For GDM: Gnome桌面



/usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf(该文件为readonly 用vim或更改为readwrite)
# Allow root to login. It makes sense to turn this off for kiosk use, when 
# you want to minimize the possibility of break in. 
# Allow login as root via XDMCP. This value will be overridden and set to 
# false if the /etc/default/login file exists and contains 
# "CONSOLE=/dev/login", and set to true if the /etc/default/login file exists 
# and contains any other value or no value for CONSOLE. 
# This will allow remote timed login. 
# 0 is the most restrictive, 1 allow


【Linux】配置linux主机使得可以使用Xmanager的xbrowser登陆图形界面 .


1. XDM Configuration

1. Change runlevel to 5

Open/etc/inittab and set the initial runlevel to 5 as following:
2. Enable XDMCP 
   For GDM: Gnome桌面
 Open Open /etc/gdm/custom.conf and set the Enable entry to 1 in the [xdmcp] section as following.
 Open Open /etc/gdm/custom.conf and set the DisallowTCP entry to false in the [security] section as following.
   For KDM:KDE桌面
 Open /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config comment out the "requestPort" option as following:
DisplayManager.requestPort: 0 ==>
!DisplayManager.requestPort: 0
Open /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess and remove the initial "#" character for the following line:
#* #any host can get a login window ==>
* #any host can get a login window
Open /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc and set the Enable entry to true in the [xdmcp] section as following.

2. Firewall (TCP/UDP Ports) Configuration

Open UDP port 177 from the PC to the remote host direction.
Open incoming TCP ports 6000~6010 from the remote host to your PC.

3. Reboot the remote host and start Xmanager

# init 3; init 5


如果允许Root用户连接到XMANAGER 需要修改以下内容:
# vim /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf

# Allow root to login. It makes sense to turn this off for kiosk use, when 
# you want to minimize the possibility of break in. 
# Allow login as root via XDMCP. This value will be overridden and set to 
# false if the /etc/default/login file exists and contains 
# "CONSOLE=/dev/login", and set to true if the /etc/default/login file exists 
# and contains any other value or no value for CONSOLE. 
# This will allow remote timed login. 
# 0 is the most restrictive, 1 allow

4. Xbrower

右键,new,xmanager session,(XDM query),填入IP地址,确定即可!


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