html p标签文字加粗

p标签 (The p tag)

This tag defines a paragraph of text.


<p>Some text</p>

It’s a block element.


Inside it, we can add any inline element we like, like span or a.


We cannot add block elements.


We cannot nest p elements one into another.


By default browsers style a paragraph with a margin on top and at the bottom. 16px in Chrome, but the exact value might vary between browsers.

默认情况下,浏览器为段落设置样式,在顶部和底部留有空白。 在Chrome中为16px ,但实际值可能因浏览器而异。

This causes two consecutive paragraphs to be spaced, replicating what we think of a “paragraph” in printed text.


span标签 (The span tag)

This is an inline tag that can be used to create a section in a paragraph that can be targeted using CSS:


<p>A part of the text <span>and here another part</span></p>

br标签 (The br tag)

This tag represents a line break. It’s an inline element, and does not need a closing tag.

此标记表示换行符。 这是一个内联元素,不需要结束标记。

We use it to create a new line inside a p tag, without creating a new paragraph.


And compared to creating a new paragraph, it does not add additional spacing.


<p>Some text<br>A new line</p>

标题标签 (The heading tags)

HTML provides us 6 heading tags. From most important to least important, we have h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.

HTML为我们提供了6个标题标签。 从最重要到最不重要,我们有h1h2h3h4h5h6

Typically a page will have one h1 element, which is the page title. Then you might have one or more h2 elements depending on the page content.

通常,页面将具有一个h1元素,即页面标题。 然后,根据页面内容,您可能会有一个或多个h2元素。

Headings, especially the heading organization, are also essential for SEO, and search engines use them in various ways.


The browser by default will render the h1 tag bigger, and will make the elements size smaller as the number near h increases:


All headings are block elements. They cannot contain other elements, just text.

所有标题都是块元素。 它们不能包含其他元素,而只能是文本。

strong标签 (The strong tag)

This tag is used to mark the text inside it as strong. This is pretty important, it’s not a visual hint, but a semantic hint. Depending on the medium used, its interpretation will vary.

此标记用于将其中的文本标记为 。 这非常重要,它不是视觉提示,而是语义提示。 根据使用的介质,其解释会有所不同。

Browsers by default make the text in this tag bold.


em标签 (The em tag)

This tag is used to mark the text inside it as emphasized. Like with strong, it’s not a visual hint but a semantic hint.

此标记用于将其中的文本标记为强调 。 像strong一样,它不是视觉提示,而是语义提示。

Browsers by default make the text in this italic.


行情 (Quotes)

The blockquote HTML tag is useful to insert citations in the text.

blockquote HTML标记可用于在文本中插入引文。

Browsers by default apply a margin to the blockquote element. Chrome applies a 40px left and right margin, and a 10px top and bottom margin.

默认情况下,浏览器对blockquote元素应用边距。 Chrome会应用40px左右边距,以及10px上下边距。

The q HTML tag is used for inline quotes.

q HTML标记用于内联引号。

水平线 (Horizontal line)

Not really based on text, but the hr tag is often used inside a page. It means horizontal rule, and it adds an horizontal line in the page.

并非完全基于文本,但是hr标签通常在页面内使用。 它表示horizontal rule ,并在页面中添加一条水平线。

Useful to separate sections in the page.


代码块 (Code blocks)

The code tag is especially useful to show code, because browsers give it a monospaced font.


That’s typically the only thing that browsers do. This is the CSS applied by Chrome:

这通常是浏览器唯一要做的。 这是Chrome应用CSS:

code {font-family: monospace;

This tag is typically wrapped in a pre tag, because the code element ignores whitespace and line breaks. Like the p tag.

此标记通常包装在pre标记中,因为code元素会忽略空格和换行符。 像p标签一样。

Chrome gives pre this default styling:


pre {display: block;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;margin: 1em 0px;

which prevents white space collapsing and makes it a block element.


清单 (Lists)

We have 3 types of lists:


  • unordered lists无序列表
  • ordered lists有序列表
  • definition lists定义清单

Unordered lists are created using the ul tag. Each item in the list is created with the li tag:

使用ul标签创建无序列表。 列表中的每个项目都是使用li标签创建的:


Ordered lists are similar, just made with the ol tag:



The difference between the two is that ordered lists have a number before each item:


Definition lists are a bit different. You have a term, and its definition:

定义列表有些不同。 您有一个术语及其定义:

<dl><dt>Flavio</dt><dd>The name</dd><dt>Copes</dt><dd>The surname</dd>

This is how browsers typically render them:


I must say you rarely see them in the wild, for sure not much as ul and ol, but sometimes they might be useful.


其他文字标签 (Other text tags)

There is a number of tags with presentational purposes:


  • the mark tag


  • the ins tag


  • the del tag


  • the sup tag


  • the sub tag


  • the small tag


  • the i tag


  • the b tag


This is an example of the visual rendering of them which is applied by default by browsers:


You might wonder, how is b different than strong? And how i is different than em?

您可能想知道, bstrong什么不同? 怎么i比不同的em

The difference lies in the semantic meaning. While b and i are a direct hint at the browser to make a piece of text bold or italic, strong and em give the text a special meaning, and it’s up to the browser to give the styling. Which happens to be exactly the same as b and i, by default. Although you can change that using CSS.

区别在于语义上。 尽管bi是浏览器的直接提示,但要使一段文本变为粗体或斜体,而strongem使该文本具有特殊含义,这取决于浏览器的样式。 默认情况下,它恰好与bi完全相同。 尽管您可以使用CSS进行更改。

There are a number of other, less used tags related to text. I just mentioned the ones that I see used the most.

还有许多其他与文本相关的较少使用的标签。 我刚刚提到了使用最多的那些。


html p标签文字加粗

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