
  • 1. 下载
  • 2.cmd编译
  • 3.VS本机工具命令
  • 4. VS本机工具命令编译
  • 5. 躺坑说明
  • 6. 测试函数:
  • 7. 封装shapelib,创建shapeFileHelper类:
  • 8. 参考文章

1. 下载




nmake -f makefile.vc





4. VS本机工具命令编译

双击打开,然后切换到shapelib1.5目录,运行nmake -f makefile.vc,编译成功,如图所示:



5. 躺坑说明



6. 测试函数:

#include <iostream>
#include <shapefil.h>int main()
{const char* filename = "D:\\PCL\\testpcl\\格网.shp";SHPHandle hShp = SHPOpen(filename,"r");int nShapeType, nVertices;int nEntities = 0;double* minB = new double[4];double* maxB = new double[4];SHPGetInfo(hShp, &nEntities, &nShapeType, minB, maxB);printf("ShapeType:%d\n", nShapeType);printf("Entities:%d\n", nEntities);SHPClose(hShp);system("Pause");

7. 封装shapelib,创建shapeFileHelper类:

  • 正确使用方法: 参考Shapefile C Library,网站上对库的使用写得非常良心,调用方法,函数参数含义,说的明明白白,配合库的头文件shapefil.h一起使用,就能清楚地明白。

