
B1U1 -  How to Improve Your Study Habits(怎样改进你的学习习惯)
B1U2 -  Sailing Round the World(环球航行)
B1U3 -  The Present(礼物)
B1U4 -  Turning off TV: A Quiet Hour(关上电视机:清净一小时)
B1U5 -  A Miserable, Merry Christmas(又悲又喜的圣诞节)
B1U6 -  Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer(工业工程师萨姆·亚当斯)
B1U7 -  The Sampler(品尝家)
B1U8 -  You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine(你说你的,我说我的)
B1U9 -  The Brain, The Most Powerful Computer in the Universe(大脑——宇宙中最强大的计算机)
B1U10 -  Going Home(回家)
B2U1 -  Is There Life on Earth?(地球上有生命吗?)
B2U2 -  The Dinner Party(晚宴)
B2U3 -  Lessons from Jefferson(杰斐逊的遗训)
B2U4 -  My First Job(我的第一份工作)
B2U5 -  The professor and the Yo-yo(教授与溜溜球)
B2U6 -  The Making of a Surgeon(外科医师的成功之道)
B2U7 -  There's Only Luck(仅有幸运)
B2U8 -  Honesty:Is It Going out of Style?(诚实:难道它正在变得不合时宜?)
B2U9 -  What Is Intelligence, Anyway?(智力到底是什么?)
B2U10 -  Profits of Praise(赞扬的好处)
B3U1 -  A Brush with the Law(与警察的一场小冲突)
B3U2 -  The Woman Who Would Not Tell(不肯告发的女人(云襟胸怀))
B3U3 -  Why I Teach(我为什么当教师)
B3U4 -  Lady Hermits Who Are Down But not Out(潦而不倒的女隐士们)
B3U5 -  The Day Mother Cried(妈哭的那天)
B3U6 -  A Day’s Wait(一天的等待)
B3U7 -  The Shelter(防空洞)
B3U8 -  Daydream a Little(做点白日梦)
B3U9 -  The Death of Hitler(希特勒之死)
B3U10 -  The Fantastic Spurt in Technology(工艺技术上不可思议的突飞猛进)
B4U1 -  Big Bucks the Easy Way(轻轻松松赚大钱)
B4U2 -  Deer and the Energy Cycle(鹿和能量循环)
B4U3 -  Why Do We Believe That the Earth Is Round(我们为什么相信地球是圆的?)
B4U4 -  Jim Thorpe(吉姆·索普)
B4U5 -  To Lie or Not to Lie, The Doctor's Dilemma(撒谎还是不撒谎——医生的难题)
B4U6 -  How to Mark a Book(怎样在书上做记号)
B4U7 -  The Luncheon(午餐)
B4U8 -  The New Caves(新洞穴)
B4U9 -  Journey West(西行纪事)
B4U10 -  Why People Work(人为什么工作)
B5U1 -  A Kind of Sermon(权进一言)
B5U2 -  The Fifth Freedom(第五自由)
B5U3 -  Your Key to a Better Life(生活更美好的关键)
B5U4 -  Epilogue (From The Gadfly)(尾声(《牛虻》节选))
B5U5 -  Science and the Scientific Attitude(科学与科学态度)
B5U6 -  If It Comes Back(倘若鸟儿回还)
B5U7 -  Love Story(爱情故事)
B5U8 -  Roaming the Cosmos(遨游宇宙)
B5U9 -  The Key to Management(管理的关键)
B5U10 -  I Have a Dream(我有一个梦想)
B6U1 -  Research Reports For Business And Technical Writing(商务、技术研究报告的写作)
B6U2 -  The Beginning Of A Career(职业的开端)
B6U3 -  The Quest For Extraterrestrial Intelligence(搜寻外星人)
B6U4 -  The Library Card(借书证)
B6U5 -  How Could Anything That Feels So Bad Be So Good?(感觉这么坏的东西怎么会这么好呢?)
B6U6 -  The Monster(怪杰)
B6U7 -  ZERITSKY'S LAW(齐里茨基法)
B6U8 -  The Role Of Science Fiction(科幻小说的作用)
B6U9 -  Look For The Rusty Lining(寻找阴暗面)
B6U10 -  Debating The Unknowable(探索未知世界)


1. 大学英语精读教程全六册(MP3下载+原文)_大学英语教程 - 可可英语

2. 大学英语精读(MP3+字幕)_上海外语教育出版社_大学英语 - 可可英语


  1. 大学英语精读第三版(第六册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——6B - John Thomas’s Cube(约翰·托马斯的立方体)

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    Unit 3 - The Quest For Extraterrestrial Intelligence Are we humans alone in the universe? Or is ther ...

  4. 现代大学英语精读第二版(第五册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——1 - Who Are you and what are you doing here?(你们是谁?来这儿做什么?)

    Unit 1 - Who Are you and what are you doing here? Who Are you and what are you doing here? Mark Edmu ...

  5. 大学英语精读第三版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——4B - Alfred Nobel — A Man of Contrasts(艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔——一个反差鲜明的人)

    Unit 4B - Alfred Nobel - A Man of Contrasts Alfred Nobel - A Man of Contrasts Alfred Nobel, the Swed ...

  6. 现代大学英语精读第二版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——1A - Another School Year—What For?(又一学年——为了什么?)

    Unit 1A - Another School Year-What For? Another School Year-What For? John Ciardi Let me tell you on ...

  7. 现代大学英语精读第二版(第四册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——3A - Groundless Beliefs(无根据的信念)

    Unit 3A - Groundless Beliefs Groundless Beliefs Alfred Ernest Monder In the future we are going to f ...

  8. 现代大学英语精读第二版(第三册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——6B - They Dared Cocaine—and Lost(尝试可卡因后,他们迷失了)

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  9. 大学英语精读第三版(第三册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——8B - Dreams — What Do They Mean?(梦意味着什么?)

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  10. 现代大学英语精读第二版(第四册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——16B - Is Everybody Happy?(人人都幸福吗?)

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