jquery flipbook plugins


使用jQuery翻页书插件可以让你给用户展示更多内容,并让访客印象深刻。在决定之前,你需要了解技术细节。一些翻页书插件仍然基于flash, 他们不允许搜索内容,并且iOS不支持。这对于SEO是非常不利的,而且不利于用户找到他们需要的内容。基于jQuery的插件通常没有这种问题。为了帮 助大家找到最好的翻书页脚本,我收集了一些jQuery翻页书插件。


原文地址:20个强大的jQuery翻书插件【 jQuery flipbook】: http://www.goodfav.com/zh/20-powerful-jquery-flipbook-plugins-2575.html

Responsive Flip Book with Touch Support – MORE INFO

responsive jquery flipbook plugins

The Responsive Flip Book is fully HTML & jQuery driven no Flash Player needed. Works on desktop and mobile devices! You get the same experience on every platform because responsive design makes it look good on all resolutions.

The jFlip Plugin – MORE INFO

jquery flip jquery flipbook plugins

This plugin builds an image gallery made as a magazine. You can flip the book pages to view the next or previous image clicking or dragging the animated corners shown when hovering on the gallery area.


wow book jquery flipbook plugins

WowBook is jQuery plugin that allows you to create a online publication(like a book or magazine) with 2 different page flipping effects.

Responsive FlipBook v5 jQuery – MORE INFO

flipbook v5 jquery flipbook plugins

This plugin features double pages, responsive design, excellent tools to zoom and Ajax form.

jQuery Flipbook Slider – MORE INFO

flipbook slider jquery flipbook plugins

jQuery Flipbook Slider is a lightweight jQuery plugin for flipping pages effect. It can be used with any content: text, html, iframes, videos, flash (swf) etc. You can customize it easily with CSS (background images, font family and color etc.). The plugin can be used for albums, presentations, books and notepads.

FlipBook v5 – WordPress Plugin – MORE INFO


The management of this plugin has been made easier and more intuitive. When you create a new Book – all fields configuration are automatically filled (fields are not empty).

Booklet – MORE INFO


Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses.

Flip Book WordPress Plugin – MORE INFO

jquery flipbook plugins

lip Book WordPress Plugin is based on XML Flip Book / AS3. It has been built from scratch. Almost everything you see on the page is easily customizable through the WordPress administration panel – easy installation, no coding skills required.

jPageFlip – MORE INFO


jPageFlip is a jQuery plugin to simulate the turning of book pages. To use jPageFlip jQuery.js must be included. jPageFlip is highly configurable, see the config section below. Further extensions of the configuration options are planned for the next version. jPageFlip is currently based on the “canvas technology”, which is only suported by Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari, at least in their latest versions.

Flippy – MORE INFO


Flippy is a cross-browser flip effect plugin for jQuery which allows you to flip whatever html element you want.

imBookFlip – MORE INFO


The imBookFlip plugin can load a book in an iframe or directly on the page. The book’s pages can be set to turn when manually clicked only, begin auto flip (turn automatically) as soon as the html page loads, or begin auto flip when first page (front cover is clicked). Adding audio is easy because Sound Manager can be used with the plugin.



Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions.

FlipPage – MORE INFO


FlipPage is a jQuery plugin that creates the illusion of turning the pages of a book.
Originally developed for presentation on a touch pad, it can also find its place in an application such as e-book. This plugin was developed to use HTML5/CSS3 graphic hardware power and thus create a smoother animation.

Portfolio Flipping Slider Using jQuery & CSS3 – MORE INFO


The slider will change our portfolio images when it’s flipping, this flipping effect is triggered by user click on the pagination. So when user click a page each of our portfolio images will flipping 360 degree and when its animation near end the image will changed with new image.



Turn.js is a JavaScript library that will make your content look like a real book or magazine using all the advantages of HTML5. The web is getting beautiful with new user interfaces based in HTML5; turn.js is the best fit for a magazine, book or catalog based in HTML5.

Flip Page – MORE INFO


This plugin maintains the page flip effect over and inside the images that are displayed, which results to 2D like experience.

Notebook Page Flip Animation – MORE INFO

notebook jquery flipbook plugins

Everyday jQuery is getting more and more popular because of it’s usefulness, flexibility and speed. This notebook animation style like “flash page layout” page flip animation is an excellent example of these competencies.

Book Block – MORE INFO

bookblock jquery flipbook plugins

BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a “page flip” navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text. The plugin transforms the structure only when needed (i.e. when flipping a page) and uses some overlays as shadow for the pages to create more realism.

FlipBook – MORE INFO


FlipBook will take a sequential time series of images and animate them. Each image is shown for a short period of time and then replaced by the next image in the series. The animation begins as soon as the first image is loaded; images that have not yet been downloaded from the server are skipped. They are included in the animation sequence after they have been loaded by the browser.

Card Flip JS Plugin – MORE INFO

card flip jquery flipbook plugins

Highly customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to flip two images easily. This flip DOES NOT support text though! You must create the graphics you wish to use.


metro js

Metro JS is a JavaScript plugin for jQuery developed to easily enable Metro interfaces on the web. This release focuses on Live Tiles, the Application Bar and Theming. It’s early in the development phase, but all features should work on at least IE7+(Win/WinPhone), Firefox, Chrome, Android, Opera, and Safari(OSX/iOS).

- See more at: http://www.goodfav.com/zh/20-powerful-jquery-flipbook-plugins-2575.html#sthash.8soQGYOT.dpuf


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