


  • GameController(游戏全局配置)
  • TokenController(金币统一控制)
  • MetaGameController(打开关闭菜单,暂停开始游戏)
  • MainUIController(菜单界面)
  • PlayerController(玩家控制)


单例模式实现全局访问,属性 model : PlatformerModel 存储全局组件和参数配置。

namespace Platformer.Mechanics
{/// <summary>/// This class exposes the the game model in the inspector, and ticks the/// simulation./// </summary> public class GameController : MonoBehaviour{public static GameController Instance { get; private set; }//This model field is public and can be therefore be modified in the //inspector.//The reference actually comes from the InstanceRegister, and is shared//through the simulation and events. Unity will deserialize over this//shared reference when the scene loads, allowing the model to be//conveniently configured inside the inspector.public PlatformerModel model = Simulation.GetModel<PlatformerModel>();void OnEnable(){Instance = this;}void OnDisable(){if (Instance == this) Instance = null;}void Update(){if (Instance == this) Simulation.Tick();}}



// 添加组件菜单项
[ContextMenu("Find All Tokens")]
void FindAllTokensInScene()
{tokens = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<TokenInstance>();


 void Update(){//if it's time for the next frame...if (Time.time - nextFrameTime > (1f / frameRate)){//update all tokens with the next animation frame.for (var i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++){var token = tokens[i];//if token is null, it has been disabled and is no longer animated.if (token != null){token._renderer.sprite = token.sprites[token.frame];if (token.collected && token.frame == token.sprites.Length - 1){token.gameObject.SetActive(false);tokens[i] = null;}else{token.frame = (token.frame + 1) % token.sprites.Length;}}}//calculate the time of the next frame.nextFrameTime += 1f / frameRate;}}


 void Update(){if (Input.GetButtonDown("Menu")){ToggleMainMenu(show: !showMainCanvas);}}
// 控制菜单界面打开关闭

*Time.timeScale = 0 实现游戏暂停,Time.timeScale 影响 FixedUpdate 和其他 Time 中的相关值。



实现方法是通过 ParallaxLayer.cs脚本控制,核心代码如下:

void LateUpdate()
{// 通过设置一个移动缩放比例,使背景移动距离是相机的一定比例// 远景山等比例为0.5,近景建筑比例为0.25,远景比近景移动要快,模拟透视transform.position = Vector3.Scale(_camera.position, movementScale);


相机使用的是 Cinemachine




地图绘制使用 Tilemap(核心组件:Tilemap,Tilemap Renderer,Tilemap Collider 2D)
另外可以结合 Composite Collider 2D





namespace Platformer.Mechanics
{/// <summary>/// DeathZone components mark a collider which will schedule a/// PlayerEnteredDeathZone event when the player enters the trigger./// </summary>public class DeathZone : MonoBehaviour{void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider){var p = collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerController>();if (p != null){var ev = Schedule<PlayerEnteredDeathZone>();ev.deathzone = this;}}}/// <summary>/// Marks a trigger as a VictoryZone, usually used to end the current game level./// </summary>public class VictoryZone : MonoBehaviour{void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider){var p = collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerController>();if (p != null){var ev = Schedule<PlayerEnteredVictoryZone>();ev.victoryZone = this;}}}


怪物的移动是通过组件 PatrolPath 绘制移动路径

            /// <summary>/// Get the position of the mover for the current frame./// </summary>/// <value></value>public Vector2 Position{get{p = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, duration, Mathf.PingPong(Time.time - startTime, duration));return path.transform.TransformPoint(Vector2.Lerp(path.startPosition, path.endPosition, p));}}


角色的移动,跳跃碰撞都是通过 KinematicObject 实现对物理属性的实现。
主要在 PerformMovement 中实现物理计算。

protected virtual void FixedUpdate(){//if already falling, fall faster than the jump speed, otherwise use normal gravity.if (velocity.y < 0)velocity += gravityModifier * Physics2D.gravity * Time.deltaTime;elsevelocity += Physics2D.gravity * Time.deltaTime;velocity.x = targetVelocity.x;IsGrounded = false;var deltaPosition = velocity * Time.deltaTime;// 取地面法线的垂直向量,即沿着地面移动的方向var moveAlongGround = new Vector2(groundNormal.y, -groundNormal.x);var move = moveAlongGround * deltaPosition.x;PerformMovement(move, false);move = Vector2.up * deltaPosition.y;PerformMovement(move, true);}void PerformMovement(Vector2 move, bool yMovement){var distance = move.magnitude;if (distance > minMoveDistance){//check if we hit anything in current direction of travelvar count = body.Cast(move, contactFilter, hitBuffer, distance + shellRadius);for (var i = 0; i < count; i++){var currentNormal = hitBuffer[i].normal;//is this surface flat enough to land on?// 判断法线向量的 y 是否能够站立,可以据此实现攀墙等功能if (currentNormal.y > minGroundNormalY){IsGrounded = true;// if moving up, change the groundNormal to new surface normal.if (yMovement){groundNormal = currentNormal;currentNormal.x = 0;}}if (IsGrounded){//how much of our velocity aligns with surface normal?// 根据点乘判断移动方向和地面方向,实现爬坡阻力var projection = Vector2.Dot(velocity, currentNormal);if (projection < 0){//slower velocity if moving against the normal (up a hill).velocity = velocity - projection * currentNormal;}}else{//We are airborne, but hit something, so cancel vertical up and horizontal velocity.// 在空中碰到物体velocity.x *= 0;velocity.y = Mathf.Min(velocity.y, 0);}//remove shellDistance from actual move distance.// 修正移动距离var modifiedDistance = hitBuffer[i].distance - shellRadius;distance = modifiedDistance < distance ? modifiedDistance : distance;}}body.position = body.position + move.normalized * distance;}


小游戏的大部分流程是在 Gameplay 包下模拟的,包括响应事件,对动画状态机的控制。

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