

  • 游戏规则
  • 主要实现方法
  • 游戏流程展示
    • 1. 开始游戏页面
    • 2. 加载中页面
    • 3. 选择地图页面
    • 4. 自定义昵称页面
    • 5. 运行页面
    • 死亡页面
  • 发展方向
  • (前面都不感兴趣,快进到)原码
    • 最后

首先灰常开森在2020年下半年这学期收获了很多知识,自己的意志也得到了锻炼,尤其是在verilog学习中 摸爬滚打 爬爬爬爬的无数个日日夜夜最令我难忘。
Java课大作业消息出来的时候我脑子一片空白,连Hello World都不会输出,让用Java写个小游戏,七八个星期以来老师上课给我们讲的内容我一点也没印象,莫名有种给你一盒擦炮去炸碉堡的感觉哦。






public class Ball {private double x;          //绘制横坐标private double y;            //绘制纵坐标private double d;            //直径private double real_x;      //中心横坐标private double real_y;       //中心纵坐标private double speed;        //速度private double degree;      //角度private double m;           //质量private String name;        //昵称private boolean alive;      //存活private Color owncolor;     //颜色private BufferedImage flag; //国家国旗public Ball(double x, double y, double d) {this.setX(x);this.setY(y);this.setD(d);this.setOwncolor(randomcolor());this.real_x = x + d / 2;this.real_y = y + d / 2;this.alive = true;}public Ball(double x, double y, double speed, double degree, double m) {this.setX(x);this.setY(y);this.speed = speed;this.degree = degree;this.m = m;FreshD();this.alive = true;}public Ball(double x, double y, double speed, double degree, double m, String name) {super();this.x = x;this.y = y;this.speed = speed;this.degree = degree;this.m = m;this.name = name;this.setOwncolor(randomcolor());FreshD();this.alive = true;}public BufferedImage getFlag() {return flag;}public void setFlag(BufferedImage flag) {this.flag = flag;}public boolean isAlive() {return alive;}public void setAlive(boolean alive) {this.alive = alive;}public double getSpeed() {return speed;}public void setSpeed(double speed) {this.speed = speed;}public double getDegree() {return degree;}public void setDegree(double degree) {this.degree = degree;}public double getM() {return m;}public void setM(double m) {this.m = m;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public double getX() {return x;}public void setX(double x) {this.x = x;}public double getY() {return y;}public void setY(double y) {this.y = y;}public double getD() {return d;}public void setD(double d) {this.d = d;}public double getReal_x() {return real_x;}public void setReal_x(double real_x) {this.real_x = real_x;}public double getReal_y() {return real_y;}public void setReal_y(double real_y) {this.real_y = real_y;}public Color getOwncolor() {return owncolor;}public void setOwncolor(Color owncolor) {this.owncolor = owncolor;}public void draw(Graphics g) {Color c = g.getColor();g.setColor(Color.cyan);g.fillOval((int) x, (int) y, (int) d, (int) d);g.setColor(c);}public void draw(Graphics g, int windowx, int windowy) { //绘制自身Color c = g.getColor();g.setColor(Color.cyan);g.fillOval((int) (x - windowx), (int) (y - windowy), (int) d, (int) d);g.setColor(c);}public void move() {                 //移动小球if (x > ballfight.Width || x < 0)degree = Math.PI - degree;if (y > ballfight.Height || y < 0)degree = -degree;while (degree < 0)degree += 2 * Math.PI;while (degree > 2 * Math.PI)degree -= 2 * Math.PI;if (speed > 0) {x += speed * Math.cos(degree);y += speed * Math.sin(degree);}}public void eat(Ball b) {             //吃掉别的Ball类m += b.m;FreshD();}public void FreshD() {                  //刷新小球中心位置d = 30 + Math.sqrt(m) * 4;real_x = x + d / 2;real_y = y + d / 2;}public Color randomcolor() {           Random rand = new Random();float r = rand.nextFloat();float s = rand.nextFloat();float t = rand.nextFloat();return (new Color(r, s, t));}


public void move(double mx, double my) {       //移动的边界处理和普通Ball不同double dis = Math.sqrt((mx - screenx) * (mx - screenx) + (my - screeny) * (my - screeny));double Degree;Degree = Math.acos((mx - screenx) / dis);if (my - screeny < 0) {Degree = -Degree;}setDegree(Degree);if (dis > 2) {if (getSpeed() > 0) {if ((getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()) < 0|| getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()) > ballfight.Width)&& (getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()) < 0|| getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()) > ballfight.Height)) {} else if (getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()) < 0|| getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()) > ballfight.Width) {setY(getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()));FreshD();} else if (getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()) < 0|| getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()) > ballfight.Height) {setX(getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()));FreshD();} else {setX(getX() + getSpeed() * Math.cos(getDegree()));setY(getY() + getSpeed() * Math.sin(getDegree()));FreshD();}}}}public double getsize(double weight) {return 10 + Math.sqrt(weight) * 4;}public void spore(double speed) {        //吐出孢子System.out.println(getM());if (resttime < ballfight.timeperspore / ballfight.breaktime)resttime++;else {resttime = 0;if (getM() > 2 * ballfight.sporeweight) {double rx, ry;Spore s = new Spore(getReal_x() + getD() * 0.5 * Math.cos(getDegree()) - 0.5 * getsize(ballfight.sporeweight),getReal_y() + getD() * 0.5 * Math.sin(getDegree()) - 0.5 * getsize(ballfight.sporeweight),speed, this.getDegree(), ballfight.sporeweight);s.FreshD();spores.add(s);rx = getReal_x();ry = getReal_y();double weight = getM();weight -= s.getM();setM(weight);FreshD();setX(rx - getD() * 0.5);setY(ry - getD() * 0.5);FreshD();}}}public void my_spore_move() {      //所有已吐出孢子运动for (int i = 0; i < spores.size(); i++) {Spore s = spores.get(i);if (s.isAlive()) {s.move();s.FreshD();}}}


