ultravnc 反向连接

Problem statement: Write a program to display the linked list in reverse order. Note that the original linked list will not change.

问题陈述:编写一个程序以相反的顺序显示链接列表。 请注意,原始链表不会更改


  1. Create and build the linked list


  2. Display the original linked list


  3. Display in reverse order


Displaying in reverse order can be done using recursive function.


    Function reverse_display(node) 
IF (node!= NULL)
display node value

Example with Explanation:


Let's check how the program runs...


Let the input linked list to be: 1->2->3->4->NULL with head at 1

让输入链接列表为: 1-> 2-> 3-> 4-> NULL,head为1

In Main() it calls
node is not null
reverse_display(1->next) thus it calls reverse_display(2)
node is not null
reverse_display(2->next) thus it calls reverse_display(3)
node is not null
reverse_display(3->next) thus it calls reverse_display(4)
node is not null
reverse_display(4->next) thus it calls reverse_display(NULL)
node is null
no further call, control returned to reverse_display(4)
At reverse_display(4)
Control returned from reverse_display(4->next)
So it prints the node value that is 4
Control returns to reverse_display(3)
At reverse_display(3)
Control returned from reverse_display(3->next)
So it prints the node value that is 3
Control returns to reverse_display(2)
At reverse_display(2)
Control returned from reverse_display(2->next)
So it prints the node value that is 2
Control returns to reverse_display(1)
At reverse_display(1)
Control returned from reverse_display(1->next)
So it prints the node value that is 1
Control returns to Main function
Thus it displays 4 3 2 1
.minHeight{ min-height: 250px; } @media (min-width: 1025px){ .minHeight{ min-height: 90px; } } .minHeight{ min-height: 250px; } @media (min-width: 1025px){ .minHeight{ min-height: 90px; } }

C实现以反向显示链接列表 (C implementation to display Linked List in Reverse)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node{int data; // data field
struct node *next;
void display(struct node* head){struct node* current=head; // current node set to head
printf("traversing the list...\n");
while(current!=NULL){ //traverse until current node isn't NULL
printf("%d ",current->data);
current=current->next; // go to next node
void reverse_display(struct node* head){if(head){//recursive call to display in reverse order
printf("%d ",head->data);
struct node* creatnode(int d){struct node* temp=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
return temp;
int main(){printf("creating the linked list by inserting new nodes at the end\n");
printf("enter 0 to stop building the list, else enter any integer\n");
int k,count=1,x;
struct node* curr,*temp;
struct node* head=creatnode(k); //buliding list, first node
///inserting at the end//
temp->next=curr;//appending each node
display(head); // displaying the list
printf("\ndisplaying in reverse order...\n");
reverse_display(head);//display in reverse order
return 0;



First run:
creating the linked list by inserting new nodes at the end
enter 0 to stop building the list, else enter any integer
1 2 3 4 0
traversing the list...
1 2 3 4
displaying in reverse order...
4 3 2 1
Second run:
creating the linked list by inserting new nodes at the end
enter 0 to stop building the list, else enter any integer
34 55 2 4 76 -8 6 0
traversing the list...
34 55 2 4 76 -8 6
displaying in reverse order...
6 -8 76 4 2 55 34

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/c-programs/display-a-linked-list-in-reverse.aspx

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