  • 头文件 shapeFileHelper.h

#define __SHAPEFILE_HELPER__#pragma once#include<vector>
#include "point_type_qcj.h"
#include "shapefil.h"using namespace std;class shapeFileHelper
{public:shapeFileHelper();~shapeFileHelper();//pszAccess: "rb" (read-only binary) and "rb+" (read/write binary)     should be used.bool openShapeFile(const char* filename, const char* pszAccess = "r");//nShapeType:     SHPT_NULL       0 //2D Shape Types://               SHPT_POINT      1 , SHPT_ARC        3 , SHPT_POLYGON    5 //                SHPT_MULTIPOINT 8 , //3D Shape Types://                 SHPT_POINTZ     11, SHPT_ARCZ       13, SHPT_POLYGONZ   15, SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ 18 //2D + Measure Types://                SHPT_POINTM     21 , SHPT_ARCM       23 , SHPT_POLYGONM   25 , SHPT_MULTIPOINTM 28 //Complex (TIN-like) with Z, and Measure://                  SHPT_MULTIPATCH 31bool createShapeFile(std::string folderPath,std::string shp_fn, int nShapeType = SHPT_POINTZ);bool write3DPts(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY,const double * padfZ);bool write2DPts(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY);bool write3DLines(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ);bool write2DLines(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY);vector<Point3D> getAllVertices();int getEntitiesCount() { return m_nEntities;};int getShapeTypeCount() { return m_nShapeType; };double calculateLineLength(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ);double calculateLineLength(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY);void close();protected:SHPHandle hReadShp;SHPHandle hWriteShp;DBFHandle hWriteDbf;private:int m_nEntities{ 0 };int m_nShapeType{ 0 };
  • cpp文件
#include "shapeFileHelper.h"shapeFileHelper::shapeFileHelper()
{hReadShp = NULL;
}void shapeFileHelper::close()
{if (hReadShp){SHPClose(hReadShp);hReadShp = NULL;}if (hWriteDbf){DBFClose(hWriteDbf);hWriteDbf = NULL;}if (hWriteShp){SHPClose(hWriteShp);hWriteShp = NULL;}
}bool shapeFileHelper::openShapeFile(const char* filename, const char* pszAccess)
{hReadShp = SHPOpen(filename, pszAccess);if (hReadShp){double* minB = new double[4];double* maxB = new double[4];SHPGetInfo(hReadShp, &m_nEntities, &m_nShapeType, minB, maxB);return true;}else return false;
}vector<Point3D> shapeFileHelper::getAllVertices()
{vector<Point3D> points;if (m_nEntities > 0){for (int i = 0; i < m_nEntities; ++i){int iShape = i;//The entity number of the shape to read.  Entity numbers are between 0 and nEntities - 1 (as returned by SHPGetInfo()).SHPObject *obj = SHPReadObject(hReadShp, iShape);int verts = obj->nVertices;for (size_t j = 0; j < verts; ++j){double x = obj->padfX[j];double y = obj->padfY[j];double z = obj->padfZ[j];Point3D pt = { x,y,z };points.push_back(pt);}}}return points;
}bool shapeFileHelper::createShapeFile(std::string folderPath, std::string shp_fn,  int nShapeType /* = SHPT_POINTZ */)
{hWriteShp = SHPCreate(std::string(folderPath + "/" + shp_fn + ".shp").c_str(), nShapeType);hWriteDbf = DBFCreate(std::string(folderPath + "/" + shp_fn + ".dbf").c_str());// 创建dbf文件表DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "ID", FTInteger, 10, 0);DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Name", FTString, 10, 0);if (nShapeType == SHPT_POINT)                        //2D point{DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "X", FTDouble, 32, 3);DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Y", FTDouble, 32, 3);}else if (nShapeType == SHPT_POINTZ)                 //3D point{DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "X", FTDouble, 32, 3);DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Y", FTDouble, 32, 3);DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Z", FTDouble, 32, 3);}else if (nShapeType == SHPT_ARCZ  || nShapeType == SHPT_ARC)   //line{DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Length", FTDouble, 32, 3);}DBFAddField(hWriteDbf, "Marks", FTString, 10, 0);return  true;
}bool shapeFileHelper::write3DPts( int iVertices, const double* padfX, const double* padfY, const double* padfZ)
{if (hWriteDbf == NULL || hWriteShp == NULL){return false;}for (int i =0; i < iVertices; ++i){//-1 is unknown/unassigned. The entity number of the shape to write.A value of -1 should be used for new shapes.SHPObject* shpObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_POINTZ, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, &padfX[i], &padfY[i], &padfZ[i], NULL);//shpObject = SHPCreateSimpleObject(SHPT_POINTZ, 1, &padfX[i], &padfY[i], &padfZ[i]);SHPWriteObject(hWriteShp, -1, shpObject);SHPDestroyObject(shpObject);// dbf的记录数int record_idx = DBFGetRecordCount(hWriteDbf);// 字段索引int field_idx = 0;DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, record_idx + 1);DBFWriteStringAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, "point3D");DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, padfX[i]);DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, padfY[i]);DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, padfZ[i]);if (-9999.0 == padfZ[i]){DBFWriteStringAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, "未找到满足条件的高程点");}}
}bool shapeFileHelper::write2DPts(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY)
{if (hWriteDbf == NULL || hWriteShp == NULL){return false;}//2d point SHPT_POINTfor (int i = 0; i < iVertices; ++i){//The entity number of the shape to write.A value of -1 should be used for new shapes.SHPObject* shpObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_POINT, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, &padfX[i], &padfY[i], NULL, NULL);//shpObject = SHPCreateSimpleObject(SHPT_POINT, 1, &padfX[i], &padfY[i], NULL);SHPWriteObject(hWriteShp, -1, shpObject);SHPDestroyObject(shpObject);// dbf的记录数int record_idx = DBFGetRecordCount(hWriteDbf);// 字段索引int field_idx = 0;DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, record_idx + 1);DBFWriteStringAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, "point2D");DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, padfX[i]);DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, padfY[i]);}
}bool shapeFileHelper::write3DLines(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ)
{if (hWriteDbf == NULL || hWriteShp == NULL){return false;}SHPObject* shpObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_ARCZ, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, iVertices, padfX, padfY, padfZ, NULL);SHPWriteObject(hWriteShp, -1, shpObject);SHPDestroyObject(shpObject);// dbf的记录数int record_idx = DBFGetRecordCount(hWriteDbf);// 字段索引int field_idx = 0;double len = calculateLineLength(iVertices, padfX, padfY, padfZ);DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, record_idx + 1);DBFWriteStringAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, "polyline3D");DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, len);
}bool shapeFileHelper::write2DLines(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY)
{if (hWriteDbf == NULL || hWriteShp == NULL){return false;}SHPObject* shpObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_ARC, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, iVertices, padfX, padfY, NULL, NULL);SHPWriteObject(hWriteShp, -1, shpObject);SHPDestroyObject(shpObject);// dbf的记录数int record_idx = DBFGetRecordCount(hWriteDbf);// 字段索引int field_idx = 0;double len = calculateLineLength(iVertices, padfX, padfY);DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, record_idx + 1);DBFWriteStringAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, "polyline2D");DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hWriteDbf, record_idx, field_idx++, len);
}double shapeFileHelper::calculateLineLength(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ)
{double len = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < iVertices; ++i){len += sqrt(pow(padfX[i], 2) + pow(padfX[i], 2) + pow(padfX[i], 2));}return len;
}double shapeFileHelper::calculateLineLength(int iVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY)
{double len = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < iVertices; ++i){len += sqrt(pow(padfX[i], 2) + pow(padfX[i], 2) );}return len;

8. 参考文章

  • 利用ShapeLib读写ShapeFile文件
  • nmake && shapelib 编译

shapelib库 VS2017X64编译并调用相关推荐

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