SAP WM LP10 创建TO单据的时候,系统根据目的地Storage Type 100下的库存自动扣减TO里的数量

LP10将TR转成TO单据的时候,我们常常发现,生成的TO单据里的数量并不是等于TR里的数量,而是系统自动根据目的地storage type 100下的库存数量自动扣减之后的数量作为生成的TO的数量。原因何在?



勾选100 Storage Type 下的Deactivate qty reduction 选项即可避免此种情况的出现。


Switch off quantity reduction for TOs for PP mat. staging

Indicator that switches quantity reduction off when the system generates transfer orders.


When the system generates transfer orders for a transfer requirement for PP/PP-PI production orders with individual materials that are assigned to a control cycle as pick parts with fixed storage bins, quantity reduction routinely takes place in the system.

The system checks the destination storage bin in production for unrestricted-use stock to prevent unnecessary transfers out of the warehouse from taking place. The check for unrestricted-use stock in the production bin affects system performance significantly and is carried out even though an unrestricted-use quantity cannot be determined (because only partial quantities are staged).

If this indicator is set, quantity reduction is stopped when the system generates transfer orders, thus preventing system performance from being slowed.

2016-09-08 写于武汉市经开区.

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