



He is a 25-year-old cantonese

Education: junior college

Length of work: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working place: guangzhou - tianhe-unlimited

Objective: web design/production technical support/maintenance | | | | test engineer network administrators voice/video/graphic design

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Highly effective composed inside collect Sunshine is bright Connections to the vast Be good at innovation With entrepreneurial experience

Work experience

(working two months, two jobs)

Guangzhou dessai management co., LTD

Working hours: March 2015 to September 2015 [6 months]

Job title: legal adviser

Work content: coordinate involved in enterprise project decision-making, risk assessment and planning, help enterprises to establish a complete industrial system, reduce the labor risk, enterprise common to draft the contract review, control and later the tracking execution of the contract. Assist the enterprise to establish the management system of the receivables, reduce the debt dispute, the intellectual property of the enterprise, the trademark, the rights of the patent rights and so on

Guangzhou yufeng real estate consulting co., LTD

Working hours: June 2014 to February 2015 [8 months]

Job title: realtor

Working content: home transaction, financing mortgage, property management and so on provide the relevant consultation service for the home transaction

Education experience

In June 2015, he graduated from the department of computer application of the modern information engineering college of guangzhou


I have a sunny disposition, active initiative, good learning ability, language expression ability and teamwork ability. In the work can endure hardship, the responsibility is strong, pay attention to the team spirit, like to operate. Have experience in sales and insurance industry, have the courage to challenge the new things, have strong ability of compressive, hope to continue to pursue like trade, and is willing to start from the grassroots, learn, down-to-earth, step by step to do everything!



The 22-year-old guangdong man

Education: secondary school/technical school

Length of work: fresh graduates

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - unlimited

Objective: network administrator |'s other computer job, |, runs |

Strong ability to learn and strong sense of responsibility. Strong sense of responsibility

Education experience

Now the computer network application technology of the huaxia mechanic school in guangdong province

He graduated from qingyuan city in June 2014


I am eager to learn, be responsible for the work conscientiously, have the team cooperation consciousness, can actively cooperate with the superior arrangement




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