


  • 写入动作


  • 删除动作




#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <string>using namespace eosio;using std::string;class record : public eosio::contract {
public:/// @abi table notes i64struct note {uint64_t        id;account_name    author;string          text;auto primary_key() const { return id; }};typedef multi_index<N(notes), note> notes;using contract::contract;/// @abi actionvoid write(account_name author, string text) {require_auth(author);print("Hello, ", name{author});notes nt( _self, _self );uint64_t noteId;nt.emplace(author, [&](auto &n) {n.id = nt.available_primary_key();// 主键自增n.author = author;n.text = text;noteId = n.id;});print("----noteId = ", noteId);}void remove(uint64_t id) {notes nt( _self, _self );auto it = nt.find( id );eosio_assert( it != nt.end(), "the id not found" );require_auth(it->author);nt.erase( it );}};EOSIO_ABI(record, (write)(remove))


  • 在表中增加记录:emplace
  • 删除一条数据:erase
  • 查询记录:find
  • 主键自增:available_primary_key



  • 调用write动作
$ cleos push action note write '{"author":"user","text":"This is my first diary"}' -p user
executed transaction: ab59fc4e04342690af46d5bf4dd48c8418d4655e8bcaea81ca3fdc0c99b6fed7  216 bytes  511 us
#          note <= note::write                  {"author":"user","text":"This is my first diary"}
>> Hello, user----noteId = 0
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet


  • cleos get table 查询表
$ cleos get table note note notes
{"rows": [{"id": 0,"author": "user","text": "This is my first diary"},{"id": 1,"author": "student","text": "my name is student!"},{"id": 2,"author": "miaomiao","text": "my name is miaomiao"}],"more": false
  • 调用remove动作



$ cleos push action note remove '{"id":2}' -p user
Error 3090004: missing required authority
Ensure that you have the related authority inside your transaction!;
If you are currently using 'cleos push action' command, try to add the relevant authority using -p option.
Error Details:
missing authority of miaomiao


$ cleos push action note remove '{"id":2}' -p miaomiao
executed transaction: 51eb63f0fdb7d5d01676e898a0f9bc144ee1feda344780042782f359541a578d  192 bytes  442 us
#          note <= note::remove                 {"id":2}$ cleos get table note note notes
{"rows": [{"id": 0,"author": "user","text": "This is my first diary"},{"id": 1,"author": "student","text": "my name is student!"}],"more": false




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