public class ballfight extends JPanel
public ballfight(String name) {LoadImgs();setBackground(Color.black);InitialImages();frame = new JFrame(name);frame.setVisible(true);frame.setResizable(false);frame.add(this);frame.setBackground(Color.black);frame.setBounds(this.X, this.Y, ballfight.windowWidth, ballfight.windowHeight);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);


keylistener= new KeyListener() {/**************/@Overridepublic void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub/*********/}@Overridepublic void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub/*********/}@Overridepublic void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub/*********/}};


game.mouse_adapter = new MouseAdapter() {@Overridepublic void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub/*********/}};game.addMouseListener(mouse_adapter);game.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() {@Overridepublic void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubmx = e.getX();my = e.getY();}@Overridepublic void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}});


public class ParticleMaker implements Runnable {@Overridepublic void run() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubwhile (player.isAlive()) {synchronized (this) {for (int i = 0; i < particlepertime; i++) {MakeParticle();}}try {Thread.sleep(particletime);} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle exceptione.printStackTrace();}}}}


public class ranking {Ball[] M = new Ball[10000];Color Gold = new Color(255, 215, 0);Color Silver = new Color(192, 192, 192);Color Copper = new Color(244, 164, 96);Color MediumOrchid = new Color(186, 85, 211);Color Lavender = new Color(230, 230, 250);Color CornflowerBlue = new Color(100, 149, 237);public Ball[] getM() {return M;}public void setM(Ball[] m) {M = m;}public ranking() {int j = 0;for (int i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++) {Enemy e = enemy.get(i);if (e != null && e.isAlive()) {M[j] = e;j++;}}M[j] = player;for (int i = 0; i < ranknum; i++) {int x = i;for (int ii = i + 1; ii <= j; ii++) {if (M[ii].getM() > M[x].getM()) {x = ii;}}Ball y = M[i];M[i] = M[x];M[x] = y;}}public void UpdateRankingList() {int j = 0;for (int i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++) {Enemy e = enemy.get(i);if (e != null && e.isAlive()) {M[j] = e;j++;}}M[j] = player;for (int i = 0; i < ranknum; i++) {int x = i;for (int ii = i + 1; ii <= j; ii++) {if (M[ii].getM() > M[x].getM()) {x = ii;}}Ball y = M[i];M[i] = M[x];M[x] = y;}}public void DrawRankingList(Graphics g) {UpdateRankingList();g.setColor(MediumOrchid);g.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 21));g.drawString("---Ranking---", windowWidth - 200, 20);g.setFont(new Font("楷体", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 18));g.drawString("排名", windowWidth - 200, 45);g.drawString("昵称", windowWidth - 140, 45);g.drawString("地区", windowWidth - 90, 45);g.setColor(Gold);g.setFont(new Font("黑体", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 20));g.drawString(1 + ": ", windowWidth - 200, 70 + fontlineheight * 0);g.setColor(Color.white);g.drawString(M[0].getName(), windowWidth - 160, 70 + fontlineheight * 0);g.drawImage(M[0].getFlag(), windowWidth - 85, 55 + fontlineheight * 0, 27, 18, null);g.setColor(Silver);g.setFont(new Font("黑体", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 20));g.drawString(2 + ": ", windowWidth - 200, 70 + fontlineheight * 1);g.setColor(Color.white);g.drawString(M[1].getName(), windowWidth - 160, 70 + fontlineheight * 1);g.drawImage(M[1].getFlag(), windowWidth - 85, 55 + fontlineheight * 1, 27, 18, null);g.setColor(Copper);g.setFont(new Font("黑体", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 20));g.drawString(3 + ": ", windowWidth - 200, 70 + fontlineheight * 2);g.setColor(Color.white);g.drawString(M[2].getName(), windowWidth - 160, 70 + fontlineheight * 2);g.drawImage(M[2].getFlag(), windowWidth - 85, 55 + fontlineheight * 2, 27, 18, null);for (int i = 3; i < ranknum; i++) {g.setColor(CornflowerBlue);g.setFont(new Font("黑体", Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, 20));g.drawString(i + 1 + ": ", windowWidth - 200, 70 + fontlineheight * i);g.setColor(Color.white);g.drawString(M[i].getName(), windowWidth - 160, 70 + fontlineheight * i);g.drawImage(M[i].getFlag(), windowWidth - 85, 55 + fontlineheight * i, 27, 18, null);}}}


1. 开始游戏页面

2. 加载中页面

3. 选择地图页面

4. 自定义昵称页面

5. 运行页面







我是第一次用Java写游戏,所以如果有错误和愚蠢的地方请大家指出,也请同样小白的同学对我的代码不要依赖可能有错555 ,欢迎大家在评论区交流学习!\\^ _ ^//!


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