Max retries exceeded with url

  • 寻找可用的ip


import time
from lxml import html  # 把lxml是解析xml语言的库
etree = html.etree
import requestsproxy = []        #空的数组,用来存放IP
def askurl(url):head = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}  #设置请求头r = requests.get(url, time.sleep(1),headers=head)#requests模块,返回json格式数据html = etree.HTML(r.text)  #使用etree将字符串转换成element对象ips = html.xpath("//td[@data-title='IP']//text()")  #使用xpath语句获取到当前页面中的ipports = html.xpath("//td[@data-title='PORT']//text()")#同理获取到portfor ip, port in zip(ips, ports):   #对两个数组进行遍历line = ip+':'+port             #line为IP+端口号proxy_temp = {"http":'http://'+line}  #前面部分声明使用的协议,后面用于拼接proxy.append(proxy_temp)  #将拼接好的IP放到数组里urla =   # 目标网址for pro in proxy:  # 遍历代理池try:res = requests.get(urla, headers=head, proxies=pro)# print(res.text)print(res)print(pro)except Exception as e:  # 这里需要注意的是在python3.7往后必须使用 as e,不然会报错,之前版本使用的是 except Exception, e:print(pro)print(e)continueif __name__ == '__main__':askurl('' )


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