
create sequence seq_map_param_id ;


create table map_param(id number primary key , tname varchar2(30)) ;


insert into map_param values (seq_map_param_id.nextval , 'EMP')   ;

insert into map_param values (seq_map_param_id.nextval , 'DEPT') ;


PROCEDURE output_map (p_in_tname VARCHAR2,p_in_idx_col_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '') IS

tb_count number ;

l_col_type user_tab_cols.DATA_TYPE%type;

main_sql   varchar2(32767);




select count(*) into tb_count from user_tables where table_name=p_in_tname ;

if tb_count = 0 then

raise_application_error(-20999,'Table not found') ;

end if ;

--列是否存在,map key column类型是否正确


select data_type into l_col_type

from user_tab_cols col

where col.TABLE_NAME=p_in_tname

and col.COLUMN_NAME=p_in_idx_col_name ;

if l_col_type not in ('VARCHAR2') then

raise_application_error(-20999,'idx column only varchar2');

end if ;


when no_data_found then

raise_application_error(-20999,'Column not found in table '||p_in_tname) ;

end ;

--example:declare cursor cur is select * from EMP ; begin for rec in cur loop utl_var_2.EMP_list(rec.ENAME) := rec ; end loop ; end;

main_sql    := 'declare ' ||

'cursor cur is select * from '||p_in_tname||' ; ' ||

'begin ' ||

'for rec in cur loop ' ||

'utl_var_2.'||p_in_tname||'_list(rec.'||p_in_idx_col_name||') := rec ; '||

'end loop ; '||

'end;' ;

execute immediate main_sql ;

--dbms_output.put_line(main_sql) ;


PROCEDURE var_init  is

pkg_dec_sql varchar2(32767) ;

CURSOR param_cur is select * from map_param ;


pkg_dec_sql := 'create or replace package utl_var_2 is ' ;

for rec in param_cur loop

pkg_dec_sql := pkg_dec_sql || 'type t_'||rec.tname||' is table of '||rec.tname||'%rowtype index by varchar2(4000)  ; '||

rec.tname||'_list t_'||rec.tname||' ; ' ;

end loop ;


example :

create or replace package utl_var_2 is

type t_EMP is table of EMP%rowtype index by varchar2(4000);

EMP_list t_EMP;

type t_DEPT is table of DEPT%rowtype index by varchar2(4000);

DEPT_list t_DEPT;



pkg_dec_sql := pkg_dec_sql || ' end ; ';

execute immediate pkg_dec_sql ;

end var_init ;

END utl_map_2 ;

SQL> begin

2  utl_map_2.output_map(p_in_tname => 'DEPT', p_in_idx_col_name => 'LOC');

3  dbms_output.put_line('deptno : '||utl_var_2.dept_list('NEW YORK').deptno ||' loc : ' ||utl_var_2.dept_list('NEW YORK').loc ) ;

4  end ;

5  /

deptno : 10 loc : NEW YORK

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> begin

2  utl_map_2.output_map(p_in_tname => 'EMP', p_in_idx_col_name => 'ENAME');

3  dbms_output.put_line('ename : '||utl_var_2.emp_list('SMITH').ename ||' job : ' ||utl_var_2.emp_list('SMITH').job ) ;

4  end ;

5  /

ename : SMITH job : CLERK

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

不过每次配置后的时候需要手动重新执行以下初始化程序 utl_map_2.var_init

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