其中 ship_id为 结构体package中的string类型。

typedef struct Package
    string ship_id;


no match for call to ‘(std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string




Because that's not an initialization. That's an assignment. Both assignment an (copy-)initialization make use of the = sign, but don't let that fool you: the two things are fundamentally different.

因为这不是初始化, 这是赋值。赋值和初始化一起时可以使用"="符号。

Initialization is what gives a value to an object upon construction.


When your setName() member function gets called, the object on which it is invoked (as well as its data members) have already been constructed.

If you want to initialize them there, you're late: you've missed the train.


In a constructor's initialization list, on the other hand, you could initialize your data members as follows:

Course::Course(std::string name) : courseName(std::move(name)) { }
//                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                                 This would be initialization


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