
一个web服务如果能将自身变动和对外服务隔离对服务的稳定性和可用性是友好的,所以出现了graceful的东西,实现随不同,但原理大致相似,我用的一个具体的实现请看github.com/cgCodeLife/…,在测试中发现一个现象,在执行graceful的服务热升级的时候发现golang的client会偶现EOF, read connection reset by peer, connection idle close等现象,所以需要结合我自己的测试代码和现象分析下内部原因,为此有这篇文章以此作为公共讨论的地方希望能有人给出好的建议或指正我的问题,共同学习进步。




golang client
http协议 1.1
是否长连接 是/否 都尝试过
并发数 1,30个都尝试过
每个连接发送的次数1, 1000次 其中次数为1次的实验在client端未发现连接问题
请求方式 post十几字节的字符串
golang server
golang版本 1.10
响应数据 自己的进程号,7字节左右


golang client代码
package mainimport ("net/http"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""io/ioutil""fmt""bytes""sync"
)func main() {var wg sync.WaitGroupvar count intvar rw sync.RWMutex
TEST:for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {wg.Add(1)go func () {defer wg.Done()tr := http.Transport{DisableKeepAlives: false}client := &http.Client{Transport: &tr}for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {f, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data")if err != nil {fmt.Println("read file err", err)return}fmt.Println(len(f))reader := bytes.NewReader(f)rw.Lock()count += 1index := countrw.Unlock()resp, err := client.Post("", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", reader)if err != nil {rw.RLock()currentCount := countrw.RUnlock()log.Fatal(err, index, currentCount)}defer resp.Body.Close()data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}log.Printf("data[%s]", string(data))}}()}wg.Wait()goto TEST

golang server代码

package mainimport (graceful "github.com/cgCodeLife/graceful2""net/http"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""io/ioutil""fmt""os""strconv"
)func main() {server := graceful.NewServer()handler := http.HandlerFunc(handle)server.Register("", handler)err := server.Run()if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}
}func handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {defer r.Body.Close()_, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)if err != nil {fmt.Println("read body error[%s] pid[%d]", err, os.Getpid())}w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())))


1个连接请求1次并发是30 (连接资源应该耗尽了,但是没有触发EOF, reset等连接问题)
看下shutdown的代码 src/net/http/server.go 2536行开始
// shutdownPollInterval is how often we poll for quiescence
// during Server.Shutdown. This is lower during tests, to
// speed up tests.
// Ideally we could find a solution that doesn't involve polling,
// but which also doesn't have a high runtime cost (and doesn't
// involve any contentious mutexes), but that is left as an
// exercise for the reader.
var shutdownPollInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond// Shutdown gracefully shuts down the server without interrupting any
// active connections. Shutdown works by first closing all open
// listeners, then closing all idle connections, and then waiting
// indefinitely for connections to return to idle and then shut down.
// If the provided context expires before the shutdown is complete,
// Shutdown returns the context's error, otherwise it returns any
// error returned from closing the Server's underlying Listener(s).
// When Shutdown is called, Serve, ListenAndServe, and
// ListenAndServeTLS immediately return ErrServerClosed. Make sure the
// program doesn't exit and waits instead for Shutdown to return.
// Shutdown does not attempt to close nor wait for hijacked
// connections such as WebSockets. The caller of Shutdown should
// separately notify such long-lived connections of shutdown and wait
// for them to close, if desired. See RegisterOnShutdown for a way to
// register shutdown notification functions.
func (srv *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {atomic.AddInt32(&srv.inShutdown, 1)defer atomic.AddInt32(&srv.inShutdown, -1)srv.mu.Lock()lnerr := srv.closeListenersLocked()srv.closeDoneChanLocked()for _, f := range srv.onShutdown {go f()}srv.mu.Unlock()ticker := time.NewTicker(shutdownPollInterval)defer ticker.Stop()for {if srv.closeIdleConns() {return lnerr}select {case <-ctx.Done():return ctx.Err()case <-ticker.C:}}

空闲连接怎么来的呢,在request的时候就把conn设置为active,然后在当前请求处理完成之后设置成idle,所以,所以我理解的在一个连接上如果持续多次请求会比较容易出现shutdown扫描的时候这个request虽然被idle了,但是在close的同时收到了客户端发送过来的请求被reset,所以怀疑golang在close的时候是同时关闭socket fd的读写通道的(为此我单独针对shutdown做了一个小实验,juejin.im/post/5d033c…),所以这种情况会出现client连接问题。






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