reason, it is their responsibility to watch and limit the sites that their children can access. The internet is a powerful tool, and a software program by itself might not be sufficient to protect children from inappropriate influences.

5. 【To what extent do you agree with the opinion】文章布局





6. Model1及model2词、词组及句型讲解


Some people think that if children watch violent images on television, they may try to copy the things they see. As a result, they could behave more violently towards other people. While it is sometimes true that children love to copy some of the violence they see in the games they play, they generally know the difference between real and imaginary violence. For example, some children love kung fu movies and television shows. They often like to play at fighting each other and they copy the scenes they watch on TV. Yet, most of these children do not grow up to be violent.

Another argument against allowing children to watch violent TV programmes is that these programmes could make them frightened, or give them nightmares. However, there is a difference between imaginary violence, such as cartoons, and real violence, such as police dramas or the TV news. For example, most children might laugh at the violence in a funny cartoon, but be disturbed by seeing a child being beaten in a news report. For this reason, parents need to consider what is appropriate for their

own child, and select programmes carefully.


Generally speaking, software programs, such as net nanny, do provide some protection from violent or sex sites for children. For example, if children find inappropriate websites, the net nanny programe will usually not allow them to open these pages. As a result, children are mostly safe when they use the net with these programes. However, occasionally children may be able to open some sites that are not suitable for them to see even though they have a software censorship program.

There is a difference between a software program and the loving care and control of

a parent. Parents are responsible for limiting and checking what their children see on the Internet and they are generally the best people to guide children from day to day. In particular, they mostly know which sites may be harmful to their children. For this reason, it is their responsibility to watch and limit the sites that their children can access. The internet is a powerful tool, and a software program by itself might not be sufficient to protect children from inappropriate influences.

7. Unit10课后练习讲解

1)练习1 Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete this paragraph:

(Censor/Censorship) of TV programmes is essential for some young (view/viewers). (Protection/Protect) from (violent/violence) is very important so that we can keep our children (safe/safety). (Violence/Violent) TV programmes can (influence/influenced) our children and can make them (disturb/disturbed) and give them (nightmare/nightmares). For this reason, (parent/parents) need to give (consideration/consider) to the programmes that their children watch, and (careful/carefully) (select/selection) appropriate programmes for them. However, (imagine/imaginary) violence is probably less (harmful/harm) than real violence, so cartoon (image/images) may be (appropriate/inappropriate) for most children.



1. 许可you can park your car here.

2. 能力 I can speak English

3. 某事发生的可能性 It can happen.


1. 一种推测,可能it may happen.

Be able to 成功做某事

I am able to pass the exam.

Need 需要

Had better 最好

Have to 不得不

Must 必须

Should 应该

Rewrite the sentences below using the modals given in brackets. Note: You will need to think carefully about word order and the forms of the other verbs in the sentences.

a. Children are disturbed by watching violent programmes on television. (could)

b. Violent images in the news media cause children to have nightmares. (may)

c. Exposure to disturbing scenes negatively influences children's behaviour. (can)

d. Surfing the Internet increases children's exposure to violent images. (could)

e. Children copy violent programmes on TV (might)

f. Children are affected by violent TV programmes. (can)

g. Police dramas show scenes of violence, and this causes nightmares for some children. (can, could)

h. Cartoons are violent, but this does not affect children the way that real violence does. (can, may)

i. The internet contains many inappropriate sites, and these have a bad effect on children. (could--which verb should this modal modify?)

j. We are able to protect our children from being disturbed if we censor their TV watching. (may--which verb should this modal modify?)


generally, generally speaking, on the whole, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, most (adj.), some (adj.)

Rewrite these absolute statements using the words given in brackets. Think carefully about word order.

a. Late night television programmes contain scenes of violence and negative behaviour. (frequently)

b. Younger children require parental supervision when watching rental movies at home. (generally)

c. Children may be adversely affected by violent TV programmes. (some)

d. News footage on television these days is uncensored for violence. (often)

e. Modern computer games contain scenes of graphic violence. (sometimes)

f. Parents censor their children's TV programmes, but some do not. (most)

g. Watching TV is not bad for children, as long as they do not watch too much. (on the whole)

h. Parents complain that their children watch too much TV, but they do not restrict their viewing hours. (frequently, often)

i. Children can be deeply disturbed by something they have watched and this can even cause nightmares. (occasionally)

j. Violent TV is not a good choice for most children. (generally speaking)


Complete the paragraph below using the linking words in the box below.

First In particular For example Furthermore Yet

For this reason Finally In addition However As a result

If children watch the TV news they could be deeply disturbed by the violence that they see. _____________________, they might have nightmares, or start to behave violently towards other children.___________________, they might begin to hit their little brothers or sisters. ____________________, they could become quiet and moody at home, or become scared of going out into the street.

___________________, the violence from cartoons or fantasy programmes is generally less disturbing for most children. __________________, parents are advised to censor real violence and to decide about exposure to imaginary violence according to the nature of their individual child. _________________, the most important factor for children is how their family and friends behave. If they live in a close and loving family, on the whole they are unlikely to behave violently.


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